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"If he somehow survives I'm considering and expulsion he had crossed all possible borders lately. I also think I'll write to the ministry to ban him from using magic," muttered Chen.

"What do you mean if he survives!" shouted Taeyong.

"Calm down, he and his grandfather had kidnapped you, he had used the unforgivable spell against you earlier."

"I hit him with the Sectumsempra spell, I need to know if he's alive!" shouted Taeyong.

"Why?" headmaster Chen was watching him with interest.

"Because Jaehyun had saved my life down there, he helped me to escape, he told me how to contact you, I wouldn't be here right now without him!" Taeyong's voice cracked he felt hot tears running down his cheeks.

"That's surprising news," whispered headmaster Chen. "And why is that, you and Jaehyun are enemies you have no reason to like each other or fight on the same side."

Taeyong swallowed his tears, he was so tired, so broken so torn and hurt, he needed Jaehyun to put a calm remedy onto this storm.

"He saved my life, please, please save his," begged Taeyong.

"Sit down, calm down," muttered headmaster Chen unimpressed causing Taeyong's fear to raise.

But he fell on the armchair feeling so hopeless.

"I love him headmaster, he's the only one," he whispered staring into the chessboard blankly.

"I know you do, so now calm down... Ted what a lovely china, thank you so much," headmaster Chen smiled wide when the old wizard appeared in the room with a steaming cup.

It was like after a thunder storm that had left their world in ruins, when they were sitting in the Room of Requirement on the silver pillows all very quiet. Sicheng was lying down with his head on Yuta's thigh, the other caressing his hair gently while Renjun was biting on his nails and Taeil was trying to think of ways to make it a little better. Taeyong was quiet, he hasn't said much, he was hiding his face under a black hood, leaning his back against a bookshelf trying not to cry but thick tears were leaving his eyes all the time. They had no news about Mark, no news about Jaehyun either, their hope like flames in the wind.

"So the prophecy was right," muttered Yuta bitterly.

"The enemy is on his way," whispered Taeil. "That's the only part that isn't fitting into anything."

"Why?" Sicheng turned his head to him.

"We still have no idea who the enemy is or where he's going."

"What were you doing up there with the red head?" asked Yura changing the subject.

"No-no-thing," stuttered Taeil becoming very red. "Please don't tell Vanessa about it I was hoping for a way to rescue us, ok."

"Sure," whispered Sicheng winking to Yuta.

Taeil became very red, he hated himself for it, has he really been himself that night? He has never imagined he's able to do things like that. He was in love with Venessa how could he touch and kiss Boccamadil more then he had any girl ever.

He was embarrassed, disgusted with himself, he had considered confessing it to Vanessa for a million times by now, but he wasn't able to do it yet. She will hate him forever.

"So Renjun how did you find out about us?" asked Taeil to change the subject.

"Oh Hansol and Johnny were talking in the common room, they had the information from their parents, they said you were all kidnapped to the Black's manor, Hansol was sure you will never come out of there, so I came as quick as possible."

Taeil caught Renjun's eyes, he knew the boy was hiding his secret from the others.

"How did you manage to reach us, on a broom?" asked Sicheng moving from Yuta's lap.

"He can apparate," whispered Taeil.

"Wow! Really?" Sicheng opened his mouth wide.

"So Taeil what have you done with the redhead?" asked Yuta grinning.

"Stop!" Taeil raised his voice he tried to give Yuta signs that Renjun is still here.

"Herin!" shouted Taeyong suddenly.

"Herin what?" asked Taeil.

"Herin, why haven't I thought about it!" he jumped up, washed his tears off with his sleeve then running out quickly.

"What was it now?" asked Sicheng.

"He's acting strangely lately," Yuta shrugged.

"He thinks Herin might tell him if Mark will survive," whispered Taeil. "Ok let's end for today."

He got up, ruffled Renjun's hair, then left to the corridor.

It was late afternoon, the shadows getting longer, but there was Vanessa waiting leaned against a wall. She smiled wide noticing him.

He remembered all to painfully when he had come back to the castle with professor DO, they walked into the great hall where all the students were lying in sleeping bags on the floor. Vanessa saw him, she came running to him, her eyes red an cried out. She fell over his neck hugging him tightly, then kissing him all the time. She was so happy he was alive, he wished to forget it all but he had touched another woman.

"Hi," Vanessa came to him her smile wide.

"Hi," Taeil lowered his head.

"So, are you free right now?" she asked taking his hand kissing his cheek, he move back.

"I'm very tried, let's meet tomorrow," he was avoiding her eyes.

"Taeil, I know you're all worried about Mark, but I miss you," she pressed her cold lips to his.

"Vanessa please," he tried to move back.

"Please don't throw me away just because you're sad," she begged.

Taeil felt like punched.

Yes he had cheated, or whatever it was and now he was rejecting her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered pulling her in his arms.

"I missed you so much," Vanessa cuddled her face in his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," he repeated feeling so guilty when she closed her arms around him.

Thank you for all the amazing support, if I won't be able to keep up with answering comments please excuse me as I'm very busy these days, but I'll do my best

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Thank you for all the amazing support, if I won't be able to keep up with answering comments please excuse me as I'm very busy these days, but I'll do my best.

So what do you think about Taeyong's conversation with the headmaster and Taeil's guilt?

Much <3

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