Chapter 58: The End?

Start from the beginning

"Oh really?" he smirked back.

"Oh yeah." I said.

I smirked as we both leant in for a kiss.


"I love you Dean."

"I love you too Seth."


"Dean?" I heard, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I just....I'm....I'm going home." I muttered, leaving the hospital.
































SIKE!!! I got you! There's no way I would do something so horrible like that. Here's what really happened.


"Is anyone here for Seth Rollins?" we heard. It was the doctor.

"Yeah?" I said as Roman, Sasha and I rushed over to him. "How is he? Please tell me he's okay? How are our babies?"

"Well, he's very lucky. We were able to save both Mr Rollins and the babies." he said, making me let out a breath of relief.

"Can we see him?" Roman asked.

"Yeah but please be a little quiet. He's asleep." he said before walking away.

"He's alive!" I said in happiness, hugging Roman and Sasha.

"I don't know what would've happened if we lost him." Roman said.

"Come on." Sasha said.

We all walked into the hospital room and saw Seth sleeping on the bed. He had his hand on his tummy, making me smile to myself as a tear fell down my face. I rushed over to his bed and grabbed onto his hand before kissing his cheek.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I whispered, moving a few stray hairs from his face.

"Me too." Roman and Sasha said.

"And I'm glad you guys are okay too." I said, placing my hand on Seth's tummy. "I love you three so much. I can't lose you guys ever."

I saw Seth's hand go on top of mine. Confused, I looked over to see he was awake.

"I can't lose you guys either." he smiled.

"Seth? I'm so glad you're okay." I smiled back, giving him a kiss. "I thought I lost you and the twins."

"Please. You can't get rid of us that easily." he chuckled.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." I said, squeezing his hand, making him blush before he pulled me into a hug.

"I thought I was gonna die." he muttered.

"Well, you're okay now and that's all that matters." Sasha said as we pulled away.

"You really scared me Seth. If you do something like that again, I swear our friendship is over." Roman said with tears in his eyes, smiling slightly before pulling Seth into a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too." Sasha said. "I'm so sorry Seth. You got hurt because of me and-"

"No, Sash. Don't blame yourself. If anything, it was Mandy's fault." he said.

"That was exactly what Dean said to me." she smiled.

"What can I say? Great minds think alike." he smiled, making us all laugh. "Honestly speaking though, I'm so grateful everything is okay. I'm so happy Colby and Luna are safe."

"Me too." Dean said. "I love you and the twins so much. You three are all that I need for me to be happy."

"I can't imagine losing you and the twins too. You three are my life now and....I wouldn't change a thing." Seth smiled at me.

"God, I love you so damn much, it actually hurts." I said, making him blush.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know."

I smiled before cupping his face and pulling him into a kiss.

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