~ Eight ~

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OMG this story reached 1k thank you guys so much!! ^^ I actually can't believe it, I'm in shock haha. 💚💚💚 Thank you all so much for the support and reads it means the world for me. Never did I ever believe my story would reach 1k!! Thank you all!! ^^


As the months went by, BTS became more and more of your daily life. Hoseok had the tendency to call you frequently in the morning, even if it was only for a small chat. Yoongi came over and invited you over often, to the point where you spent more time at the dorm than your own home. Jungkook and Taehyung always messaged you late at night, and nine out of ten times they were asking if you were up for a game of Overwatch. Jin never did much with you, but he did seem glad whenever you told him how good his food was. Namjoon showed you a piece he had been working on about loving who you were. You doodled a little pouting Namjoon chibi in the corner, wearing a monster onesie. You wrote "Rap Monster" above it and scratched it out, writing "No, this is the Real Me" in a little speech bubble under chibi Namjoon. Namjoon thought it was so cute that he made you draw a larger one for him to put on his wall.

You're still working on it, trying to get the perfect colors out of your most expensive marker set. You choose orange for the onesie, then green, then blue... you sigh. Sometimes the hardest thing in life is choosing a color.

Your phone buzzes. Hoseok. You pick it up and push away from your desk, glad to have some sort of a distraction.

"J-Hope~" You say in a sing-songy voice, imitating DNA, once you've answered.
"Y/N! Have you been on Facebook recently!?" Hoseok asks. He sounds... worried.
"No...?" You reply cautiously. He sighs.
"Y/N... there's something you'll wanna see." Hoseok says. He hangs up before you can say anything.

You go over to your bed, sitting down and placing your laptop on your knees. You log into Facebook, which you haven't used in forever.

You search up 'BTS' first, because you assume that the fandom has been stirred up because of your sudden closeness to the boys. Nothing shows up, actually. A couple of posts about the hotness of the boys and the usual "Which BTS Member Will Fall In Love With You?" quizzes. Confused, you go back to your own page, which is normal as well.

"Was this a joke?" You growl, annoyed. You're about to log out when you realize... Afarin unblocked you. Why would your old roommate who specifically said she wanted nothing more to do with you unblock you after so long? You check out her account and gasp. This must have been what Hoseok was talking about.

Post after post on you, how you're a "slut" who sleeps around. Then, pictures of you with various BTS members, and even ones with your boss.

'Looks like someone's busy this Christmas! ;)' Was her last post. You check the comments.

'Lol, whos the daddy, or is she just fat?'
'Maaaan, lucky to get with BTS!'
'They don't know about this, do they? The members are all being two-timed by the same bitch!'
'GROSS! I went to school with her, tf changed?'

You can't look at any more messages. You practically throw your laptop off your bed, wiping your eyes of tears.

"How dare she!? I-I though we were friends!" You say aloud. You were lying, even though you were all by yourself. You never had a lot of friends, Afarin was just your roommate. You thought of her as nothing more. Still, you thought highly of her, and it was unbelievable to you that she would go to this level just to humiliate you.

You grab your phone, dialling Afarin's number. She picks up after several rings.

"What do you want?" She greets annoyedly.
"What was that on Facebook?! How did you get those pictures!? Are you stalking me!?" You yell. Afarin laughs on the other side.
"No, just watching. It's... interesting."
"Leave me the hell alone! I'm not bothering you anymore!" You yell, getting choked up on your tears.
"Honey, as long as you're alive you're still bothering me." Afarin says confidently.
"I don't talk or interact with you! Except now! Because you started it!" You say.
"Whatever. It's all a scam, on both ends." Afarin says.
"A scam?! What the hell does that mean!?"
"It means you're getting played. By me and your precious Bangtan Boys." She sounds so cocky. You clench your fist.
"They wouldn't do that. They care."
"They're in the music business."
"So they don't care."
"They do!"
"Honey, haven't you even thought about how weird it is that BTS is chilling with a fan all of a sudden? They're using you. Like I used you. It's pretty genius, actually. Take in a depressed fan, help her through her depression, make everyone realize how great they are, blah blah blah." Afarin says. You think about it for a minute, then shake your head.
"No. They wouldn't do that."
"They would."
"No they wouldn't!"
"How well do you know them, really? How close are you to them? Date any of them yet? Fuck any of them yet?" You go silent.
"Exactly, Y/N. Exactly."
"They wouldn't hurt me." You say.
"You're just in denial." Afarin says with a "hmph." She hangs up on you before anything else can be said.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now