~Forty Two~

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This one is short, I'm so so sorry but I'm dealing with a lot of shit at the moment, I'm just trying to bring things out at a reasonable pace.


You woke up to Jin screaming.


You wince. Oh god. You're fucked.
You pull the sheets off of your body. You went home with Yoongi last night, just because you felt like it, and you didn't have work in the morning.
You pull on last nights jeans and one of Yoongi's pull-over sweaters before heading downstairs.

"It's not like anybody was there–"
"You had sex in a public park!"
"No But's! Especially not yours, and not naked, and not in a park!"
"Jesus Jin, calm down–"
"No! You banged up your girlfriend in a public park!"
"Good... morning?"
"You– Hello, Y/n –fucked her in a park! In a stream! You could have been caught! What if someone recorded it!?"
"No one seen us!"
"What if some saesaeng stalked you there and is going to blackmail you with your sex tape!"
"There is no saesaeng! There is no sex tape! Hyung, seriously, calm down!"

Jin shook his head, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Are you hungry, love?" He asked you. You nodded.
"What would you like?"
"Mm... waffles?"
"Okay, waffles it is."

Yoongi slipped out of the kitchen and put his arms around you, pouting.

"Jin's being mean!" He whimpered.
"Jin's being factual," Jin said back.
"No you're not! You're just mad because I have sex and you don't!"
"Well, actually..."
"Namjoon, Don't even start."


After you ate, you all settled down to watch a movie. You felt bad because, as soon as you started it up, Yoongi pulled you towards him with his arm draped around your shoulder. As soon as he did, Jungkook stood up and declared he'd seen the movie before and wanted to go practice.

"B-But, Kook-ah, you suggested the movie!" Taehyung pointed out, hanging over the back of the sofa. He reached out and pulled at Jungkook's sweater as he passed, but the younger merely slapped him away.
"Ow!" Taehyung whimpered out. Jungkook turned on heel, gently kissed Taehyung's hand, and then walked back over to the stairs.

"You're still mean!" Taehyung cried out. He kissed his own hand.

At a part in the movie where there was a particularly boring scene, you announced you had to go to the bathroom. The others all said that was fine, and Yoongi promised to fill you in if anything important happened.

The bathroom was surprisingly not messy, besides an overflowing laundry basket and, if you opened the cupboards, every shampoo imaginable.

Each member had their own shampoo, conditioner, and preferred body soap, which meant there were twenty-one different bottles hidden away in the cupboards.

You were almost done in the bathroom when you noticed something on the toilet paper — blood.

"Shit," you mumbled. You sat there for a good minute contemplating your decisions. Jump out the window? It was tiny, you wouldn't fit. Wrap your underwear in toilet paper? Ew, uncomfortable, will most likely bleed through. Shove toilet paper up your– no, no, no, that was crossing a line.

There was a knock at the door.

"Y/n! Everything okay?" It was Yoongi.
"Uh, y-yup!" You responded. There was a pause.

Then the door opened.

"Yoongi!" You screeched. He slammed the door back shut almost immediately.
"S-Sorry, Sorry! I got worried! I thought you were..." he huffed. "What's taking you so long?"
"Um... blood..." you mumbled softly.
"Blood? What do you mean, blood?! Y/n what's going on?!"
"Periods, Min Yoongi!" You cried out, your face flushing red.
"Oh... oh! Oh! Let me in!"
"What?! Ew, no!"
"Please? I'm coming in anyways!"
"What? No! Don't you–"

He walked in.

"Yoongi! What in several shades of fuck is wrong with you?!" You cried. He walked over to the cupboards, his own face pretty red, and clicked his tongue at you.

"I-I'm trying to help," he stuttered. "And, it's not like I haven't see you naked before."
You blushed. "T-This is so totally different!"
"Not really..."

He pulled something out of one of the lower cupboards and handed it to you.

"Why do you have tampons lying around?" You asked, although you were grateful he had them.
"Because when we have you lying around, we know you might need them." He said, looking away from you.
You took the box from him. "Thank you," you said. "Now... get out!"
Yoongi chuckled and left, leaving you still flustered.

Once you did what you had to do, you washed your hands and fixed your hair. As you were playing with your hair, you noticed something. The tub had a stained red rim around it. At first, you thought it was just your eyes playing tricks on you, but upon further inspection, no. There was a red rim. It looked a lot like when... when...

You shook your head and left. The movie was still playing, and when you sat down Yoongi briefly explained to you what you missed. As he pointed to the TV, you noticed where he'd hurt his wrist during practice.


You started panicking. You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the washroom, leaving him and the other members confused. You pointed at the tub, specifically at the red rim, and said, "What the fuck did you do?"

He looked at the tub to you, tracing your gaze to his wrist. He bit his lip, looked around as if that could give him an explanation, and sighed.

Then he ran.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now