#Unit_Lessons 57: Particles ~ N을/를

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~ N을/를:

~ Grammar Focus:

The object particle 을/를 is added to a noun to express that the noun is the object of the sentence. For nouns ending a vowel, 를 is added, and for nouns ending a consonant, 을 is added. Common verbs that require this object particle include 먹다 (to eat), 마시다 (to drink), 좋아하다 (to like), 읽다 (to read), 보다 (to see), 만나다 (to meet), 사다 (to buy), 가르치다 (to teach), 배우다 (to learn) and 쓰다 (to write). In colloquial speech, 을/를 is sometimes omitted.

In Conversation:

A 무슨 운동을 좋아해요? A What kind of exercise do you like? B 추구를 좋아해요. B I like soccer.

A 무엇을 배워요? A What do you study? B 한국어를 배워요. B I study Korean.

A 오늘 누구를 만나요? A Who will you meet today? B 여자 친구를 만나요. B I’ll meet my girlfriend.

Check It Out:

1 N + 하다 → N하다

When 을/를 is omitted from verbs like 공부를 하다, 수영을 하다, 운동을 하다, and 산책을 하다, the form becomes shortened to a single one-word form: 공부하다, 수영하다,

운동하다, and 산책하다. However, for the verbs 좋아하다 and 싫어하다, because 좋아- and 싫어- are not nouns, the forms 좋아하다 and 싫어하다 are the one-word verb forms.

2 뭐 해요?

The question noun 무엇 can be shortened to 무어, which can be further shortend to 뭐. Thus, the question 뭐를 해요? can be shortend to 뭘 해요?, which can be further shortend to 뭐 해요? This form is often used in conversation.

· 무엇 → 무어 → 뭐 · 무엇을 해요? → 뭐를 해요? → 뭘 해요? → 뭐 해요?

source courtesy of: Korean grammar in use ^^

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