I still hate Twilight

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Roku (from The Last Airbender): When you speak with him, you must be very careful to show no emotion at all. Not the slightest expression, or he will steal your face.

Bella: No problem, Roku.


Harry to Ginny: I cannot endanger your life while I try to destroy Voldemort

Peeta to Katniss: If only one of us can live, it must be you

Edward: Mmmm... Tasty


Interviewer: Is it true that Jacob is gay?

Kristen Stewart: Why would you say that?

Interviewer: He fell in love with a girl who looks like a man.

Kristen Stewart: ...


Vampire Diaries with Badass Vampires VS Twilight with Sparkly Vampires. Need I say more?


Robert Pattison: I love the bit where Kristen reveals that she thinks she's pregnant for the first time in front of the mirror. And she's like "Oh my God" and she looks at her completely flat stomach.

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