~ Eleven ~

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*stares at title*
*starts playing Stranger Things opening*


After you had left to go home, wishing all the other members a merry Christmas, the boys had breakfast. They had offered you to join them, but you told them you had somewhere to be.

After eating pancakes they had made themselves (except Jungkook's, as His was stuck to the pan) Seokjin and Jungkook were on dishwashing duties as the others cleaned the mess of wrapping paper under the tree.

"So, why were you calling Y/n Unnie?" Seokjin asked, clearly trying to keep a straight face.
"Huh? Well, because she's older than me." Jungkook replied, pouting.
"Jungkook, then you call her Noona. No boy calls a woman Unnie." Hoseok pointed out. He had the colored Christmas paper on his head like a hat.
"B-But Unnie is so much cuter!" Jungkook pointed out.
"You call her Noona."
"But Unnie is so-"
"Yah, Jungkookie, it's sounds so stupid when you call her that." Jimin said, laughing.
"N-No it doesn't!"
"Jungkook, if you're calling her something, call her Noona." Yoongi said.
"B-But... she didn't seem to mind being called Unnie..."
"She's a nice girl, she wouldn't correct you."
"Because I didn't need to be corrected!"
"You did, and you are now. Call her Noona."
"Shut up! I'll call her what I want!"
"No you won't, you'll call her what she wants."
"Yoongi Hyung, you're really bothering me now!"
"Bothering You? Just face that you got it wrong and you should call her by a proper name."
"Will you just stop!? It's not like she likes you anyways!"
"Huh? What do you mean?"

Jungkook turns to his Hyung, watching as he pauses from drying the dishes to turn to him.
"You think she's so in love with you! Baka! Idiot-"
"Baka and idiot are the same thi-"
"Shut UP! Just because she sat with you on the plane and you got her off that bridge doesn't mean she likes you! I really like her, and if you know what's good for you you'll stay back!"
"Jungkook, calm down! Just call her Noona!"
"No! I'll call her what I want! Y/n Unnie is precious to me!"
"It's Noona. Jesus Jungkook, don't get so worked up!" Jimin points out.
"Shut up! All of you! You're all making fun of me!"
"We're not-"
"Yoongi, especially you, shut up! You know I like her, and if you don't leave her alone I'll quit the group!"

Everyone stops, turning to look at Jungkook.

Seokjin sighs. "This is exactly why I didn't trust her. She's ruining the group in this sort of way. Jungkook, listen to yourself, you're being ridiculous. She's just a girl-"
"Shut up!" Without warning, Jungkook lunges at Seokjin, grabbing him by the throat and pulling him to the floor.
"Jungkook!" Taehyung yells, trying to pull him off their Hyung. He finally gets the raging boy off of Seokjin, who gasps for air.
"What is wrong with you!?" Yoongi yells, tossing the towel he was using to dry the dishes against the counter.
"You know I like her! So leave her to me!" Jungkook cries.
"Listen, she will choose who she wants. Don't be such a fucking drama queen and get all butthurt because your 'Unnie' doesn't like you back!" Yoongi yells.

Jungkook pushes away from Taehyung, putting all of his strength into body slamming Yoongi against the wall. He knees him in the gut, causing him to fall over. All the members are yelling for the fighting to stop as Jungkook continues to beat up Yoongi who is on the floor in pain.
As Jungkook tries to kick him in the stomach again, Yoongi grabs his ankle and forces him to fall to the floor, smacking his head in the progress. He groaned, rubbing his head and trying to get up. Namjoon rushes to Yoongi's aid, helping him up the stairs, while Seokjin helps Jungkook stand up, turning him to face him.

"I am so..." Seokjin sighs, but it sounds more like a growl. "Look. You just ruined it. She won't be coming back here, and none of you will have contact with her. You need to understand that you can't own someone or call dibs on their love. If Y/n loves Yoongi, you'll have to shut your mouth and deal with it, because you can't force love." Seokjin turns, walking out the front door.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now