Chapter 8: Well, um... This is awkward.

Start from the beginning

"Harry! It's that boy who fell on the floor-"

"Ya, I figured that out by now Hermione," he snapped back. He didn't mean to be rude, but he couldn't help it, "But what are they doing here?" Hermione fell silent, with a simple 'I don't know' shrug.

"Who, Blackjack?" the boy chuckled nervously, and stroked the horse while continuing, "It's quite a long story..." Before Olympe (whom Harry would later find out is her name) could say more, the two other pegasi landed as well.

"Merlin's Beard! All three of 'em are here!" Ron hissed into Harry and Hermione's ear.

"Surely it is a special diet.... or ... daily routine of exercise?" Olympe asked as the other two got off their horses.

The first boy threw his head back in laughter, "Other than flying us around, the only exercise this guy gets," he paused to ruffle the horse's mane, "is flying around to donut shops. Speaking of which, he says if he doesn't get any right now, he'll trample all of you. Starting off with, and I quote, 'those wimpy-looking kids with the yellow ties.'"

A majority of the Hufflepuff took a step back, as Hermione retorted, "You can understand it? You can talk to horses?" 

The boy's face immediately flushed a bright red, as he stammered, "Err, well I... uh..."

"It's a special bond between the too. Our headmaster cast a charm, hoping to strengthen their connection," the blonde girl stepped forward, giving a death glare towards Hermione's direction. She immediately shrunk back, but not before scowling with disbelief.

"Anyone else got a problem with that?" the third student raised an eyebrow, almost daring someone to speak.

At this point, Dumbledore stepped forth, resting his wand against his neck to amplify his voice, "Students, teachers, and special guests! It is my honor to introduce the three representatives of Olympian's Institution of Combat Magic! Unfortunately, a tragic circumstance due to some rogue Death Eaters caused the rest of their members to remain at home. So let's give a round of applause to these brave wizard and witches!"

Most of the students cheered loudly, goggling at the three American students. But Hermione's concerned look caused both of Harry and Ron to frown.

"His tattoo... it's gone now."

"What? That's impossible Hermione," Harry took a quick glance at the new arrivals, then back towards her.

"Or maybe you were just imagining it in the first place..." Ron muttered, as he began clapping too.

"That's impossible Ronald!" she snapped back, "I was sure I saw something!" and with that, she stormed towards the crowd whilst stomping her feet furiously.

As Ron chased after her, repeatedly shouting out apologies, Harry noticed Dumbledore whisper something in their ears. The three nodded, then followed him back inside, vanishing somewhere in the castle.

He pushed through the crowd, who were still all staring at the three pegasi enviously as Hagrid led them somewhere nearby his hut. It wasn't long before he caught up to his two friends, bickering in the corridor outside of the Great Hall.

"Oh come on, 'mione! We were in the train, how could you possibly seen such a tiny detail from so far away!"

"I'm positive that I saw a tattoo, Ron! I am not saying it's the dark mark, but we have to be careful."

"I agree," Harry chipped into the conversation, "... the least we can do is tell Dumbledore about what you saw." Hermione grinned, then glared towards Ron as if saying 'Told you so.'

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