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Zoe Lopez

*Four Years Old*

I was playing with my barbie dolls that Mommy just bought me earlier today. Her and Daddy were out tonight and I was being babysat by our next-door-neighbor, Brittney. She was very sweet and funny. She plays dolls with me and lets me eat chocolate ice cream and watch t.v. I adored her. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like Mommy. 

"Zoe, do you want to get your doll house and bring it into the living room?" Brittney asked me. 

"Yes please." I replied, going with Brittney into my room and helping her with my big doll house. 

"Thank you!" Brittney smiled at me, grabbing her special barbie doll I set aside for her. 

We played barbie for an hour before I got tired of playing it. I climbed onto the couch and waited for Brittney to turn on the t.v. I clapped my hands and smiled as I saw the Rugrats on. I didn't understand it, but what the people did on it was funny to me. After the episode that was on was over, the phone started ringing. 

"Stay right here while I go answer the phone.'' Brittney said, going into the kitchen to get the phone that was ringing. 

The next part was a huge blur to me. I turned around when I heard a huge crash come from the kitchen. Brittney had dropped the phone and had her hand over her mouth. Maybe she was feeling sick? A few seconds later, Brittney scooped me up into her arms and took me outside and placed me into her little brothers carseat, buckling me in. She just got her car this year, and I adored it. I looked around at my surroundings as we pulled out and I noticed that it was dark. I wonder where we could be going. Maybe we were meeting Mommy and Daddy? I decided to ask. 

"Where are we going?"

"To see Mommy and Daddy." Brittney replied, pulling into a parking lot. 

She unbuckled me and picked me up, carrying me inside. Once inside, there were people with tears in their eyes, some people in pain, and some people wearing big white coats frantically screaming. I covered my ears. 

"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" I asked Brittney. 

"I don't know yet sweetie. Let's go up to the lady up there." Brittney replied, walking up to a lady with lots of red lipstick on. 

"Carter and Levi Lopez?'' Brittney asked the lady. 

"I'm so sorry, they just passed away a few minutes ago." The lady said. 

I was confused to what that meant. Where were they? I was growing scared. I tugged on Brittney's shoulder and she looked at me, giving me a sad smile. 

"Where's Mommy and Daddy?" I asked. 

"They went on vacation." Brittney replied. 

"I want Mommy and Daddy!" I cried into her shoulder. 

"Sh! Sh! Zoe it's ok. You are going to come over to my house and spend the night." Brittney said. 

"Okay. I guess." I replied, sniffling.

We got back into Brittney's car and she drove back to her house. I was tucked into her huge bed while she talked to her Mommy. I fell asleep with Mommy and Daddy on my mind. 

*Nine Years Old*

I finally got used to this stupid adoption center. Word is they treat you nice until you are ten, and then they beat you and hurt you. I was really afraid and wanted to be adopted so badly. I have been adopted to so many families but have been returned because of how reserved and quiet I am. I try not to talk since I found out that my mom and dad died. I haven't seen Brittney since, but she apparently left her phone number with me. I had it in a secret place, and I hope she will still have it when I get a phone if I ever get one. 

I was returned a few days ago when this ten year old girl said to the people that adopted me that I cussed her out. I didn't really care much, I hate girls like her who think they rule the world. They just need to go and get a real life and stop picking on other people. Unlike most people these days though, I actually have common sense. 

I had one friend here. His name is Tyler. He is a twelve year old and he is gay. He was like my big brother here and he was nice to me. Why he liked me, a nine year old, I have no clue, but he is funny and really nice. He was adopted a few days ago, but he gave me his phone number. He came here with one and had his service payed for by one of his friends from school who eventually adopted him. 

I kept that phone number with Brittney's, hoping that I would get to meet up with him someday. I was basically a loner here now and depressed. Every day I was here, was another day I lost hope.

*Eleven Years Old*

"Get your ass outside right now!" My ''mom'' said. 

I didn't want to eat dinner because I figured out that they had drugged it because I forgot to clean my room, so this was my punishment. It was currently twenty-six degrees fahrenheit outside and dropping. I was only wearing a tank top and shorts but if I didn't listen, I would get beaten until I did. I sighed and stepped out of the front door, feeling the cold air prick my skin. I closed the door and took a seat on the cold ground and huffed. I curled up in a ball and my teeth started chattering right away. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. 

I sat out in the cold for five hours before getting called back inside. I was terrified at what would happen next. I walked into the warm house and tried to enjoy it. I instantly felt my head get pulled back and I realized it was my ''dad'' pulling my hair. I cried out in pain. 

''Listen up you little brat, you make one noise, you will get it even worse." My ''mom'' threatened. 

What they did next was worse than anything they have ever done to me. One good swing to the face and I was on the ground. I felt blood trickle out of my nose. Both of them stepped on my ribs at the same time with force, causing me to scream out. Since I did that, they brutally hit me until I lost all consciousness. 

I woke up in the hospital. My arm was in a sling, with my shoulder wrapped up. I also had a cast on that arm. I had a sharp pain in my ribs, and they were bandaged up like my shoulder. I was given pain medication that they said I would have to use for a long time because one of my ribs will never heal properly without getting an expensive surgery on it. I don't have the money for it, so I can't do it. 

I finally had to go back to the adoption center after a week. I basically stayed in my room until I could get the sling and cast off. I would always have this nasty scar on my cheek right by my ear that I cover up with my hair. I have lost all hopes of getting adopted by someone that will love me like a mom and dad should.

Turn Around - An Adopted By O2L StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя