Chapter 15: Goblet Barfs up some Names

Start from the beginning

"That's his bed there," Harry pointed to the Percy's four poster bed hesitantly, "Are you sure we have to snoop around like this?" But Hermione was already rummaging through his bag. Every once in a while, hastily throwing clothes onto the floor.

"Yes, yes we do," Hermione froze, as she held up the same golden coins found inside his duffel bag. And after showing it towards them, pocketed one inside her robes.

Were these people really their friends? Or were they somebody else?


"Hey, Harry. You alright? You haven't eaten a thing!" Annabeth watched him deep in thought, before Harry nodded.

"Yes," he cleared his throat, "Yes I'm quite fine." Annabeth didn't buy it, her grey eyes almost looked like they were staring into his soul.

"Oh my gods, you should've seen what your brothers were up to today," Percy nudged Ron on the shoulder, "They decided it was a good idea to-"

"Welcome students of Hogwarts, and special guests!" announced a familiar voice. Crouch stood at Dumbledore's podium, as he continued, "On this very evening, it is my honor to announce that the champions of each school are to be selected!"

A loud applause echoed through the room. The Beauxbatons, sitting with the Ravenclaws, were the most timid to applause. But still, they seemed quite as excited as everyone else.

"Hey! It's that guy who visited us at ca-" Thalia jabbed Percy in the stomach with her elbow, and he quickly coughed, "school. The guy who visited us at school."

Hermione frowned, and gave an 'I told you so,' look towards the other two. Ron looked down at his food glumly. He had just gotten used to the foreign students, and even considered them friends.

It upset Harry too, but it mostly made him angry. If they were enemies, more specifically Death Eaters, then they stooped very low to gain his trust.

But it wasn't going to work.


Dumbledore walked swiftly up towards the Goblet, its fires were now crackling intensely as it exploded like it did before. But unlike when the Weasley twins tried to put the parchment inside, a small scrap of paper was thrown out. It slowly floated into Dumbledore's extended hand, as he read the half-burnt paper.

"From the Olympian's Institution of Combat Magic,..." Percy swallowed, he already knew who it was going to be, and began to rise from his chair.

Receiving a few glares from Hermione, Harry, and Ron, he began to start walking forward as Dumbledore announced, "... Percy Jackson!"

There was an uproar of applause, and as he reached the steps, Mr. Crouch pulled him aside.

"Congratulations, sir!" he shook his hand vigorously, "Now follow me, and you will meet the other champions in just a few moments!"

As Percy was led through the doors, he vaguely heard Dumbledore shout, "Viktor Krum!" before the door shut behind him.

He waited for a moment. A tall man, around 18, stepped through the doors. He shuffled down, almost tripping on the stairs, before joining Percy in sitting on one of the chairs. He had bushy black eyebrows, and dark hair which seemed to be the same color as his eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, as if he seemed upset about something, but apparently wasn't so when he held out his hand for Percy to shake, "Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang."

Percy shook the hand as he sat on the chair across from him, "Percy Jackson. But I guess that's a bit obvious after Dumbledore announced all our names." He chuckled half-heartedly.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now