~ Twenty Four ~

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Okay, so, I just went to publish this, and there was a little thing I haven't seen before... this little fanfic is #335 in the "sugaxreader" category?! What?! How is this that popular... why do you guys like this so much.... why do you read this even haha. ;;;; I'm completely gobsmacked. Thank you all so much, this is crazy!! I was thinking to myself just the other day that "Wow, my little fanfic could never get that popular," and it actually is sort of popular!! I mean, of course there are more viewed, better things out there than mine, but still... it's a really nice feeling to see that sort of thing on a silly little fanfic I decided to write up. Just... thank you, all of you who read this. It means so much to me that you take time out of your day or night just to read my little fangirl daydreams. This is probably wasting your time by now... sorry... I'll get on with the chapter!! (^-^)/ 💚


The very next day, you go with the guys to visit Yoongi.

As soon as you walk into the room, you feel instantly relieved, even if you are feeling a bit guilty. Just seeing Yoongi sat up with a grin on his face makes your chest feel lighter and your mood instantly improves.

"Where's your cast?!?!" Jungkook questions, and he pokes at Yoongi's foot until Seokjin pulls his arm away.
"I don't need it. My leg seemed to heal up pretty well." Yoongi turns to you, looking a bit worried.
"I didn't miss your birthday, did I?" He asks quietly. You shake your head.
"No, it's in three days time." You say. He sighs with relief.
"Do you know what you said while you were on all the painkillers?" Hoseok asks with a huge grin. Yoongi, confused, shakes his head.
"Well, you asked the nurse to jack you off, and implied that you wanted a threesome with you, the nurse, and poor Y/n over here." Namjoon explains. Yoongi's face turns bright red.
"D-Did I really!?" He asks you. You nod.
"Yup... it was awkward...." you say. Yoongi groans.

You all talk for a while, the other members telling him what he missed work-wise and social-wise. After a couple of hours Jungkook falls asleep, and Seokjin tells Yoongi that it's better that you all get going.
"I want a moment with Y/n," Yoongi blurts out, and he grasps your hand tightly. "I just want to talk to her for a while."
"But... see, I'm her ride, so-"
"I can get the bus home, Seokjin." You say with a smile. Seokjin considers it for a moment before giving in and leaving with the others.
"Come on," Hoseok says, picking the sleeping Jungkook up bridal style. "I've got the Maknae."

Once they all leave the room, Yoongi turns to you.
Before he can even begin his sentence, the door opens up and a kind looking older man steps in — most likely the doctor. His hair is a darker brown, grey at the roots, and his soft smile is full of wrinkles. He looks to a clipboard in his hands.

"Mr. Min, correct?" He asks Yoongi. Yoongi nods.
"Yeah, that's me." He replies. The doctor smiles.
"I'm Dr. Lee. I'm pretty sure this whole building has heard of you."
"Heard of me? With my career as a rapper?" Yoongi asks. The doctor laughs.
"No, heard of your incident with one of our nurses." He explains. Yoongi's entire face goes red.

"Today we're going to be going over some exercises, just to get you back in your feet." He says. Noticing you, he turns to Yoongi.
"If you'd prefer to do this alone-"
"No," Yoongi cuts him off, and he holds your hand even tighter. "I-I'd rather she be here with me..." the doctor nods understandingly.
"Now, there's no stress in this," He says. "Most people can't get up on their feet by day one. It's practically relearning how to walk. Now, all I'm going to get you to do is use the support of your nightstand and bed and push yourself up, okay?" The doctor makes instructions for Yoongi, which he follows.

"Now, just try to-" before he can finish, a Yoongi falls back onto the bed, breathing heavy, holding the edges of the mattress.
"Are you alright?" Dr. Lee questions.
"I'm fine," Yoongi snaps. You press your lips together. Fine.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now