Chivalry isn't dead

Start from the beginning

Echo shook her head, "I just want to listen, Alec. I won't go on any missions."

Alec took in a breath before he allowed the Shadowdemon to stand. Echo's legs were still unsteady and it took her a moment to gain her balance. Alec came up to Echo and held out his elbow.

Echo let out a smile, "Chivalry isn't dead." Echo linked her arm with Alec to keep her balance and the two walked into Operations and Alec sat Echo down on a nearby chair. Lydia stood in the center and started her information when she saw that Alec had arrived, "There has been a demon attack downtown. We do not know what kind of demons, but there has already been one Mundane death. All hands are on deck with this. We need to contain this attack as quickly as we can. Take your teams and head out. Dismissed."

Lydia gave all the information she had. Alec looked over at Isabelle before looking down at Echo, "You're staying here."

"We need Clary." Isabelle looked up at her brother. Alec rolled his eyes. "Alec. Give her a chance."

Alec let out a huff, "Fine. I'll take Echo back you find Clary."

Isabelle gave a nod and went on her way as Echo stood from her chair, "I can walk back to my room on my own, Alec."

Echo started slowly walking in the direction as Alec followed, "I know. I just want to make sure you are okay."

Echo let a small smile form on her lips, "Well I'm not dead anymore. I promise I'll be careful."

Alec suddenly stopped his stride and pulled Echo with him. They had stopped in the middle of the hallway, "What happened?"

Echo let out a breath, as she knew what Alec was asking, "I was next to you when your heart stopped. I held your hand up until the moment that you stopped breathing, but suddenly I was gasping awake in the Morgue."

Echo looked down for a moment as she remembered.


Echo's eyes suddenly shot open as she pulled in a heavy gasp. Once Echo had air back into her lungs, her breathing started to quicken. She looked around the dark area she was in and realized she was in a metal box. Echo shifted her gaze above her and pressed her hands against the door holding her in.

Echo let out a pant and she pressed on the door. When it didn't budge, she let out a grunt in frustration. She let her face contort in sudden fear and that fear caused tears to come out of her eyes. She had no idea where she was or what had happened, all she knew was that she needed to get out of the situation she was in, immediately.

She pressed her hands against the door again and started to pound on the metal, but her attempts were fruitless. "No!" Echo smacked her palms against the sides of metal and she could feel the claustrophobia start to set in. Echo felt her lungs start to close up and she feared that she would lose her breath again.

She pulled in a few quick breaths before she finally let out a sharp scream. The scream created a wave in her ability and the metal suddenly lit up in red as the door smacked open. The sudden light from the luminescent light bulbs made Echo squint. As quickly as she could, Echo pushed her hands against the outside of the box and rolled the drawer so that she was able to be free from the confining box.

Once the drawer came to a stop, Echo quickly rolled her weak body to her right. She rolled right off of the sliding tray and landed right on the concrete ground. Echo shouted in pain as she landed. She looked up and realized that she was in the Morgue of the Institute. Echo's breathing was still elevated. She tried her hardest to take deep breaths, but she couldn't calm herself down. Echo knew she needed to find help. When Echo went to move, she felt another pain, but it was familiar.

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