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As much as I enjoyed taking Jade out to dinner on our first date, the second was a lot more fun. We kept it simple with pizza and a movie at home, which meant she got to relax. And relax she did. We held hands during the entire film, and twice she stole kisses that ended up turning into full-blown makeout sessions. By the time the credits rolled, I doubted that I had retained more than twenty minutes of the plot. Not that it mattered. It wasn't about the movie; it was about being close to Jade.

She picked up the remote and clicked the television off. "That was good."

"Was it?" I traced my fingertip over her jaw, then touched her lower lip. "I was a little too distracted to pay attention."

Kissing my finger, she murmured, "Me, too. I wasn't talking about the movie."

Our eyes met and we shifted closer to one another as though drawn by an invisible force. I had been waiting almost the entire evening for this moment, when we could touch each another freely without feeling we should be engaged in a more respectable activity.

I waited for Jade to make the first move. Though I wanted to press her down onto the couch and kiss the hell out of her, I would play it safe and let her get us started. So far I had been cautious bordering on old-fashioned, not wanting to do anything to scare her from our burgeoning sexual relationship. While I was definitely willing to wait as long as she needed and would never push for more than she was ready to give, I yearned to take that final step and become lovers.

She wrapped her arms around me and tugged me into a close embrace. "You're driving me crazy, you know."

"Am I?" I kissed the side of her neck, thrilling in the shiver I elicited. "I like the sound of that."

"I'm pretty fond of being driven crazy, myself." She put her mouth on my throat, sucking gently. She moaned, then whispered, "God, Perrie, I can't believe how badly I want you."

I closed my eyes when her hands found the hem of my T-shirt and slipped inside. No matter how strongly I believed in taking things as slow as Jade needed, this was torture, plain and simple. Still, the last thing I wanted to do was discourage her from exploring the physical side of our relationship. Not when it might shatter her fledgling confidence. So I endured the sweetest agony I had ever experienced with a smile on my face.

She kissed me deeply, and once again I marveled at the skill with which her mouth seduced me. Her kisses were tender yet passionate, curling my toes and unleashing a flood of wetness between my legs. Her hands were just as skilled, caressing my stomach and back in a way that made me grateful I was already sitting down.

When her fingers drifted close to the underside of my breasts, just barely brushing the cups of my bra, I held my breath in anticipation. Then she retreated, tearing loose a groan from my throat. Every time we made out Jade flirted with the idea of touching my breasts, and every time she backed off. I knew she wanted nothing more than to run her hands over them, but apparently she was still working up the nerve. The buildup was so intense that I worried I would orgasm the moment she finally found the courage to breach that barrier.

Breaking away from our kiss, Jade rested her forehead on my shoulder. From the way her body trembled and her breathing hitched, she was obviously trying to calm down. I rubbed my hands up and down her muscular back, then kissed her temple. "I should probably go," I whispered. "It's late."

"Please stay." She lifted her head and met my eyes. "I want you to stay."

I swallowed, unsure exactly what she meant. "Are you sure?"

"I don't like the idea of you driving home in the dark." She touched my throat, then curled her hand around the back of my neck, pulling me in for another kiss. She murmured against my lips, "It's too dangerous."

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