Ch:13 - The unknown

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    Who's number is this, and how did they know what would happen? Only one person could have predicted this.. My father. And I mean my real father. I decided it would be best if I just figure out who sent the text, for real, a little bit later..   I looked up at Evan just as my phone died out, "So, where are we going?" 

  "We're just going to head to my secret base, as I call it.."  Evan looked away from the road and flashed me a smile.

  "Secret base? And watch the road you idiot!" I laughed. It's funny, dispite everything that happend, he could make me laugh.. Just trust the boy, he's smart. My mother's voice rang in my ears. 

  "Yeah, just to pick up a few supplies and money. I don't think the drivers of trains feel comfortable seeing people carrying around huge machine guns." Evan joked. 

  "But I can still keep my mini pistol .. right?" I've actually grown very fond of the weapon. 

  "As long as you can hide it." Evan snapped his fingers. I just shrugged and turned on the radio, and a song, I had no idea what the name was, came on. It had a great tune, I'm amazed it isn't as famous! Either way it looked like Evan liked the song too, he was tapping the wheel with his fingers too the beat of the song. 


 We'd been driving for about 3 hours or so, the wind was blowing strongly against the convertable, causing the ponytail in my hair to loosen it's grasp, and blown away, into ablivion. I doubt Evan would stop the car so I could pick up the stupid hair tie. I pawed at my hair with my fingers, frantically, trying to coverup my birds - nest of a hair. 

  After long minutes of trying to untangle my hair, I heard Evan's voice, "Riley, you look fine. Don't worry about it." He wasn't even looking at me how could he... - oh maybe he is looking at me. "Alright, since your a hair- stylist and all." I joked. "You got that right." Evan laughed as he put on the song: She will be loved. 

  "So do you think we'll get to this 'secret base' anytime soon?" I did air quotations. 

 "As a matter in fact, we're here." Evan turned off the car and hopped out.  

  That landscape before us was just bare and green. Nothing to be seen. Just a magnificent place to camp, but besides that, theres no 'secret base.' "What do you mean?" I grabbed one mini pistol and hopped out of the car, leaving the rest of the firearms behind. I ran up beside him as he walked through the greenry. 

  "Look. Up in the trees and branches. That's the first aid tree. Camofluged first- aid packs are hidden there." He pointed to one tree. "And over here is were we get the money we'll need to save for the days to come. I call it the money- tree, it earned it's name when my parents designed the trunks to hold stacks of cash, in pretty much any currentcy." Even pointed to another tree on the left. 

 "So this is what you call a 'secret base'" I giggled as I lay down on the greenery, and soaked in the sun that glimmered through the trees above my body. 

 "I guess you can say that." Evan lay beside me, facing his face to mine. 

 I thought about all the events that occured today, then thought about how Evan handled them all. That's when a thought hit me, how did I shoot someone with a gun and have no feelings? Before I could answer the question, Evan kissed me. And yes, this one was real. 

  His lips were soft against mine, forgetting everything in the world, I kissed him back. When we finally stopped kissing, Evan rolled over and plucked a pink chrysanthemum from the ground and put it elegantly in my hair. I smiled brightly as we lay face to face in the grass, until the though reocurred in my mind, I killed a person. No I killed people, people who probably had families back home. 

  I broke the happiness of the place by saying, "Evan.. How could I have reloaded that gun? Much less killed all those people back there?" 

  "Your real dad ... well he had a fi-" Evan stopped, with his face gone of blood. Pail.

  "What file? The file the mafia wanted?"  I urged on. 

  "Well.. Riley you see, your dad needed to protect you.. and see if the ..  vaccine wor-" Evan stopped. 

 "Evan.. did my dad put the vaccine into me?" I said shocked.

  "Only to protect you." Evan held my hand. 

 I shook off his hand and stood up, "Protect me? More like use me as a lab rat to test if the stupid vaccine worked! I'M NOT JUST AN OUTSIDER, ISNT THAT RIGHT? I'M SOME.. MONSTER? All because of a stupid vaccine, I'm no longer.. Riley. I guess I never was!" I began to cry a little bit. I'm just a tester, a quiz, an outsider, a monster. 

  "No Riley! You know that isn't true!" Evan got up. 

  I began to walk away from Evan, and into the town nearby. I need some fricking air, breathe Riley. Then the thought made it's way into my brain, several more times, over and over again. I'm just a labrat. A test, a test to see if some street drug would work. I looked at my arm and saw, what I thought was a birth mark, but was actually where the needle was pushed into. 

 If I ever find my dad, I'm going to have a serious chat with him. 



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