Priestess (Erik Killmonger)

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You enter the office without knocking and Erik looks up.

"Aisha. Sit please."

"I'll stand."

Erik stares you down and you return it. Okoye watches you two.

"I saw you down in the ceremony room."

Your eyes narrow and you turn.


You walk out. You break out in a run. You need to get away. You made it outside and heard feet following you. Not looking back you ran, your magic pushing you faster. You run, headed for the lab. The scenery slowly becomes greener.

You gasped as you tackled and you growl, rolling over and kicking the person off. You flip onto your back and stand, anger and magic pulsing through you.

Erik is standing, looking at you. Your eyes turn into a gold and purple mix making you look exotic and deadly. Erik steps forward and you growl before hands glowing.

"Angry priestess?" He says, a smirk on his face even though the mask covers his mouth.

You close your eyes before turning and dashing off. He follows. You swerve, making him tackle the floor. He growls and dashes after you.

You send a quick prayer to Bast and Zuri before jumping off and twirling in the air, landing a solid kick to Erik's face sending him flying back.

You drop into a crouch and eye him. He looks at you.

"Aisha I'm ordering you to stop!"

You growl.

"Let's talk."

"About?" You hiss.

"You restores the plants."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes you do. Why else would you run?"

Your eyes narrow and you turned. He grabbed your hand.

"You can't run."

He turned you around and pinned you to the tree.

"Zuri was your father?"

"Is and yes. You killed him."

"He put himself out there."

You growl and Erik flies backwards. He gasped as you hold him down, knee on his chest and a hand on his neck.

"I should kill you. Thank Bast I don't."

You get off him and disappear in a poof. Erik blinks.
You walk into the throne room and T'Challa stares in shock.


He hugs you and you return it before hugging the others.

"You have a challenge to complete king."

He smiles as Shuri gives him his suit and the three women follow after him.
You shoot the plane down as T'Challa walks forward. As he fights W'Kabi's men you go to aid Okoye. You kick Erik back.

"Go help T'Challa!"



They run to the battle as you look at Erik.


You smirk as you appear in your own armour. A sleek black suit with hints of purple (made by Shuri of course!) your bottom face is covered while designs appear on your face.

"That I am."

Erik lunges and you quickly disarm him. Shuri shoots at him and you kick him, sending him back. He growls and lunges at Shuri. She gasps as her gloves stop working. You cast a shield over her and Erik looks at you.


You kick him over the edge and dive after him. Shuri yells for you and T'Challa follows. You all land on the track and you fight Erik. T'Challa is shocked: you have never looked this angry and fierce.

"Bast hear my cry!" You yell in isiXhosa before with inhuman strength, rip the mask off Erik's suit.

He stares in shock as you pull the necklace off and he is back to his regular clothes. You cast a binding spell and look at T'Challa.

"Let's end this."

To Be Continued

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