~ Four ~

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Just for the sake of it, I'm going to use BTS's American ages to save myself the time.


As Yoongi helped clean your place, he noticed you were very quiet. At one point, while cleaning the bathroom, he leaned against the door, very still, and listened to hear you walking around. You weren't. He stopped what he was doing and checked around the house.

Sure enough there you were, slumped over next to the window, duster still in hand, sound the world. Yoongi laughed, walking over to you.

"Y/N~" He teases, grabbing at your cheeks and squishing them. "Nya, nya, nya~" He laughed. I can see why the others like doing this to each other. Wonder why they don't do it me... Not like he wanted them to do it or anything, it was merely just a thought. He could vaguely remember kicking Jimin in the balls after he woke him up once. He guessed that was a pretty good reason.

He gently lifted you up, but your eyes opened slightly. You groaned. "Shh~ Go back to sleep." Yoongi whispered softly. You were too tired, so you let yourself fall back alseep, unaware who was carrying you and where.

Yoongi brought you into your bedroom, laying you down on the bed. The walls were painted white with one F/C wall at the back, where your bed was located. Besides that it had a couple other things, like desks and dressers covered with oodles of little items, gadgets, gizmos and collectibles.

Yoongi finished cleaning your place alone, but there wasn't much left to be done; a couple of windowsills left dusty and the bathroom mirror. He noticed pretty quickly your bathroom mirror had a latch and lock, which he assumed you kept medication back there. Still, his curiosity ached to know exactly what was behind the mirror — or the cabinet, rather.

He searched for a while but came up with nothing. To be honest, he was just scared you would wake up and get mad he was searching the place. You didn't seem like someone who got mad easily, however. He sighed, giving up. He left your house, double checking that the door was locked, before heading home. A part of him, however, felt like he was forgetting something......


"Hey, look, it's Motionless Min." Namjoon tormented as Yoongi slept soundly on the couch. Namjoon bit into a cracker as he ransacked the cupboard for more snacks. Seokjin hit his arm. "I'm cooking! Stop eating or you'll ruin your appetite!" He warned, pointing the pan he had in his hand at Namjoon threateningly.

"Oooh! So scared!" Namjoon fakely whined before laughing. "Seriously, where did Yoongi even go? He didn't talk about anything he was doing when he left today." Taehyung said. Him and Hoseok were playing video games on the TV, and Taehyung was hanging upside down on the couch while Hoseok sat on his legs, which made room for Jungkook on the side who was playing a game on his phone.

"Who cares? Just let him sleep." Jimin called from the bathroom, where the water was running. The fear in his voice was evident — He wasn't going to risk getting kicked in the balls again.

"Dinner should be ready in forty minutes!" Seokjin called out, trying to signal change in conversation. Didn't work.

"Maybe it's that girl we met~" Hoseok said, laughing. "Shut up! His beanie is so low, he might as well be awake with his eyes open, listening to us!" Taehyung pointed out. "Who's brave enough to lift up his hat, then?" Hoseok asked.

"Not it!" The members all said in union. "I think I heard Jiminie's voice later then everyone else's," Namjoon pointed out teasingly as the bathroom door opened. "What the hell, Hyung?!" Jimin asked, flicking water from his hands at him. Namjoon laughed, putting up his hands to defend himself.

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