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After Taeil was placed in the hospital wing the four friends needed to answer a lot of unpleasant questions and they had to be very careful to not to tell Taeil's secret to anyone. Taeyong was so fed up with he constant interest he avoided people. He also avoided Jaehyun who as he had heard, had spent the next day next to Vanessa'a bed. He hated himself so much, and Jaehyun even more. He was walking to Martha's bathroom to hide there during the long lunch break when he bumped into someone and jumped away.

"Taeyong!" said the boy, it was the Slytherin that had saved them when they stole Hidle roots from professor DO so Taeyong groaned.

"What?" he asked.

"Please tell me why is Taeil sick?" the boy looked at him with this curious eyes that made him uncomfortable.

"Not you business so better leave before I tell the prefect of your house that you are alone in the corridors during breaks," he said.

"Why do you treat me like a kid?" asked the boy.

"Because you are a kid," Taeyong emphasized the last word.

"Still I'm a person," he crossed his arms on his robe.

"Listen you really start to play o my nerves," said Taeyong. "Taeil got injured during, during Quidditch," he said to get rid of the boy.

"Taeil isn't in the Quidditch team besides there wasn't any practice last night," said the boy.

"Don't be too clever hah," Taeyong swallowed.

"I won't tell anyone," whispered the boy.

"Get lost!" shouted Taeyong but shut up because in this moment Hansol and Johnny appeared in the corridor followed by their team mates, Kun and Jungwoo.

"And this idiots," Taeyong sighed while the boy giggled.

"Oh loser you can't even handle a twelve year old Slytherin!" shouted Johnny.

"Not any Slytherin," muttered Hansol blinking to Johnny and the boy's face got red.

"Get lost," he muttered straightening up although the boys were nearly three heads taller than him.

"Or what? Will you jinx us baby, or will this one help you, the squib?" giggled Johnny.

The boy took a deep breath.

Taeyong swallowed. They had no chance against the team. Johnny smiled to Hansol in a mean way and all took their wands out but before any could do a spell the wands flew out of their hands crossed the corridor and landed in the small stretched our hand of the boy. Johnny squeaked while Hansol went pale.

"Hahaha hahaha, jinxed by a twelve year old," Taeyong grabbed a wall to not to roll over the floor from laugher.

"Give it back you filthy kid!" Johnny moved towards them but Renjun smiled bright and raised his wand so Johnny stopped.

"Here, catch!" he threw their wands in the air and Johnny and Hansol spread out on the floor to catch them but Johnny's wand hit his the top of his head while Hansol landed with his nose in the stone his wand meters from him. Taeyong was laughing so herd he couldn't stop.

"Good that you're not seekers," giggled Taeyong.

"We will have a new seeker soon, one that will kick your asses!" said Hansol getting up and rubbing his face while his nose started to swell to a size of a potato.

"Try outs tomorrow at 8, come we need to tell Nathan Grayback," Johnny was rubbing his elbow pushing Hansol in front of hm.

"Nathan can't fly each broom will break underneath him," laughed Taeyong.

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