Chapter one

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I had a large blue backpack draped over my left shoulder. I stood at the door before me before lightly knocking. I heard the person on the other side, struggling to figure out the lock.
Once he finally got it open, I saw a surprised look on his face.

"Er...Hi... I'm Jay. I'm your roommate." I said and smiled.
He ran his fingers through his blond hair, that was styled just like a jock would have it.
"Ello. I'm Misha." He said and walked out of the door way to let me in.

Damn, he was hot. I already pointed out his hair, but his eyes. His eyes were like the ocean! I walked past him and set my backpack on the empty bed.
"You didn't bring anything else?" He asked and raised his eyebrows. He was obviously confused.

"I did. Everything's in my car." I said shortly. The walls in the room were white, and the only things in the room were 2 beds, 2 desks, and 2 dressers. That was apart from the whole bathroom, which I didn't check out yet.
"Want me to help you get everything out?"
"You don't have too. I'm sure I could do it." He crossed his arms and followed me out to my car.

It took us about 5 minutes to bring all the boxes. I didn't have very many at all. I unpacked alone and pulled out a box I didn't realize I had. This had pictures of me as a baby, and most embarrassingly, a picture of me that was taken during a party with a sign over my head that said "Being Gay Is Okay!"

I held up the picture to my face to examine it closely. This was me in 9th grade. My jet black hair and blue eyes. Misha came over and took it from my hands.

"Being Gay Is okay? Is this what your parents think of you?" He let out a small laugh. "You're gay?"
I looked him in the eyes and nodded lightly in his direction.

"Great. If my team finds out about you, you are fucking done for."
I took my picture back from him.
"Gay or not. I am who I am." I said as I stuffed the picture back in the box. " I don't care if you shove me around every day. I'm used to it."

I looked up at him and he was looking at me with a side eye.
"What?" I said firmly.
"You're confident. I like it." He said and turned around.

Pfft. He didn't say that! He doesn't mean it. Now that I'm thinking about it...His name sounds familiar. And he looks familiar.
Misha... Misha... Misha... Blonde hair... Blue eyes?
Maybe not?

I was deeply into animating. I put my drawing tablet on the table and hooked it up to my whole set up. After doing that, I made my bed and I swear the whole time, Misha was staring. I don't know what his deal is.

"I'm going to the cafeteria to get food." He said and walked out the door. I followed after him a few minutes after. He was a good distance away. I heard a shove and I looked up in time to see a girl get shoved into a wall and Misha retracting his arms.

I ran down there and helped the girl up. "What the hell, Misha? It's been a single day and you are already finding people to pick on?"
"It's carved in my soul, buddy. Be glad it's not you." He walked off and turned the corner.
"Are you okay?" I asked the girl and let go of her arms.
"Yea. Thank you for helping me."
"No problem." I flashed a small smile. "I'm Jay."
"I'm Sarah." she said shyly.

I could tell she was a quiet girl. She was kind of cute but not in that way a guy would think of her. That's probably because I'm gay.

I talked to her as we walked to the cafeteria. We told each other our dorm numbers and separated. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't hungry. I turned around and walked back to the dorm again. I just walked down there for no reason.

I entered the room and went straight to my desk to do an animation. I felt really motivated to do one about standing up for yourself. I began with my oc and went from there. It was nice to have piece and quiet. My old house was with family and they were usually pretty loud.

The Bully I Thought I Lost... (Boyxboy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt