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"I love you too, ironically I've met my one and only at the end of my life, but it's a miracle it happened, I've dreamed about it for 230 years and I'm the happiest we have met."

"Please," begged Taeil.

"Taeil you're beautiful, the most beautiful human inside and outside, the cleverest wizard I've met never doubt. You will be a huge wizard one day, Minister of Magic, Hogwarts next headmaster, definitely nothing less than an auror, remember," she said through her tears. "You have an amazing future ahead trust me, but to have this future you need to let me go now," she trembled.

"Please," begged Taeil his chin trembling tears falling while he tried to swallow them.

"You had figured it out right? Right?" whispered Boccamadil and he nodded. "I knew it so give it to Renjun with love," she said pointing at his wand.

"Don't go," he repeated quietly.

"I will miss you so much, I love you," she pressed her lips to his so sweet but salty with tears when he pulled her closer unable to let go.

She was kissing him strongly, a long moment till she let go then took a long breath.

"Goodbye my love," she whispered walking to the calm surface of the lake stopping at it's edge.

"No!" cried Taeil falling into the sand reaching his hands out to her.

She smiled to him between tears the her eyes lingering at him all the time when she placed her hands at the back of her neck untying the necklace taking it off.

Taeil thought he will explode from pain when he saw her body wrinkling so suddenly, she bent her red her changing into grey in a second, her body becoming small and dried till it became ashes that were carried away by the wind, only the silky fabric she had been wearing stayed in the sand, on top of it the necklace with the huge ruby glittering in it.

"Boccalmadil!" shouted Taeil into the night it echoed from all sides so he was crying madly trembling like crazy.

"Taeil," a quiet voice reached him so he looked up to see Hailey her face red and cried out but she was standing there holding a small bird in her stretched out hands.

"Renjun-Renjun..." whispered Taeil a cold shiver running down his spine.

He got up, stumbled to the necklace, took it up shivering like crazy, he walked to the girl who placed the bird in his hands.

Taeil wasn't able to speak his throat too scratched.

"Renjun- Renjun," he tried, he gave out a lot of strange sounds before he formed the boy's name. "Renjun never take it off ok, promise me," he whispered tying the necklace around the bird muttering a spell that made it fit whatever size or shape Renjun will take. "Now change into a human," he begged.

The bird in his hands began to grow so he placed it in the sand a moment later there was a small boy standing there with the big ruby on his small chest.

"Taeil," whispered Renjun falling on his neck hugging him tightly and Taeil started to sob into Renjun's tiny shoulder. "Taeil I'm sorry I know you don't want me," whispered Renjun.

"No I do, I do you're my brother," said Taeil washing his tears off. "The prophecy says you're the only one who can defend Voldemort so do it, this this is the wand that is stronger than his wand," said Taeil raising Boccamadil's wand to him.

"But it's weaker now when you're giving it away," whispered Renjun.

"No because giving it with love doesn't weaken it, and it's given with love," Taeil tried to speak calmly to not to break down here and now, not yet.

Renjun took the wand from him watching him with so much sadness.

"Come, I'll be with you don't make Boccamadil's sacrifice go for nothing," said Taeil raising up taking Renjun's hand. "And better hide this," he moved the necklace under Renjun's sweater.

"I'm going with you," whispered Hailey walking behind them when they made their silent way to the main entrance.

The moment of silence before the storm was scary, the rumor in the great hall stopped, Madame Becky was taking care of the wounded when the teachers were checking on the students. Yuta was whispering to Sicheng in a corner while they were cuddling to each other. Jungwoo Kun and Hansol were sitting on the stairs all very quiet, yes as quiet as Taeyong and Jaehyun who were sitting on a bigger stone that had probably been a part of the ceiling, Jaehyun was sobbing into Taeyong's shoulder when the boy had no idea what to say. He knew Boccamadil was like a mother to Jaehyun that loosing her was going through the same horror again, the one he had faced because of her. And Taeil... Taeyong didn't even want to think about Taeil's grief, Taeil's loneliness, if someone had taken Jaehyun away from him... his skin tingled unpleasantly and he placed his arm around the boy cuddling him closer.

"We need to evacuate the students now," said professor DO walking towards professor Kris.

Taeyong looked up on them when he caressed Jaehyun's hair gently.

"They're coming back!" shouted a pale Hufflepuff boy running from the main square in front of the school.

"Students run and hide," said professor Kris but Taeyong jumped up so suddenly.

"Professor! We won't be cowards hiding, we will go out and face them at least I will," he said when a lot of people turned his way.

"Professor! We won't be cowards hiding, we will go out and face them at least I will," he said when a lot of people turned his way

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Thank you for the feedback and support. What do you think about Boccamadil's sacrifice? Will Renjun be able to rescue them?

Much <3

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