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Taeyong was breathing in sharply when he crawled behind the shelf thinking in a speed tempo. No one knew where he was, his only friend was auditioning a new seeker for the team at the grounds. There was no other way than to fight.

"Come out!" Jaehyun raised his voice.

They were enemies since day one, since the moment when Taeyong had put his foot in Hogwarts and heard all the whispers about the heir of Black. They were all so fascinated because Jaehyun was clever, the Sorting Hat had put him into Ravenclaw, only him - Taeyong wasn't as impressed by the boy, he smelled dark magic every time he looked into these eyes.

Now five years later Jaehyun was head boy, prefect, Ravenclaw team captain, smartest student behind Taeil, and the one who was dating the Ravenclaw's most desired girls, while Taeyong barely passed his exams last year and it was only headmaster Chen's influence on the teachers that he was still here, his only friend was Yuta, and girls ignored him although he never really fancied them.

Fortunately Yuta understood it because he liked boys himself. Yes Taeyong liked boys, all, apart from this one who was coming closer and Taeyong felt the sweat dripping down his forehead.

He tried to move out of the shelter and shouted "Expelliarmus!" but nothing happened and Jaehyun's next spell lifted the books causing them to smash against a huge chest.

Taeyong was running grabbing smaller things, toys, jewelry or lamps and throwing them into Jaehyun who blocked all with one swift move of his wand.

"Fight you coward, I don't believe you can't produce a simple spell!" said Jaehyun but Taeyong tripped over a long curtain falling backwards and hitting the floor painfully, the wand fell off his hand and he tried to reach it but he only caused the candlestick with burning candles to fall off a dresser onto the curtain.

Jaehyun was so close and Taeyong crawled to his wand, he felt the wood underneath his finger, the famous wand his great grand grand grand used to overcome his biggest enemy.

He grabbed it, lifted towards Jaehyun trying again, the easiest spell they had learnt in year one.

"Expelliarmus!" he shouted but Jaehyun's wand didn't even shook in his hand.

Taeyong raised his eyes open in fear but Jaehyun focused his attention on something next to him. His face became extremely pale, he whispered something Taeyong couldn't understand, then turned around running away. Taeyong was so shocked he stayed on the floor and then he smelled something, he glanced around to find out the curtain was burning, he knew the spell to still fire, but it wouldn't work anyway, so he used the other part of the fabric to press the flames down but burned his fingers, soon the black spots were only giving out a little bit of smoke. Taeyong took his wand and left quickly. He hoped his private lessons with the headmaster will help and one day he will be able to defend himself, disarm someone or do any spell.

Faint sunlight was coming into the dungeon through the closed blinds when the class was working on a complicated potion. Even if professor DO was very grumpy and never nice to anyone Taeyong enjoyed this lesson a lot. It didn't need magic, just measurement and following right instructions, so he tried to do it very carefully each time, and was one of the best in class. Only Taeil managed to produce potions with this little something no one else could. They shared the class with Slytherin so Yuta was throwing mad glances towards the next table where their team captain, a very tall guy called Hansol was using his popularity among girls and now three of his classmates were mixing his potion forgetting their own work.

"Really what do they see in him, he's like a gorilla, tall and stupid," said Yuta who pressed his snail syrup out with such a strength it hit Mark in the face.

"Man, watch out!" said Mark rubbing the green slime out of his eyebrows.

"Sorry," muttered Yuta.

"It's too much 1 ounce," Taeyong stopped his friend's hand when he tried to put too much slime into the cauldron.

"There's no need to talk," they heard the teacher's voice and moved from each other.

Taeyong leaned over Taei's cauldron and clenched his teeth, why wasn't his potion becoming dreamy violet, just some dirty purple, he did everything right.

"Yhym," he coughed and Taeil raised his head. "Why is your violet and mine purple?" asked Taeyong who started to shiver from anger.

"Oh, you cut the seeds of gran flower, you just had to take the skin off and put them in," said Taeil with his dreamy a little distant voice.

"What! Excuse me what! Look at the instruction, cut the gran flower seeds!" Taeyong raised his voice and the whole class looked his way.

"Oh it's pretty obvious everyone knows that cutting gran flower seeds means removing the skin," said Taeil who wasn't bothered at all.

"What!" shouted Mark and Hansol. "How on Earth should we know that!"

"Read I guess," Taeil rubbed his light brown hair apologetically.

Yuta groaned and two tables from them Sicheng hid his face in his hands.

"Yes, yes Mr. Taeil it's right, if you had focused on the last lesson and study you would have known that," professor DO moved towards their table where Yuta and Taeyong exchanged looks.

"Ten points for Gryffindor," he said leaning above Taei's cauldron. "By the way I would like to know who's stealing from my supplies," the teacher eyed them up. "Anyone with any information must come to me," he added.

"What was stolen?" aksed Hansol turning around.

Professor DO hesitated and took a breath.

"Hidle roots," he said and Taeil squeaked while the others looked at him not sure what's so special about Hidle roots.

"But professor, they're used in only one potion, and it's impossible to make it now," said Taeil.

"That's right my boy," professor DO shook his head. "I'm afraid someone wanted to play a bad joke on me."

"Why is it impossible?" Hansol looked at them.

"Please explain Taeil," professor DO shook his head.

"Hidle roots are extremely rare, they're used in only one potion, the potion of life," said Taeil but everyone was still glancing at him in the same way.

"Potion of life makes the one who drinks it immortal, but to prepare it you need one ingredient that is lost forever, the Philosopher's Stone, so no one will ever make this potion again," explained Taeil and Yuta opened his mouth wider.

"Wow, isn't your brain burning sometimes from all the unnecessary information you keep?" he asked and profesor DO coughed.

"Five points off from Gryffindor, for being rude," he said walking to his desk. "And I advise you to hurry up we have five minutes left."

Yuta groaned and Taeil returned to his work while Taeyong placed the rest of the ingredients into his cauldron without even bothering what will happen, he knew he will get a bad grade.

Yuta groaned and Taeil returned to his work while Taeyong placed the rest of the ingredients into his cauldron without even bothering what will happen, he knew he will get a bad grade

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Thank you so much for the amazing support on the first chapter, it makes me so happy :)

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Much <3

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