#Unit_Lesson 41: 이다 (to be)

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~ 이다 (to be)

Grammar Focus:

이다 attaches to the end of a noun to make it the predicate of the sentence. 이다 is used to express that the subject and predicate are the same thing.

이다 can also be used to specify something.

입니다 the formal descriptive form and

입니까? the interrogative form.

The corresponding informal forms of 이다 are:

예요/이에요 they are same for both the descriptive and interrogative forms, with the interrogative form rising in intonation as it is pronounced: 예요?/이에요?

예요? is used when the noun ends in a vowel, and

이에요? is used when the noun ends in a consonant.

The negative form of 이다 is 아니다.

In Conversation:

A 무어십니까? A What is that?

B 가방입니다. B That is a bag.

A 학생입니까? A Are you a student?

B 네, 학생입니다. B Yes, I’m a student.

A 누구예요? A Who is that?

B 친구예요. B That’s my friend.

A 고향이 어다예요? A Where is your hometown?

B 서울이에요. B Seoul.

source courtesy of: korean grammar in use ^^

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