#Unit_Lesson 19: Topic Marker 은/는 vs 이/가 Subject Marker

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~ Topic Marker 은/는 vs 이/가 Subject Marker

As we know that ‘은/는’ and ‘이/가’ are both ‘Subject Particles’ in which ‘은/는’ in general meaning ‘as for (noun)’ or ‘with regards to (noun)’ in English and it can be used in many ways.

‘이/가’ are subject particles. Their function is to indicate the subject in a Korean sentence. Particles are attached directly to nouns.


Q: 아버지가 교수입니까? [Is your father a professor?]

~가 – in 아버지 emphasizes the subject “father”. If the father is a “professor”.

+ 아버지 (a-beo-ji) father

+ 교수 (gyu-su) professor

A: 아니요, 아버지는 교수가 아닙니다. [No, my father is not a professor.]

+ 아니요 (a-ni-yo) no

+아닙니다 from the base form 아니다 meaning ‘to be not’

Now, you notice that the ~는 is now used for 아버지 which implies that ‘아버지’ is now the topic of the sentence and ~가 is being connected now to ‘교수’ and it implies now as the subject with the negative reply for ‘아닙니다’ .

~은/는 stressed the general facts and,

~이/가 confirms the facts. Firsthand information.

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