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"I know what he has done to you, but I won't let you to become like him," whispered headmaster Chen lying his hand on Jaehyun's face till the boy fell into the grass gently like asleep again.

Renjun was afraid to speak although he had one million questions in his head.

"They will be fine till tomorrow," said DO turning from the boys. "One was under the Imperio spell headmaster."

Renjun's stomach twisted, he really didn't need to ask who it was, Taeyong had acted everything but as himself today, but has Jaehyun been that desperate to use the Imperio spell against him.

"Use Priori Incantatem and investigate all tonight's spells from the student's wands you can find them in the grass and you boy will come with me," Chen turned to Renjun causing him to shiver.

"Headmaster, I..." he squeaked.

"You don't need to worry, you were very brave today," Chen took his arm gently.

A moment later they flew into the air gaining speed, Renjun wanted to see what will happen to Taeil but he was too stunned to even move when they were flying towers the castle that was becoming bigger each second.

Headmaster Chen closed the door to his office behind then and Renjun felt he will faint from fear. He saw the phoenix watching him with interest from it's seat, he was getting very old again.

"Is it cool to be a phoenix, you live forever?" asked Renjun stopping next o the bird.

"I have never asked," headmaster Chen laughed. "I guess it's a huge burden," he sighed when he sat in his chair pointing at the other one.

Renjun walked to it, sat down sinking in it.

"Why were you in the forest tonight?" asked the headmaster offering him chocolate frogs he politely refused.

"I came to Taeil because I was sad, I lost the match and Johnny was shouting at me, Hansol threatened to kick me out of the team," whispered Renjun. "I was crying into Taeil's shoulder when Taeyong came, he was acting very strangely told us Jaehyun needed our help with something, I insisted to go although Taeil didn't want me to go, and we set off behind Jaehyun. He led us to the edge of the forest then told us there's a dragon in it he needed to take care of," Renjun shivered.

"And you just went in?"

"Taeil was arguing with him, told him he doesn't trust him, but he decided to go anyway. We were walking a long time till this clearing but there was something, I felt it, a brach broke and Jaehyun lied it's a centaur but it wasn't possible," Renjun inhaled.

They have been watched the whole time.

"We found the dragon and Taeil told me to run so I did, I hid behind a tree but I didn't want to leave him so I came back and then I saw this man behind Jaehyun and he had no idea, and Taeil and Teayong were lying, and the dragon was dead, the forest was burning, and..." he took a breath. "I jinxed the wizard, I'm sorry headmaster and I jinxed Jaehyun because he wanted to kill the man, it was so scary," Renjun felt tears rolling down his cheeks.

"What spells have you used?" asked the headmaster.

"Expelliarmus, and Stupefy," whispered Renjun his head down.

"You're a brave boy, but the spell you had used to contact me was way above your school program."

"Is it bad?" Renjun risked to look up.

"Yes it is, to be in a healthy relation with magic you need to stick to the school rules and school program. Promise me you won't learn any more spells that are not in your level two spell books, ok."

"But they're so boring I know them all!" Renjun protested.

"So you will master them to perfection, ok?" the headmaster was watching him in a strict way.

"Yes," he whispered.

"Great, you can go, you need to rest," Chen moved from his chair.

"Headmaster can I ask you about Jaehyun, why did he want to kill the man?" Renjun felt his heart was betting faster again.

"If I will tell you you can't tell anyone, not even Taeil, ok," headmaster Chen became very serious.

"Yes," Renjun nodded eagerly.

"He had killed Jaehyun's parents, he wanted to get rid of Jaehyun too but the boy managed to escape, since then he's looking for revenge, he's obsessed with it, he had to have an information somehow that the sorcerer and his dragon are hidden in the forest and he just went there, to do what he had planned to do. You see sometimes you need to find other strengths in you, because if you're hurt or betrayed, as long as there is the tiny light inside you you know you'll do the right thing, now off you go," headmaster Chen looked very tired.

Renjun was stunned, he had never expected Jaehyun was struggling with such a headship. He nodded quickly running out if the room, on the stairs he banged into some very officially looking wizards, but he passes them then made the long way to the dungeons. He slipped into his pajamas, cheeked if Chenle his roommate is asleep then turned into the cat. He sneaked through the common room but noticed Hailey sitting on an armchair reading at that late hour.

His insides were twisting again this time from very different feelings, yes he liked Hailey a lot, but there was no chance she would ever notice a small boy like him, so he passed the entrance when Hansol and Johnny were walking in then made his way up to the hospital wing.

The place was quiet, three beds were taken and he saw Jaehyun tossing in his sleeps, while Taeyong was still very pale, his dark hair scattered on the pillow. Renjun jumped on the third bed hoping no one will find him here when he placed his kitten paws on the duvet cautiously to not to wake up Taeil, who seemed kind of ok.

He accidentally put too much pressure on Taeil's belly and the boy moaned opening both eyes.

He needed a moment to discover him, his tired gaze a little absent.

"Renjun," he whispered when the boy walked up gently lying between the edge of the pillow and Taeil's stretched out hands. "Thank you, you saved us," whispered Taeil, caressing the fur behind his ears ticklishly.

Moments later he cuddled his face in Renjun's fur his breath became even and Renjun smiled innerly as cats, yes probably couldn't smile.

He had such a scary adventure but he managed to save his best best friend.

He had such a scary adventure but he managed to save his best best friend

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