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Boccamadil tensed, she lifted her head to give herself some distance but Hansol was rude enough to keep going.

"I'm good at it," he said reaching his arm up for a butt grab but he was stunned by her wand landing on his chest what caused him to escape.

"Hey! Hey easy there!" Hansol jumped back. "You look like a girl who wanna have sex," he said.

"Maybe I want to have sex? Maybe I don't want to have sex with you?" her voice was as clod as before.

"Because I'm a player yeah?" Hasnol smiled in his dumb way.

Boccamadil ignored his comment.

"You're from Slytherin right?" she asked her wand still raised high.

"Slytherin team captain," Hasnol straightened proudly.

"Do you have some friends ready to learn?" she asked.

"Learn what?" Hasnol moved another step back.

"The dark arts," her voice turned into a whisper.

"Ya could find a few," muttered Hasnol.

"Great come to the Forbidden Forest on the fist night of February, my guide will show you the way," she said.

"Sure," Hasnol nodded.

He turned around then ran out of the corridor quickly.

He didn't notice Taeil who moved out of this hide out when Hansol's foot steps faded.

Boccamadil looked at him her wand still out. Her face was still stone cold although her hand trembled slightly.

They were watching each other like two dangerous creatures trying to tame each other. Taeil heard his heart hamming loud when he walked closer closer so close his chest collided with the edge of her wand.

Her hot breath was falling on his face and he couldn't think anymore. No he wasn't thinking about leaning in to kiss her. No, Vanessa was his girlfriend.

"I have a girlfriend," he muttered.

"And?" Baccamadil breathed it out on his lips.

"What spell have you used to jinx me back then?" asked Taeil her lips so close he barely believed his heart was still in his chest.

"It was you the one who tired to kill me," she looked straight at him.

"You would have done it anyway," he whispered.

He was fighting, fighting so hard against the urge to take her face in his hands and kiss the world out of her.

"You said you have a girlfriend so leave," she moved from him putting her wand down. "So what are you looking for here?" she asked.

Taeil let all the air out swiftly.

"Or can't you forget the night we had?" her whisper filled this dark space touching him with each syllable.

"Taeil!" a scared voice filled the corridor. "Taeil you, you -you- you have slept with her?"

Taeil was like drunk when he turned around to see Vanessa, she was crying, her fists clenched.

"No I..." he stuttered.

"Have you touched her!" she shouted.

"I.. it was to get out of there..." he muttered.

The green eyes looking at him filled with so much pain he felt his legs became weak.

"Venessa!" he begged but she turned around leaving, he wanted to run behind her but there was nothing he could tell her.

Pain broke out in him with hate.

He turned towards Boccamadil who was calm standing in the same place, the ruby still glittering in the darkness.

"How could you? You knew she was listening!" he shouted.

"And?" Boccamadil shrugged.

Taeil boiled over, he took his wand our immediately.



Both spells hit each other then the walls. Taeil was breathing in sharply.

"You want to torture me again, you like it painful?" Boccamadil's eyes glittered.

"Exelliarmius!" yelled Taeil.

Her next spell collided with his the air filled with broken pieces of stone.

They were shouting spells blocking and attacking dueling around the room Taeil running out of ideas when she was cornering him in.

"Legilimeus!" he yelled so suddenly it even shocked him.

He has never used that spell only read about it, the red light hit Boccamadil she fell on the ground when Taeil's mind suddenly filled with running images.

A little girl forced to do things, she should never experience. A boy who broke her heart, who left her, the girl again, training spells, working on potions, nights after nights in her bedroom, with diffident lovers whose faces became a blur, Voldemort torturing her, Draco finding her on an edge of a lake where she was beaten up and wounded, a forest, deeply dark, thick, a man with dark hair, her hopes up, her heart speeding up, him kissing her then telling her to leave, the images becoming quicker, the green light of her spell the man flying lifeless into the mose, a wooden door, a cottage, a dusted room with old furniture, her wand raised up high firing...

"Enough! Enough! This is private!" she shouted trying to rise from the floor.

But the images keep running, causing Taeil to hurt when his tired brain was getting behind her deepest secrets. The bedroom perspective the snow falling them pushed through the manor, him sitting on the floor.

"Pretty," she whispered in his head.

Them in the room him kissing her, undressing on the bed, his hands everywhere, his moans her quickened breath, the pain exploding within her turning in a scream.


The avalanche in his head stopped, Boccamadil was standing on her shaky legs her wand raised up high, her face ghostly pale the red hair a mess.

"Enough," she whispered and for a second he feared she will send the deadly spell towards him, but she passed him running away disappearing in the darkness.

He was standing there unable to move, his world like the shuttered pieces, Vanessa had left, Vanessa will never forgive him. But it was just a faint voice in his head because he was still petrified by the horror he had seen.

 But it was just a faint voice in his head because he was still petrified by the horror he had seen

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What do you think about the chapter, the confrontation of Taeil and Boccamadil, about Vanessa finding out and the secrets he found out?

Much <3

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