Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 8

Start from the beginning

"Sorry to surprise you." He says sarcastically.

My next question is more serious. "Do you.... still have memories for when you were a human?" I ask him, sincerely.

Scorpio looks at me shocked, and pauses for a moment. "It was too long ago. I forgot."

I read his face and it's clear to me that it's a touchy subject, one he doesn't want to share but instead try to really forget.

"Okay." I don't push him and make a comment to try and lighten up the mood. "Funny, a god who use to be a human, hates humans."

However, I was wrong to think saying such a thing could lighten up the mood but instead it was like I landed in a mind field the way Scorpio glares at me.

"I was originally human, so what? Prideful, sneaky, filthy humans are always selfish thinking of nothing but themselves. The fact that I was one of them in the past is unbearable humiliation."

I stand there shocked as his words hit me like someone was chucking rocks at me. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to..." I trail off and avoid his gaze.

Although, it only makes me curious as to why he feels that way. But I know better than to ask. It would be nothing more than putting salt into the wound.

"But...if I may say, you must understand humans to some extent if you...use to be one." I state.

"What 'understanding' are you talking about? Polite lies? Flattery?" His expression grows angrier and darker. "Like what you said to Altair before, I wouldn't call lying like it's nothing 'understanding'."

"Lying?" I question him.

"You lied, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?" Now I feel myself not only confused but getting angry as well.

"Before, when Altair asked you if you had heard what I'd said or not, why didn't you answer truthfully and say what you had heard?"

"Are you freaking kidding me right now? A small white lie to spare a innocent child's feelings, and you're getting butthurt over it?" I step closer, my voice growing louder.

"You'd better not 'accidently' mention Vega or wetting the bed to Altair. Gods are infinitely pure compared to humans. Altair would be hurt if he found out you lied to him."

"I'm fully aware, Scorpio." I bark back to him.

Scorpio wears a grin. "How hypocritical. Typical filthy human. Don't make me laugh."


"Fine, explain."

"It's called being thoughtful. Maybe you should take note that there are times when it's kinder to pretend not to know something...I didn't want Altair to be embarrassed, so I thought it would be better if I pretended not to hear."

"I wonder. Did you really do that for his sake?" his words are cold. "The truth is, being a former human makes it even more difficult to understand humans."

I stand there, fists clenched, teeth gritting, eyes glaring. It only proves that me and this former human will never see eye to eye. And it only makes me realize how stupid it was for me to wish that I could get to know him better.

While I think of this Scorpio, gracefully reaches his hand out to touch my collarbone, his fingers tips moving down to my chest, my arm instinctively moves and smacks his hand away.

He lets out a self-deprecating laugh. "Anxiety, sadness, uncertainty... In your heart of hearts, those are the feelings you're experiencing towards me right now." His face turns stern. "Even if I weren't a god. Even if I were just a human my values would never be compatible with yours."

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