Good Night Kiss

Start bij het begin

"Chocolate." I answered a little too quick.

Niall laughed, "Alright then." He looked at the ice cream buckets through the glass. He looked like he was seriously thinking about what flavor to get.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked, giving me a confused look.

Oh shit. I was giggling out loud! "Oh, um. Nothing, nothing. Go on about your business." I shooed him off while I tried to contain my giggles.

"Hi, I'm Emma. What can I get you?" The red-head cashier asked. She looked about 17 years old. When she looked up from the cash register, she looked like she was going to drop to floor.

"Oh my God! You- You're Niall Horan!!!" She ran around the counter, "Can I please get a picture with you?" She asked as she twirled her hair around in her fingers.She placed her hand on his shoulder, waiting for his asnwer. I tightened my grib on my crutches to refrain from punching her in the face.

"Erm, sure.." Niall agreed. She obviously made him uncomfortable. I rolled my eyes at the stupid girl. I watched her take about ten pictures with Niall. I just want some ice cream.

"Excuse me? I've been waiting like five minutes for my ice cream that I could have ate already." I interrupted the red-head. She put her phone back in her pocket and glared at me. When she turned around to go behind the counter, I could tell Niall was trying to hold in his laughter. By the time, the red-head was behind the cashier, Niall's arm was around my shoulder. I could tell she was pissed when she looked at Niall and I.

"I'll have cake batter in a cone and chocolate in a cone, please." Niall smiled. Niall gave her an innocent look. The girl still had as scowl on her face as she scooped the ice cream in the cones. I hid my face in Niall's shoulder to try and cover up my snickers.

"Here you are. That will be seven dollars and thirty six cents." The girl stuck out the ice cream cones as Niall went to pull out his wallet. I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"What are you doing? I can pay." I questioned.

Niall smiled at me, "I got it, love."

"Aw, come on! Let me pay!" I pouted.





"Your ice cream is gonna melt." The girl said in a very irritated tone. I was about to say something back, but Niall slapped the money on the counter, and took the ice cream.

"Aw, Niall! I had money!" I protested. I let my shoulders slump a little to show my disappointment.

Niall ignored my comment, "I see an empty table there. C'mon!" I followed Niall to the open table. I leaned my crutches against the seat after I sat. Niall sat across from me and handed me my ice cream cone. Finally!

"I still could have payed..." I muttered as I licked the ice cream.

Niall grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze, "Katie, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you pay?"

"A good one!" I joked. Niall pretended to be all hurt. He let go of my hand and placed his over his heart.  "Okay, you set yourself up for that one." I pointed out.

Niall rolled his eyes teasingly and took a lick of his ice cream. I smiled at him then focused on my ice cream. It's melting to fast!!! I was trying to get all the drips around the cone when I heard Niall giggling. I was in the middle of a lick when I looked up. His ice cream was finished and Niall had his phone pointed towards me. What is this leprechaun doing now???

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