~ Thirty Five ~

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You wake up on a Monday morning you'd been dreading, snuggled down alone under Yoongi's blankets.

"Cuddle," he said. "It will be innocent," he said.

Once you're up and dressed, you head downstairs. No one seems to be home. You spy a note left on the kitchen counter.


We got called in early. We didn't wanna leave so soon, but we were all scared to wake you up.
Jungkook made oatmeal.... it's in the fridge, I think? I don't know what he did with it, haha. Anyways, heat some up if you're willing to test your stomachs limits!! (Jimin threw his back up) We'll see you when we get back and we all want you to tell us about your day!! :)

Seokjin  Jiminie!  Tae Kookie your sunshine~~   Joonie :P    Yoongi( ' - '*)

It was a nice letter to wake up to, but you couldn't force yourself to smile, and you couldn't even manage to eat something as small as an apple, let alone "test your stomachs limits." Instead, you just got your things together and headed down to your new workplace. Your stomach was in knots, feeling as if it were filled with television static.

You get to the floor you were registered to, and, with a deep breath, pull open the door.

It was a push door.

You step inside, hearing phones ringing and people speaking into phones, listening as people's fingers clacked away on keyboards. The extremely familiar boy at the receptionist desk spins in his chair, his head tilted to hold his phone between his shoulder and ear.

"Yes, When she gets back I'll contact her," he spoke into the phone, chewing on a pencil. "No, she's out with the flu at the moment, but until then if this is on such a tight deadline I could send you her email address — she checks it quite often. Okay? Alright. Thank you." The boy puts down the phone and turns to you with a smile.

You immediately recognize the boy as Taebom, the boy who opened his home to you when it had been pouring rain a few weeks ago.

"Y/n!" He cheers, and his smile only widens.

It's something you can't ignore, you just have to admit it. He's really hot. His dark hair swept to either side of his forehead still gives you the immediate fangirl impressions of a Levi Ackerman haircut. He's got a really cute smile and his eyes look like perfect teardrops, emphasized even more by the gold-rimmed circular glasses up high on his nose.

After a moment of you over-obviously staring, you shake the boys hand.

"It's nice to see you! What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" He jokes, and he raises his eyebrow with suspicion.
"Ah, w-w-what!?! N-No, no, you got it all wrong! I-I'm starting my new job here... a journalist..."
"That was here!?" Taebom cries. "If I'd known, I would have told you to pick a new job!" He laughs at his own jokes, and you feel immense second hand embarrassment as, for the most part, your new colleagues stare at him and roll their eyes with annoyance.

"I guess I'll reintroduce myself — I'm Choi Taebom, I'm the receptionist." He says.
"I see that– I-I mean, hi. Again. I'm L/n Y/n." You stutter out.
"Ah, nervous? How cute. Here, I'll show you to your desk."
You had a small cubicle not far from the reception desk — one you had seen clearly even from just standing near the door. After you placed your things (including a few Knickknacks here and there) Taebom let you meet some of the other workers that were on your floor.

There weren't many, as this was the top floor and from what you had seen, it was mainly storage and meeting rooms. There were a few other people, however.

Lee Jisoo, a small girl with long blonde hair who seemed quite eager just meeting you. She seemed to be much younger, maybe as young as 18 or 19. You couldn't see her older than 20.
Kwon Micha, a girl sitting across from you. She appeared mid-thirties, and seemed to be hateful to everything. Once you said "hello" she scoffed and said "Jesus Christ I hope you die early."
Kim Daeho, a quiet guy who had a water bottle on his desk that clearly had some sort of alcohol in it, not water. He had a wedding picture on his desk that had one half ripped out, leaving just him in the frame. Possibly divorced?
The last person there was Han Jisung, a guy who looked sort of sad and a little bit spaced out. He smiled when he seen you, waving a little bit. He was really quiet, and looked to be not much older than yourself.

"So, where's the boss?" You ask nervously.
"She's out sick, thank god. She was supposed to explain your job to you, but Jisung works in the same department, and I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you!" Taebom replied.

He waved Jisung over to you, getting him to basically explain your job.

Local journalism stories were basically the only things you needed to do. Write it up, send it to the boss, have it published to the site. It seemed almost like a piece of cake... everything but your boss, that is.

The day went by pretty quick. Taebom helped set up a new email for you and put it on the business website for people to contact you and Jisung very (very, very, very) briefly explained the ins and the outs of your new place of work. There wasn't much you could do until your boss — Afarin — came in, so you basically followed Taebom the whole day. You were glad he was there, because you honestly needed a friend, even if that friend was the overly quirky receptionist.

At the end of the day, both relieved and exhausted, you head back to the dorm.


As soon as you open the door and turn, all seven men are seated on the sofa or floor, turned to you with a grin on their faces. You stop dead in your tracks, kind of freaked out.

"Um... hel–"

"How did it go!?"
"Were people mean?!"
"Did you understand!?"
"Was it fun?!"
"Was it anything like Dunder Mifflin?!"
"Was anyone attractive!?"
"Did you eat?!"

"Stop! Guys, I just got home!!" You cry.
"We knooow, that's why we're so interested, Noona!!" Namjoon whines, leaning over the back of the sofa. You feel old hearing him call you "Noona."

You sigh, taking a seat next to Jimin and Yoongi on the couch, ready to explain your day.


I'm exhausted right now and I'm really sorry if there's any mistakes. It's like 2 am and I have school in the morning and I need to get some stupid project on "Francis Bacon" done and right now I couldn't care less about my philosophy course. I'm sorry if it's short I'm just really low on time and energy right now and I'm thinking about quitting babysitting because it's draining me. I'll stop bitching for now. I'll try and get another chapter up next weekend. I'm going to try for Saturday's.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon