~ Sixteen ~

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In this chapter music is necessary. Technically. When you see a word in bold then that means to start the music. If you're in a place without WiFi then... well... oops. It's not really needed, but I tried really hard for a part of the story to line up well with the music, and I was like, really proud, so if you can please read when the music will load. Besides that, just enjoy the story. \(^_^)


Suga Cube

Meet me @ the studio in 15

You stand outside the dance studio, waiting patiently. You made it slightly early. You shift from foot to foot, watching the time go by on your phones clock. Before you know it, a car pulls into a parking space, only just missing the curb. Min Yoongi steps out of the drivers seat, smiling at you.

"Come on." He says with a grin, opening the studio doors. You stumble in after him.

He brings you in where the other members are stood, waiting.
"I need to bring you somewhere, but we had to practice, so I decided to tag you along as well." Yoongi says, smiling. You nod. "I hope you don't mind," He adds as he walks over to the other members. You settle down in front of the mirror.

Mind? Mind? Yeah, I'm sure it's really gonna bother you to watch Bangtan give you a private performance, ending with them dripping with sweat and breathing heavily.

The members perform, and its so hot you're afraid you might melt. When they do their little thrusts, since you're the only audience member, they're all looking at you, thrusting the air. You squeal, then slap your hand over your mouth.

Oh god, don't tell me any of them heard that...

When they finish up, sweating, panting, and critiquing each other, Yoongi stays behind. The other members don't seem to notice, as Seokjin even goes as far as to close the door.

"They left us in here," You point out, getting to your feet.
"They left us in here." Yoongi repeats your words with a smile. He's standing by the stereo, his phone connected via cord, as his thumb scrolls the screen. He presses play on a song.

The stereos crackles, coming back to life, and music begins to play. It's not BTS, it's...

"U2," Yoongi says, walking over to you. "Song For Someone." He holds out both of his hands, which you cautiously place yours into. Just the way he grabs your hands drives you crazy. He has a strong grip; soft hands. The grip isn't too strong, it's just the right amount of pressure to make it comfortable.

He pulls you out into the middle of the studio, still smiling at you, and twirls you around. You laugh. The group, U2, begins to sing.
"Min Yoongi," You say, backing up. "I can't really dance."
"Everyone can dance," Yoongi pulls you back in, close to his chest. Yoongi starts dancing slowly, pulling you into him.
"Come on, I've seen you dance before. You're good." He says. There's something in his eyes — something more. He's giving you a loving look. The look a mother would give her child, a dog would give its owner, Shane Dawson would give his Taco Bell... a look a boyfriend would give his girlfriend.
His hand, wrapped around your waist, pulls you in tighter to him. If you tilt your head the right way, your eyes meet, and his lips are inches from yours. He's still warm from his rehearsal, you can see the sweat beading on his forehead, the redness of his cheeks, the way his hair will stick to the hottest parts of his face.
"Min Yoongi..."
He spins you around, dipping you. You squeal, laughing. He pulls you back up, twirling you around, him laughing too. It's slow, ballroom dancing, the sort of things you did at prom. Well, at prom you weren't with Min Yoongi, you were with your first asshole boyfriend who last you heard of moved to Vancouver with some blonde haired missus from a Chipotle drive thru. Your mind isn't on that right now though.
You lay your head against his shoulder, letting his footsteps guide yours. As you lay there against his shoulder, hand on his arm, other clasped in his hand, it's the weirdest feeling you've ever experienced. You feel genuinely loved. The way he holds your waist, the way he grasps your hand, the way he looks at you...
You almost kiss him, but instead wait, listening as he lowly sings along with the song, his accent and pronunciation barely molding the English words.
"You let me in to a conversation... a conversation only we could make..." he looks down at you, smiling. You can't even imagine how red your face is right now. His hand moves from yours for a second, and he gently flicks the heart on your choker. You giggle.
"Are you okay like this?" He asks you.
"Okay?" You question, flabbergasted. "I'm... amazing."
You both smile, holding each other, his hand reconnecting with yours. He licks his lips, and for a second you think he may just kiss you, but instead he smirks, blushing lightly and looking away for a moment. Not long after his eyes lock back with yours, and it's just the two of you there again.
The infinity that you had slipped into that night with all the thunder and lightning returns, and it's like the room disappears. It's just you and him in your own little world that no one else can access, just you, and him, and quite possibly Min Holly.
The way he spins you around, the way he talks to you, the way he holds you... it's more than you could've ever imagined. This boy you've been fangirling over since forever, and now he's here, holding you, fangirling over you too. It feels like a dream, a really long dream, but it's real. Everything about it... it's real.
His lips are so close to yours now — you can smell the mint toothpaste on his breath.
He mumbles something to you, but you don't hear it. "What–"
He picks you up by the waist, pulling you up into the air with a spin. You squeal, your feet gently reconnecting with the ground, both you and him laughing. He spins you faster and faster, and you feel so dizzy you're afraid you'll stumble and knock you both down.
When he stops spinning you, you stumble forward, and as expected you end up pushing him over. His hand, still connected to yours, grips harder, and the hand on your waist stays there. You push yourself up a bit, looking into his eyes.
His hand travels up your back, sending shivers down your spine and heat to your cheeks. His hand ends up intertwined with your hair, gripping it in his clenched fist. He smiles at you, giving you that look. You squeeze his hand, and he squeezes back.
Holding up your wrist gently, he kisses it, his thumb brushing over the scarred skin.
"I don't see this," He says, looking from your wrist back to you. "I see... this." He uses two of his fingers to curve your mouth into a smile. "There's more to you than what you let on, and I intend to discover every bit of it." He claims. Moving his hands from your wrist, he intertwines his fingers within yours again.
"I will show you everything beautiful that you don't see about yourself, because you deserve to know how amazing you truly are." He says. Your blush deepens, the music fades out. Yoongi turns to it, then back at you.
"Come on, get up." He says, getting up himself. He walks over to the stereo, retrieving his phone.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now