*Dragon Slayers x Reader*

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A/N, this was requested by @SkyBlitzFlare so please enjoy~
Strap yourselves in for a long one as with six characters to cover in one chapter, I had a lot to write.
Also get ready for a lot of kissing, as ya girl loves herself a traditional seven minutes in heaven, so this might not be the best chapter for those that haven't sinned as much as I have.

•Night Of The Dragons•

Y/N's POV:

After the near disaster and utter chaos of the Eclipse event, it was decided by the Magic Council to send all dragon slayers to a secret and secluded facility to train given that none of you were even nearly successful, as using dragon slayer magic was only half of the equation for bringing down something as powerful as a dragon. The council included all generations of dragon slayers and unfortunately none of you had a choice, so on the day of departure you, Laxus, Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy all said goodbye to your guild mates for the next six months and boarded the train, with all of you but the sky dragon slayer leaning out of the window for most of it.

Upon arrival, you found your new home to be a large house surrounded with large grounds, that looked like an old manor which eventually fell into the hands of the council. It was big enough to easily accommodate everybody and had been kitted out with expansive training grounds, which included facilities for everyone's elements, such as a seemingly bottomless pool for yourself, and a giant scrap metal heap for Gajeel. You may have been carted off into the middle of nowhere and temporarily cut from society, but at least you'd be living comfortably.

The Fairy Tail dragon slayers were the first to arrive, so all five of you got about half an hour to recover and find your individual rooms, then were surprised to see that Cobra had appeared, looking like he'd rather be literally anywhere else. Apparently the magic council were 'overlooking' his crimes for now, for the 'sake of Fiore'. He still though the whole thing was stupid.

Soon Sabertooth's Sting and Rogue arrived which meant that all eight of you were present. Fire, lightning, iron, sky, white, shadow, poison, and water dragon slayers all standing together in one room, introducing yourselves officially and letting the realisation settle in that you'd have to become close friends swiftly as you'd be living together for half a year.

That was all two months ago, and since then governmental officials had visited every day to train you all individually, while the whole group of you had become a lot closer from the shared situation. It took a while, but even Erik opened up and allowed you to call him by his real name, which was a privilege very few got.

You had all been showing significant improvements in your strength and strategy, Wendy especially given her young age and natural adaptability, so everyone was given the weekend off – a treat you weren't ever allowed. You spent most of the first day taking it easy and relaxing with Wendy, as she'd always been somewhat of a younger sister to you, until she had gone to bed and Sting invited you to join him and rest of the guys to have a drink in Laxus's room, for a reason he didn't specify.

You agreed regardless and went up with the white dragon slayer, excited to spend some proper time with your friends. Laxus's room was on the top floor, along with your own , and when you arrived you found the male dragon slayers to be sat in an open ended circle with food and alcohol dotted about the room, all talking and laughing with the whole scene looking surprising like a sleepover that a teenage girl would throw for her birthday.

You may have imagined it, but the mood seemed to shift the moment you set foot through the door, as there was a vague intangible tense competitiveness and determination in the air as all eyes swung to you; Natsu and Sting smiled broadly, while the rest of the members regarded you with smaller gestures. You eyed them suspiciously as the scene of six male dragon slayers sat on the floor in a circle seemed odd, so you slowly moved to sit where there was a free space: in between Cobra and Laxus.

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