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The crowd in the great hall was cheerful, Taeyong was grinning wide when he saw how Jaehyun was wincing each time he moved onto the chair at the Ravenclaw table. He still felt the pain but it was fading whenever he looked towards his lover. He had discovered deep bleeding scratches Jaehyun's fingernails had left along his hips butts and back when he took a quick bath this morning, but he enjoyed each mark, the hickeys he couldn't explain to a very curious Yuta.

Jaehyun caught his gaze and blushed while he was reading the Daily Prophet at his table.

Yuta was looking towards Taeyong through their table giving him strange signs with his eyes and eyebrows while Mark and Sicheng were glancing at his hickeys but keeping the comment for themselves. Taeil was still in the hospital wing but Taeyong hoped he will come out soon. Tonight he decided to sneak out again this time to met Jaehyun in his bedroom in the Ravenclaw tower. This was life and Taeyong grinned to his own thoughts.

"I've heard the Slytherin team will have try outs for the new seeker tonight," said Mark who couldn't stand the silence and wanted to change the subject.

"Who this douchebags are the best Slytherin has," Yuta smiled ironically.

"I've heard they want Nathan Grayback," asked Taeyong and Yuta laughed so loud he laid on the table.

"Nathan... Grayback," he had tears in his eyes.

"How many brooms do you think he'll destroy till they will discover he's worthless?" asked Sicheng giggling.

"Knowing Hansol the while supply the school has," Yuta was still laughing hysterically.

"They actually would have a outstanding seeker but Hasnol is too stupid to let her into the team," said Mark.

"Who?" Yuta stopped laughing.

"Hailey," said Mark.

"Who?" asked Yuta Taeyong and Sicheng.

"Oh forgot you guys are all gay and don't know any pretty girls," Mark giggled.

"What!" Yuta shouted.

"We?" Sicheng opened his mouth.

"Gay?" Taeyong hid his red face.

"Come on you could have any girl at school as Gryffindor team captain, but the only one you had dated was Anastasian Krum, from Durmstrang, when he was on the foreign student's trip here," said Mark and Yuta became pale.

"How do you...?" he whispered.

"Oh come on everyone knows, you went to the third year ball with him, you made out in each 'deserted corner'," Mark raised his brows.

"It was long time ago people can change," whispered Yuta.

"Taeyong only has eyes for Jaehyun, and Sicheng told me some time ago he's gay and likes someone," Mark blinked to the boy.

"What!" shouted Taeyong and Yuta.

"I would never!" Taeyong raised his voice.

"And who did the hickeys houseelves?" asked Mark.

Taeyong opened his mouth then closed it again.

"Sicheng is gay?" Yuta looked like if he's going to faint. "And likes someone, I... I need to go," he moved up, grabbed his bag and hurried out immediately.

Mark and Sicheng exchanged looks.

"So who is the boy you like?" asked Taeyong glancing at the pretty Chinese.

"I won't tell you," Sicheng showed all his teeth in a smile.

"Oh come on!" Taeyong groaned.

"Only if you tell us who did your hickeys," said Mark.

"No way," Taeyong blushed.

"So no," Sicheng turned to his plate.

Taeyong swallowed, he glanced towards the Slytherin table. The great hall was slowly emptying as some classes had started. He saw the boys form the team he hated so much talking with Nathan Grayback. Nathan must have had some giant blood in him as he was five times the size of Hansol who was huge.

"You see this girl at the end of the table, this one with as many books as Taeil?" asked Mark leaning to Taeyong.

"Yes," Taeyong nodded fixing his gaze on a skinny girl with glasses and brown hair who forgot her breakfast because she was so deep in one of her books. If he liked girls he would say she's petty she had some kind of charm like Vanessa, but while Vanessa was confident and knew her beauty this girl reminded him of Taeil, she probably thought no boy would even look her way, but it was far away from the truth, as Taeyong saw how Kun and Jungwoo were staring at her from time to time. Also Hasnol was looking at her secretly each time he pretended to change the table side walking next to her, even if she ignored his existence, but there was also someone else looking at her from above his opened book, sitting at the opposite side of the table, the small Slytherin Renjun.

"This is Hailey, and trust me if she was in our house she'd be the star seeker of the team, this girl can fly," said Mark. "But when she tried out two years ago Hansol took this dump Baily Croomack instead of her, so of course she has never tried out again she has her pride," Mark was whispering while Taeyong observed the girl who closed her book, took the whole pile and moved up. She glanced all the way along the table and for a moment her cheeks covered with blushes when her gaze fell on Renjun, but she looked away quickly and stormed off the great hall.

"How old is she?" asked Taeyong.

"She's in the sixth year," muttered Mark and Taeyong tensed.

Was she really into the little Renjun or was it all his imagination.

The day went on and Taeil protested loud when madame Becky decided to keep him in bed till next morning.

"I'm fine!" shouted Taeil but she shook her head and pressed the potion in his hand. Taeil was mad, he hated lying here and watching Vanessa's lifeless body on the other side. So when Madam Becky was in her room he walked to the bathroom to get rid of his frustration. He washed his face above the sink then looked up. He was very pale, his eyes were red and his hair messy. The scratches on his face were nearly healed he breathed in sharply.

"Hello Monster," he muttered to his reflection.

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Thank you for all the support you're always giving me.

I hope you liked the chapter? Who do you think Sicheng likes?

Much <3

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