There was a slight mummer around Echo, but it was a lot busier than meets the eye. Echo's attention locked on a couple in front of her. She tilted her head and listened to their side conversation.

"I'm all for unity. But does he have to bring them here?" A girl with dark hair and glasses leaned towards a guy with equally dark hair.

"What do you expect? He's married to a Demon and dating a Warlock."

The girl scoffed, "Still can't believe Alec Lightwood is in charge."

"Just wait. In a week it'll be someone else."

Echo grit her teeth and took a step towards the Shadowhunters. She put herself between them and Isabelle with a wicked smile on her face.

"That Demon that you are talking about is me. Care to say anything else to my face?"

The duo gave off an awkward emotion and Echo let her expression dropped into haunting emotionless, "Show some respect." Echo spit out her words to the Shadowhunters and they were quick to turn their attention back to Alec.

"Please, let's make the Downworlders feel welcome." Alec finished his speech as Echo took a step back with her arms across her chest. She still had anger radiating from her body as the Shadowhunter's dispersed. Echo and Sebastian gave each other a glance before they split ways. Echo let out a breath and walked up to Alec as he paused in front of Jace and Clary.

"Look at you. In charge for a week, you're already shaking things up." Echo could feel Alec's nervousness. "I think this Cabinet thing is a good idea."

"Yeah, I'm not sure everyone agrees." Alec gave a quick smile to Echo and Isabelle as they walked up.

"All the more reason to do it. How can I help?" Echo furrowed her brows at her sister's enthusiasm.

"Actually, I need you, Jace and Echo for a mission. You're going to the Seelie Court."

Almost immediately Echo could feel the anticipation of the mission details.

Clary let out a confused breath; "Where is that?"

"The nearest entrance is in Central Park." Everybody looked to Isabelle, "But it's in another realm. Where the Seelie Queen lives."

Echo's back straightened slightly at the sound of another realm. It sounded intriguing.

"I requested an audience with her to discuss Kaelie's crimes. But she said she'll only meet with Valentine's experiments."

Echo let out an audible huff and shook her head, "No."

Clary shook her head as well, "Charming nickname."

Alec looked at Echo, "Please." I know you are worried about other things, but I need you.

Again Echo shook her head, "No."


"So, you think the Seelie Queen is responsible for Kaelie's attacks?" Clary interrupted the couple's telepathic communication.

Alec broke his gaze with Echo, "That's what I want you to find out."

"It would make sense." Jace finally spoke, "Those murders weren't exactly Kaelie's style."

"How did you know Kaelie?"

Echo let out a scoff at Clary's question and Jace was quick to give her a glare.

"Book club."

Clary didn't believe it, "You read?"

Echo could feel Jace's embarrassment, "Yeah. Why does everybody find that so hard to believe?"

Echo let out a soft smirk before Alec spoke, "Look. Focus. We need to find out if she's complicit. An entire faction could be turning against us."

"That shouldn't be too hard, right?" Echo was beginning to get annoyed with Clary's voice. "Seelies can't lie."

Jace let out a breath, "Technically yes, but after hundreds of years of practice, they can expertly manipulate the truth, and the Queen is the master."

"That is why Echo is going with you."

Echo looked up at Alec, "Now I'm a weapon?"

"I didn't—" Alec let out a sigh and shook his head.

Isabelle pushed into the conversation, "The Queen is very dangerous. The entire realm is. More than one Shadowhunter hasn't made it back."

Echo let out a smirk, "Last I checked, I'm not a Shadowhunter. What could go wrong?" Echo shifted her eyes to Alec, "But...We are Valentine's experiments, right?"     

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