Chapter 17: Malfoy gets Punched... AGAIN

Start from the beginning

Throughout Herbology, Thalia noticed the glares and rude looks over towards Harry. It was really weird yesterday seeing everyone being chosen, and then seeing them flooded with disappointment when the Goblet had made the error. Heck, if Percy and Annabeth weren't assigned to protect him, she would probably join in on the frustration too.

But looking at his side of the story... Whenever Harry was confronted about it, he would always reassure everyone that he was not the one that put his name in the Goblet. And he had no idea who did.

"What a load of hogwash! I know you did it!" one of the Hufflepuffs had said, before leaving Harry's table with his potted plant firmly in hand. Percy and Annabeth sighed, obviously keeping their distance because of his mood during breakfast. 

Suspicions? Ya right! Like that's going to keep Thalia from butting into his business!

She picked up her Bubotuber plant and slammed it onto the empty seat, "Hiya Harry!" she grinned cheekily.

He looked a bit surprised, "Err, hello."

"Thank the gods he moved, Lavender kept on whining about her hands getting dirty... couldn't handle another second of that." From behind her, Thalia could hear Lavender gasp in horror, sending dirty glares in her direction, "Ah, shut up! Nobody cares about your chipped fingernail!" she yapped back at her.

Professor Sprout wasn't quite pleased with the interruption, "Detention! Ms... uh... what's your last name?"

Thalia scoffed, "Like you'll ever get to know." Before turning back to her Bubotuber.

Professor Sprout seemed to be flabbergasted, and quickly gave up on punishment. Already finding that it was a fight she was going to lose against the stubborn American.

"So? What's with the silent treatment today, huh?" Thalia raised an eyebrow, before pulling her wand out of her parka jacket. She didn't really know why though. Even if she was suppose to use it to perform a charm to make it easier to harvest the Bubotuber, she was rather rubbish when it came to spells. Why can't she just stab someone or use her bow? It's much more efficient...

Harry stammered, "Well.... I... er... after the events last night..." his eyes seemed to light up, thinking of an excuse, "Percy's the champion of your school, so I didn't know what you'd think if we were competing against each other."

She frowned, looked back towards Percy and Annabeth, then shrugged,

"Oh..." But she knew something else was up.


Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia were still not allowed to intereact with the Blast-Ended Skrewts. Especially when the Hogwarts students began taking them on "walks."

Unfortunately during today's class, Seamus' skrewt just accomplished biting off its leash and started racing towards the three. Percy managed to chuck one of the smaller pumpkins at it just in time, forming a small skrewt-pancake, and saving Seamus from finishing his homework on the Blast-Ended Skrewts progress for today.

Hagrid wasn't very thrilled about another dead skrewt (only about twelve were left within the first week), but at least Percy had one more roommate that didn't hate him.

Professor Flitwick was actually quite pleased with his progress on the Summoning Charm. Percy had managed to cause a book to fling across the room ONCE, and aimed straight at his face. But apparently that was enough to make the teacher impressed, compared to his usual progress.

He still seemed like a star student based off of Thalia's reputation. Her book 'mysteriously' started to crackle with electricity once she got frustrated, but it still didn't budge.

Of course Annabeth succeeded no matter what, which wasn't really a surprise...

She gave him a kiss on the cheek once the book had toppled onto the floor and smiled, "Good job, Seaweed Brain. You're getting the hang of it!"

All and all, it caused him to be in a very happy mood when he arrived in the dungeons for Potions.

That's when he saw Harry out of the corner of his eye, and was reminded of their current problem.

If anything, they were pushing him farther and farther away, and they didn't have the leeway to become his enemy. They couldn't fail, but what could they possibly do to fix their friendship?


"Well, if it isn't Hogwart's champion!" Malfoy sneered, walking up towards them.

Harry and Hermione both turned around, not in the mood to deal with Malfoy's taunts.

"Hey Potter, look at this!" he shouted as he held out an abnormally large pin in his hand. On the face of it in bold letters it said:


The REAL Hogwarts Champion!

Its glowing red letters attracted lots of attention, as the rest of the Slytherins in the crowd gestured towards their left shoulder, where they each wore the same pins.

"Real mature, Malfoy." Hermione spat venomously.

Draco grinned triumphantly, "But that's not all they do, take a look at this!" The pin's text wavered, and quickly turned a bright green; replacing the pin's face with the words:


"Want one, Granger?" he offered her the pin, which Hermione crinkled her nose at in disgust, "Just don't touch my hand though, just washed it you see... Wouldn't want a mudblood to touch it."

Ron leaned against the wall, watching the whole scene from afar. Even though he seemed quite irritated about Malfoy's comments he still didn't intervene. He just stared at Harry with a cold expression on his face.

Combined with Ron's abandonment and the infuriating Malfoy, Harry decided it was time to take action. 'It's much more satisfying than magic,' Percy had said a few days ago after the fight with Malfoy, 'Getting your hands dirty, not waving that stupid stick around... it has more meaning then a few stuns and charms.'

Harry decided it was time to take a page out of his book.

Draco's stupid grin was immediately wiped off his face with a quick 'WHAM' as Harry punched him in the gut. Malfoy wrapped his arms around his stomach, before toppling over on the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione stared at him wide-eyed, clutching her books tightly, but a smile quickly formed across her lips, "Come on, we'll be late for potions."

Harry laughed triumphantly, and soon Hermione joined in as well. The two friends headed towards the dungeons.


Word Count: 1,666

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