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I leaned back in my cushioned patio chair, laughing as I watched Jackson hop around Hatchi. He was doing a damn good job of keeping up with the smaller dog, who I was confident would sleep well tonight. "They've really hit it off," I said, then glanced over at Jade.

She hugged her knees to her chest as she gazed out at the yard. She was smiling, but her eyes shone with an emotion that looked close to sorrow. "I wish I could make friends so easily."

"Yeah, there's not a lot of bullshit between dogs. I'll sniff your butt, you sniff mine, now let's go run around like lunatics."

Snorting quietly, Jade said, "Maybe in my next life."

"I think you're doing just fine in this one." I studied Jade's face, unsurprised at the shadow that passed over it. Ever since the conversation about my sexuality, she had been even more reserved. I couldn't help but worry that it was a problem for her. Disappointing, if that were the case. Then again, maybe Jade could sense my lingering attraction. Though I would never act on it, I couldn't blame her for feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry again that I questioned your motives for inviting me over." Jade kept her voice low, almost as though she didn't want the dogs to overhear. Staring straight ahead, she was clearly avoiding eye contact. "I was completely ridiculous."

"Please, don't apologize," I said. Especially not when there was a kernel of justification for my concerns. "I threw you for a loop. You probably didn't have a lot of gay and lesbian friends in the military."

Her mouth twitched. "Who knows?"

"Very true."

"I am sorry, though. I feel...pretty stupid."


"I mean, to think that you... Well, I'm not exactly much of a catch." Jade covered her face with her hands, visibly cringing. "I'm such an asshole."

I frowned. I didn't like the negative self-talk, but I wasn't sure it would be appropriate to assure Jade there was absolutely nothing ridiculous about the idea that I could be attracted to her. Taking a breath, I decided that maybe being honest would help ease some of her embarrassment. "Look, you're a beautiful woman. There's nothing stupid about assuming that someone might have a romantic interest. But I assure you, I want you for your sparkling personality. And your fine choice of canine companions."

She dropped her hands, revealing red-tinged cheeks. "You're way too nice to have anything to do with me. You know that, right?"

"I have a different opinion," I said. "Deal with it."

"Yes, Doctor."

I had to suppress a shiver at the way her voice lowered when she used my title. My intentions were pure, damn it. If I didn't want to chase Jade away, I needed to put a lid on any thoughts of being attracted to her.

"So what's the deal with the obstacle course?" she asked.

I was relieved that the subject had reverted to dogs. "I'm doing agility with Hatchi. It's hardly a full course, or even a particularly good one, but I set up some simple obstacles so we could practice at home."

"Agility? They actually have obstacle courses for dogs?"

"Oh, yeah. It's a legitimate sport. The handler directs the dog through a number of obstacles. It's timed and scored."

"Wow." Jade gazed out over the yard again. "I had no idea. I bet Hatchi would be great at that. He seems very athletic."

"You have no idea." I sat forward in my chair. "Want us to show you?"

"Really?" her excitement was unmistakable. "Yeah, please." Whistling, she called Jackson to her. "Sit," she told him, and he plopped down at her side.

I stood, scratching Hatchi on the neck. His fur was soaking wet, evidence that Jackson had used him as a chew toy. "Gross," I murmured, and shook my hand off. "Come on, boy. Let's show Jade what you've got."

I ran him through the course twice, stealing glances at my guest as we went. Jade was clearly transfixed, and her response unleashed an unexpected flood of affection in me. That something as simple as a dog running an agility course could make her so excited was frankly charming. I rarely encountered such a lack of pretense in other women.

After Hatchi completed the course the second time, I waved her over. "Come on. Why don't you give it a try?"

Jade moved as though to stand, then sat back. "Me? I don't know how."

"I'll show you."

"I've never worked with a dog before."

"You love them. That's the only qualification you need to start learning."

Expecting her to come up with something else, I was surprised when she stood and joined me. Her enthusiasm was palpable. "Okay. Tell me what to do."

I took Jade through each obstacle with Hatchi, explaining the necessary commands and tips for keeping him focused. She listened attentively and asked questions that revealed a deep intelligence and curiosity. Despite my earlier vow to put a lid on my attraction, I grew ever more interested. By the time I stepped back to let Jade take Hatchi through the obstacles on her own, I was watching the former soldier in awe.

Jade was completely transformed when she worked with Hatchi. She wore a full, toothy smile, laughing easily when she or he made a mistake or accomplished a goal. The limping gait I had been wondering about nearly disappeared as she ran alongside Hatchi, her entire body seemingly infused with new strength. Jade was glowing, so inexplicably beautiful that my heart hurt.

Oh, I was in deep trouble. And I knew I couldn't turn back now.

"Excellent," I said when we finished the course successfully. Clapping, I bent and greeted Hatchi with a flurry of pats and praise. "Good job, both of you."

"That was fun." Jade jogged over to join us. "He's amazing."

"Thanks." I watched Jade scratch Hatchi's chest, struck by a sudden thought. "I wish I had more time to practice with him. I want to enter him in an agility trial in June, but with my work schedule, I don't think we'll be ready."

"Are you kidding me? He's great! I can't imagine he needs that much more training."

"I haven't even taught him some of the obstacles yet. Like the weave poles. He doesn't know the first thing about weave poles."

She frowned. "Is that hard to teach?"

"It can be challenging. And we usually only get a half hour or so of training time in the evenings. We make it to some of the classes on the weekends, but we miss a lot of them."

Something passed across her face, and I knew she had guessed where I was leading. "Well, could I...I mean, could I help?"

Perfect. I grinned, excited at the thought of having her spend time with Hatchi. It would be wonderful for her, if these few minutes of practice were any indication. And I would feel a lot less guilt over my work schedule if I didn't have to imagine Hatchi being bored in my office. "Would you want to?"

"Sure." Excitement began to creep into her voice. "I have nothing but time."

"I take Hatchi to the clinic with me, but he usually ends up napping in my office all day. If you wanted to take him a day or two during the week while I'm at work-"

"Absolutely! Seriously? You'd let me do that?"

I laughed. "Are you kidding? Doggy day care? And free training to boot? You'd be doing me a huge favor."

Jade dropped her gaze to her feet. "Well, I don't know about that."

"Trust me, I'd appreciate it more than you know. But if it ends up being too much for you, please tell me. I don't want him to overwhelm you."

"He won't overwhelm me." she stroked Hatchi's head. "I love him. He's great."

"Then it's a deal," I said, so proud of Hatchi for attracting such instant devotion. With any luck, Jade might learn to trust me, too.

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