~ Fourteen ~

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After a few days you were finally allowed to get visitors. Yoongi still tried every day to get in, but was often denied.

You remembered falling asleep at around eight that night and waking up abruptly from time to time.
Now it's morning, and once your eyes open up for the day you spot six men crowding around you.

To your right Yoongi has a chair pulled up to your bedside, his hand grasping yours. Jungkook is right next to him, chair pulled up far, leaned back in said chair with his head bobbing, signaling he's about to fall asleep.
To the left is J-Hope, leaned forward, staring at the ceiling with a zoned out look on his face. Next to him is Taehyung, who is actually asleep. Standing next to Taehyung is Namjoon, arms crossed, staring intently at a vase of fake flowers.
Finally, over by the door is Seokjin, wide awake and staring at you. He smirks.

"She's awake." He says, looking from left to right and then back at you. J-Hope snaps out of it, Taehyung... well, he's still asleep. Yoongi smiles at you, Namjoon turns to you, and Jungkook shakes his head, blinking to ensure he'll stay awake.


The boys scream. J-Hope, Yoongi and Jungkook dive in for a group hug, Namjoon contemplates joining in but decides not to get mauled, and Taehyung wakes up with a fright, falling out of his chair.

The door opens, almost smacking Seokjin. Jimin steps in holding chips and chocolate in his hands and gripped between his teeth.

"I goth the snaths— Y/N!" He cries, dropping the snacks on the foot of the bed to join the group hug.
You squeal, the weight of the Bangtan boys suffocating you. One by one they back off, finally giving you space to breathe.

"Don't you ever do that again, Unnie!" Jungkook cries, tears starting up in his eyes.
"Noona," Yoongi corrects. Jungkook hits him with a bag of chips.

Jimin hands out the snacks to the members.

"I was told that I wasn't allowed to get you anything, buuuut..." Jimin bites his lip, slipping one of your favorite candy bars on your lap. You smile.

"Thank you, Jiminie!" You cry, tearing into it. Yoongi grabs your wrist.
"Don't eat it all now, save some for later." He instructs. "Nurses said you'll have to stay here for at least another three days or so." You pout, nodding. Despite the warning you finish the bar off in ten seconds flat.

Bangtan are all very supportive, talking to you and not really mentioning the incident that got into the hospital. Everyone talks about the experiences you missed. Seokjin, however, seems kind of out of it as he shuffles from foot to foot in the corner.

"Yah, Seokjin," Hoseok calls out, as if he had read your mind. "Why are you acting so odd?"
"I'm.... not." Seokjin says sheepishly. "I just... need to talk to Y/n. Alone." He adds in.

Yoongi pouts, but gives your hand one last squeeze before standing up.
"I guess that's fine. Come on, I need to stretch my legs anyways." He says, yawning and stretching out his arms.
Hoseok stands up, ruffling your hair, and following Yoongi out. With a hug, Jungkook follows suit. Namjoon puts in his earbuds, music on bust, and sends you an awkward smile as he scoots out of the room. Taehyung, dazed, stumbles out of the room, still half asleep and unsure of what's going on. Jimin shrugs, smiling at you, and leaves.

Seokjin shuts the door behind them, taking Yoongi's spot. There's an awkward silence between the two of you for a moment, only the sound of the heart monitor and the ticking clock in the room.

"Do you think I hate you?" Seokjin asks suddenly.
"W-What?" You stutter.
"Do you think that I hate you?" He repeats.
"Well... to be honest sometimes you seem to." You admit. Seokjin nods.
"Well, I don't." He says, avoiding eye contact. He leans forward in the chair, hands clasped and leg shaking as Yoongi had been just a few days ago. Unlike Yoongi's floor-driven gaze though, Seokjin's eyes soar around the room, gazing at everything but you.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now