~Forty One~

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Play music at the *

Mental breakdown kinda over.

Hope ya'll are ready for some fluffy stuff.


"Hoseok, keep your voice–!!"
"Stop!! Don't call out to hi–"


"Don't touch me," Yoongi growls, pulling his arm away from Hoseok. He only let him in his room, leaving the others to wait anxiously outside.
"Just let me wrap it," Hoseok mumbles in a wavering voice. Yoongi sighs, listening to what the younger said now, but still acts annoyed. "See? That wasn't so hard to let me do."
Hoseok sits down next to Yoongi on his bed, and the older lays down and rolls to face the wall. Hoseok sighs, looking down at the floor.
"Tell me what you're thinking."
"I'm thinking that I want you out of my room."
"Tell me what you were thinking."
"I was thinking 'Hoseok let go of my fucking arm.'"
"Tell me why you would do... that."
"I was thinking that because my arm is very sensitive and you weren't being very gentle."
"No, I meant.... I was very gentle, thank you very much!"
"Yeah right."

Hoseok sighs, laying on his back and staring at the ceiling.

"What really happened at Y/n's house?" He asks. Yoongi squirms next to him, letting out a quiet huff.
"Nothing. She forgave me."
"That's good."
"Did you see what I did to her?" Yoongi asks, rolling over as he does so. Hoseok rolls over as well, inching down the bed so his face and Yoongi's are parallel. "I... I hit her."
"Yeah, you did."
"What if that... that... killed her?"
"It didn't."
"What if it did?"
"What if?"
"What if?" Hoseok mimics. "Okay, Fine. If it killed her? You'd be in deep shit. You'd probably be in jail, or maybe even worse. But the damages weren't even that severe, the only thing you did was knock her out. And yeah, that's pretty fucking bad, but in the worst case scenario there wouldn't be death, there'd be a breakup."
"That's worse than death."
"You'd rather see her dead with you rather than alive broken up?!"
"No, I... Hoseok you have no idea how much it killed me hearing that she made out with that Taebom fucker." Yoongi whimpers. "I... I never meant to get violent... I don't know why I did... I've just never been able to find love. I felt so... betrayed. I can't imagine myself without her, and to think she'd be happier with some simple office worker guy just... just..."
"Kills you?" Hoseok finishes. Yoongi nods, letting his tears fall. Hoseok wraps his arms around the older, letting him sob into his chest as he strokes his hair gently.
"Look... I mean, it's been a while since my last relationship, but... she really, really loves you. It's why she told you what happened and why she forgave you. She doesn't think you're a monster. She doesn't hate you. And, one secluded incident where you'd had a rough day and couldn't control your anger anymore doesn't make you abusive, you've done all you can do to fix it — apologize, and be there for her. Yoongs– she loves you. That's why she forgave you. I know you feel like it's hard to forgive yourself but what you did was all a huge accident and a day you both made horrible mistakes. And... and... doing... going down a self-destructive path... it's not the answer. Remember the last time Y/n was here? Her wrists looked so much better. She's healing, Yoongs, and she's been through a lot of shit. That means things can always get better, okay? So doing this... it's a bad idea...–"
"Let her suck your dick! That'll make things better!"
"Taehyung! Fuck off!"


Precious lil Suga Bear

12:54 am

You up?

Sleep is for the weak!!



Well, come outside


Cause I'm here
I need to take you somewhere

At almost 1 in the morning?


You shake your head, confused, but get off of your laptop and get dressed. What could he possibly want at 1 in the morning? You ponder. Then again, this is Min Yoongi we're talking about...

Once you're outside, you recognize Yoongi's car and walk straight towards it, knocking on the window. He rolls it down.
"Sir, I need your license and registration," you say. Yoongi smiles, his big gummy smile, and rolls up the window, muttering "No you."
With a laugh, you head around the car and get into the passengers side. Yoongi smiles at you, starting up the car.
"So, where're you taking me?" You ask, plugging in your seatbelt. Yoongi smiles.
"You'll see."

He drives you to the park, the one he confessed to you at, and parks in the lot.
"C'mon," He says, getting out of the car. "Let's go."
"Go where?!" You cry, getting out. Yoongi grabs your hand, running with you through the park. You laugh.
"Slow down already!" You cry out. He listens, slowing down, perfectly fine while you're left panting like a dog.
"You should become an idol," Yoongi mentions. "Maybe it'll get you into a shape other than round."
"Yah! You're so mean!" You hit him and he laughs. You walk further ahead of him and he grabs you, lifting you into the air, making you squeal.
"What are you doing!?" You cry.
"I'm being cute!" He says.
"No, you're being mean! Put me down!"
He fake-drops you and you scream, making him laugh even louder. Even though you'd prefer to be on solid ground, you missed the sound of Yoongi's laughter and were just glad you were hearing it.
"Come on," He says, finally placing you back on the path. "I'm excited!"

He brings you over to the rocky area near the river, and you gasp. He has it lined off with white fairy lights and... wait...

"How did you do this? How do these get power?!" You ask. Yoongi chuckles.
"Uh... I found this portable charging thing? I think it's for Taehyung's laptop. It's mine now." He smiles, pulling out his phone. You giggle, looking around at the lights.
"That ones broken," you say, pointing at a bulb that didn't light up. Yoongi looks up from his phone and pouts.
"That one too."
"And that one!"
"Look! Those three as well!"
"It's the thought that counts!" Yoongi cries, smacking your pointing finger. You giggle, and that's when Yoongi turns on your song.*

He places his phone on the ground, holding out his hands to you.
"Wanna dance?" He asks. You feel your face heat up.
"Obviously..." you say, unable to hold back your smile. You grab his hands and he pulls you in closer, making eye contact that makes your whole body feel warm.
"You realize there was a time where I'd stay up late crying thinking I'd never meet you and you'd never even know I'd even existed?" You ask. Yoongi smiles.
"You realize there were nights I stayed up crying thinking that because I was an idol no one would be able to see me and love me for who I truly am?" He asks. You look down at your feet, and Yoongi pushes your chin up so you're looking at him again.
"So? Am I what you imagined?" He questions. You shake your head.
"No," you whisper. "You're better."
"You're so cheesy," he chuckles.
"Says the guy who set up a late night dance surrounded by broken lights."
"Hey! The lights aren't all broken!" He pouts. You giggle and squish his cheeks between your fingers.
"I've always wanted to do that," you smile.
"So... am I better than the fanfictions you read?"
"Am I better than the smuts?"
"I never read your smuts!" You cry, your face heating up. Yoongi chuckles.
"Sure. And I've never went through your Wattpad library when you weren't looking."
"You little!"
You reach up to ruffle his hair, making him try and duck away from you. As he does, he slips backwards on the rocks, taking you with him as you both fall into the stream.

You squeal at the cold, shallow water, and Yoongi laughs, running his hands back through your hair. It's then where you see the bandages.
"What happened?" You ask, furrowing your brow. Yoongi drops his smile.
"Oh. That. I hurt it when I was practicing." He says. You press your lips to his bandaged arm.
"Be more careful," you beg. He chuckles and nods, pressing his lips to yours.
"For you, I will."

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now