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Jade sat down at the computer in her office and double-clicked her video chat icon. She was three minutes late for her appointment with Dr. Nelson. Unacceptably tardy. Jade was used to military precision and usually paid attention to detail. Not so much these days, though. A lot was going on in her life, so many things competing for her focus.

And it felt great.

The chat window opened onscreen and Jade immediately offered Dr. Nelson a sheepish grin. "I am so sorry. Time just got away from me."

"Not a problem, Jade. Things are pretty busy around there, huh?"

"Oh, yeah. We've got so much going on right now, it's crazy. If I stop to think about it all, I'll probably get overwhelmed. But it's good. Great, even."

"I'm glad to hear that. Tell me about 'great.' You had mentioned going back to school. You were planning to do some research on programs in the area. Anything come of that?"

"Actually, yeah." Jade clicked on a minimized browser window, eager to bring up the Web site for the Bergin University of Canine Studies. Instead, she got an eyeful of something entirely inappropriate for the middle of a therapy appointment: the Good Vibrations online catalog, still displaying the strap-on harness she and Perrie had purchased just the night before. She blushed as though Dr. Nelson could see what she was looking at, then closed it quickly. Finding the correct window with another click, she cleared her throat. "I've applied to an assistance dog education program. It's an associate's degree, and it'll prepare me for a career as a professional dog trainer."

"Sounds perfect. When will you find out whether you've been accepted?"

"The semester starts at the end of August, so pretty soon." Jade was able to think about attending classes with only slight anxiety, which was a good sign. The anxiety would grow upon learning that she had been accepted and would peak right before her first day of class, but Perrie would be there to help her through it. And Jackson. "I'm nervous, but also excited. I like the idea of working with dogs."

"I'm so pleased for you." Dr. Nelson grinned broadly, looking like she might cry. "You have no idea how proud I am, Jade."

"I think I might." Jade glanced at Jackson, who sat next to her chair. It seemed like everyone was telling her that these days. Every time she pushed herself or stepped outside her comfort zone, Perrie nearly burst with pride. Her mom and sisters met every piece of news, including this school thing, with tremendous delight. Sometimes she even thought she saw respect in Leigh-Anne's eyes, despite their rocky start. "I'm feeling good."

"Well, you should." Dr. Nelson's grin grew more watery, if that was possible. "Your sister is visiting soon, isn't she? That will be exciting."

"Yeah, Juliet will be here in a week and a half. Perrie and I are probably crazy for doing the move right before she gets here, but we can't stand it anymore."

Dr. Nelson raised an eyebrow. "The move?"

Jade searched her memory. She could have sworn she'd told Dr. Nelson about this the last time they spoke. Then again, it had been a spontaneous decision. "Yeah, Perrie's moving her stuff into my place. Our place, I mean. I know it's only been six months, but it didn't make sense to keep both houses when we only ever spend time at one or the other."

"Wow, congratulations. So I take it this means things are going well with Perrie."

"Oh, yes." That was an understatement. "She's incredible. I can't wait for Juliet to meet her."

As though summoned by the sound of her name, Perrie tottered into the office carrying a large Rock Band 2 box. "What do you say we set this up, sweetheart, and I school you—" She halted abruptly when she saw the video chat window on the computer. "Oh, my God, I am so sorry. I totally forgot. I'll leave you—"

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