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The weekend came way too early and Taeyong was very nervous. He asked the girl out but he actually hated her, now he will have to spend a day with her and pretend he likes her. He asked himself why was he doing it.

The day was cloudy and he pulled the gray hoodie tighter over himself when he walked behind Yuta to the front door. There they were let through by the janitor, a very awkward guy who always wore violet clothes.

Hannah wasn't there so Taeyong inhaled, he hoped they will meet as late as possible.

"I'll be in the Three Broomstick's" said Yuta while they walked all the way to the village.

"Ok," Taeyong swallowed.

"Why do you do it?" Yuta looked at him.

"And why can't you ask Sicheng out?" Taeyong replayed with a retort.

"He will hate me, he can't know," Yuta got sad.

"What if he..."

"Trust me he definitely likes girls, look at him, he's so handsome, how could I have a chance," Yuta's eyes became dreamy.

"You will never know unless you try," started Taeyong.

"No," Yuta crossed his arms.

They stopped on the muddy road that lead to the castle grounds gate.

A bigger group passed them and they saw Johnny and Hansol with a few more guys from the Slytherin team.

"He's the real heir of Slytherin," said Johnny.

"No way, just rumors," Hansol laughed.

"I'm telling you, he is," Johnny was speaking with excitement. "In our house," he added.

"No way," Hansol laughed and they walked off.

"This dumb bags ony spread stupid rumors," said Yuta who was looking at them with disgust. "I can't wait for the first match we will show them where their place is," he clenched his fists.

"Heir of Slytherin, good joke, who, any of them?" Taeyong laughed. "Hansol probably wants to fake his family tree to get even more attention from girls."

"As if he needed it," Yuta rolled his eyes.

Everyone knew Hansol was the biggest player in the whole school, he had dated all the girls in Slytherin in year five and four, each week he had two new "girlfriends" who were doing his homework, carrying his school bag and helping him in whatever he wanted.

"He treats them like house elves, still they run behind him, I don't get it," said Yuta who was still red from anger.

"Who would understand girls," Taeyong shrugged. "Let's go," he tapped his friend's shoulder.

They walked all the way to the village, and went to Weasley's Joke Shop first.

"Do you want something guys?" Ten, the cheerful guy they found totally awkward hurried to them.

He was wearing a too big bright pink t-shirt and Yuta blinked to Taeyong.

"Just looking around," Yuta grabbed some self destroying pens from the shelf.

"These vanishing pills don't work at all, I've seen a first year who couldn't get fully back to visibility after taking one," said Taeyong turning to Ten.

"Oh they're funny, imagine you're running around with only one ear visible," Ten giggled.

"You think it's funny," asked Taeyong in disbelief.

"Very," Ten smiled and ran to the new clients, two guys that looked like third years.

"I wish I could have his sense of humor," said Taeyong.

"Take these," Yuta put some nose bleed and vomit candies towards him. "If she will bother you, it's a good way to escape."

"No, leave it, I won't eat anything this guy prepared," Taeyong glanced at Ten in a dark way.

But Yuta bought a whole package, he said it's an original Weasley brothers' formula so it can't go wrong.

Soon they left the shop and parted ways on the street, Yuta walked towards the Three Broomsticks where he was meeting Sicheng and the rest of the team while Taeyong made his lonely way towards Madame Puddifoot's cafe. It was the dating spot for Hogwarts's students and Taeyong was always walking way around it. He never had the wish to date anyone, so he was all sweaty when he pushed the door and walked into the candy pink shop with awful embroidered tablecloths on the round tables. Hannah was sitting at one, she waved to him so he made his way around a few couples, most of them touching under the table or kissing, what made him a little sick and he regretted he hasn't listened to Yuta and hadn't bought the nose bleed candies.

"Hi," Hannah looked at him with these big blue eyes and he faked a smile while he took place opposite her.

The young lady who was the shop owner ran to them.

"Tea or a love butterbeer?" she asked in a too sweet tone.

"Tea," muttered Hannah, she was tense too.

"Yes tea," said Taeyong.

"So... what do you like, I mean your hobbies," asked Hannah when the lady disappeared and Taeyong swallowed.

"Nothing really, I... like potions," he said.

"Potions, that's interesting, not many people like potions," she added.

"Yes," Taeyong didn't know what to say.

Could the tea come quicker so he could focus on something else than her face.

He turned around but in this moment the door opened and a new couple went in. Hannah squealed and Taeyong nearly fell off his chair. It was Jaehyun, dressed in tight back jeans and a matching black sweater, he was holding his arm around a girl's waist but this girl was no other than Ravenclaw's seeker Vanessa.

 It was Jaehyun, dressed in tight back jeans and a matching black sweater, he was holding his arm around a girl's waist but this girl was no other than Ravenclaw's seeker Vanessa

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Thank you so much for the amazing support and over 100 stars, I'm so happy 💕

So what do you think about Taeyong and Hannah's date? What about Jaehyun coming in with a new girl? What will happen next?

Much <3

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