~ Thirty Six ~

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Okay, if you want you can skip this up here, but I just wanna talk about a self-harm coping mechanism I've found.
So, I've used a blade once or twice, but I usually use a little fake diamond... thingamabob. It sits on my dresser, and when I use it it doesn't cut through it just scratches my skin up. The scars will stay there for a day or two. At first, I didn't think I was really even self harming, but I learned that technically, I was.
In school maybe a week or just under a week ago, my teacher mentioned "Stress Coping Mechanisms." She has no idea how much she's helped me with one of them.
She said to wear a rubber band or hair tie on your wrist, and flick yourself with it at each negative thought. I thought this was stupid, but decided, "Hey, I'm gonna try it." I tried it once before, last year, but when I flicked myself with it my boyfriend said "stop, stop!" and took it from me, putting it on his own wrist so I couldn't touch it.
So, I started trying it again. And, honestly, it's worked. I don't know why, but for me, flicking myself at each negative thought either drives them away or just does the job the diamond did without leaving the marks. And, it's something I can do in school when I'm panicking or stressed. Sure, people give me a weird or odd look if they don't know why I'm doing it, but it's really been working for a week or so.
I just thought I'd share this here, because this book is for a "depressed reader," and I know some of you do self-harm, which I'm hoping you stop. If you choose this method, it may work for you, too. Or not, you don't have to, and everyone's method is different. But, honestly, this has helped me on a road to sort of stopping it. So, I'm just putting this here in hopes it will help somebody else, too. ^-^
On with the story, it's what you came for!!


Once your first week is finished, no Afarin in sight, you begin to feel quite hopeful. She's not there, not yet.

Until Monday.

She walks in, her red hair cropped short. You turn, looking at her, her eyes feeling as though they're piercing straight through you. You feel the need to fidget at her gaze.
She doesn't even acknowledge you, walking straight past everyone to an office. Her office.

You let out a breath you didn't even know you'd been keeping in. You continue working, typing up a local story on a coffee shop that just opened, when you feel someone's gaze again. This ones less intimidating, but you feel it. You turn in your seat, seeing Taebom looking right at you, chewing on the eraser of his pencil. He shakes his head when you make eye contact, smiling, turning back to his work. You keep watching him, and, in not even a minute, he looks back up to you. He lets out a small laugh and turns around his desk. His phone rings, and he picks it up.

You turn back in your seat. Why's he staring?

The coffee story is quite cute, actually — a couple of women who were inspired by each other to open it up, to have something new in their lives. You wished you could do the same, wished Yoongi as your inspiration could help you write something you could finish. Your mind flashes back to the hundreds of papers crumpled on your floor.

As you work along, your phone buzzes. You look around before picking it up.

Suga Cube

It's cold out.
Where a coat for the next couple of days.
We can't get sick again.

Try me.

Oh, I see how it is
You want me to get sick?


You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now