~ Thirty Seven ~

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What's this? What's this? There's another chapter~ What's this? It's called a long weekend~~

Okay, so I thought thanksgiving was in November but here in Canada it's October and to me that's not okay. I thought it was in November but nooooooooooooo for whatever reason us kindly Canadian fucks have it October!! It's Spooky season!! Not turkey season!! I'm sorry, this just makes me mad.

Anyways, so... I have a long weekend so I shouldn't complain. And I decided "Hey, my sleep schedule's fucked as it is, so let's do a double upload!! :DD and so here we are.
(I wrote it last night but now it's like 2pm so... not really hurting my schedule of sleepiness but still)


Taebom presses his lips to yours. They feel cold, yet... oddly comforting. He pulls away softly, looking at you. Still in a moment of shock, you back yourself towards the bus, your fingers slowly running against your lips curiously. You meek out a goodnight and rush onto the bus. As you gaze out the window, he waves, but you can't wave back. A few people look to you, smiling. They must think it was sweet, a fairytale moment. A blossoming romance. Something like out of a K-Drama, a dream come true.
But for you, it's an overall nightmare.

You lean against the window of the bus, letting it all sink in. Taebom was so sweet, kindhearted, and funny. You did find him attractive, and found yourself shy around him... but you didn't love him. Well, you loved him, but as a friend. A companion. Not a partner. Yoongi was your partner. Yoongi. How in the hell would you explain this to him?

When your stop comes you step off the bus, somewhat dizzy and confused. You walk the short way to the Bangtan Boys' apartment, knocking lightly. Namjoon opens the door, four sticks of strawberry Pocky in his mouth. He smiles.
"Don't asth. Yoonguth upthaths." He mumbles, crumbs pooling from his mouth.
"Uh, he-he's upstairs?" You ask. Namjoon nods and goes over to the couch.

You close the door behind you, taking off your coat and shoes. Seokjin greets you from the kitchen; a little too busy preparing dinner to come out to greet you. Jungkook calls out "Hello Noona!" from his spot on the sofa. You make your way upstairs.

Your stomach flips and turns. You feel queasy. Once you reach his bedroom door, you knock softly.
"Yoongi?" You croak out, you feel like you're going to be sick.
Does this count as cheating? Am I a cheater?
The door opens and Yoongi grins at you, pulling you inside of his room and shutting the door.
"Y/n~ Namjoon, Seokjin and Jungkook are the only ones still home, Hoseok took Jimin and Taehyung out to a movie they've all been wanting to see."
"Okay...?" You say, a little bit confused. You clear your throat.
"Yoongi, I-"
Before you can begin, Yoongi presses his lips to yours, pressing you up against the wall. His actions, the way he's breathing... you suddenly realize why he invited you there that night. Your heart starts to thud loudly, your mind clouded with decisions.
Tell him.
He deserves to know.
He might break up with me, this might be my last night with him.
It's better now, tell him now.
I'll lose him.
Let him find out through you so he knows you're sincere.
Don't let him find out at all.
He has to know.

You push him back, which wasn't the smartest move as he almost falls, gripping his chair for support.
"Y/n, what the-"
"Taebom kissed me." You blurt out. You close your eyes tightly.
"I was waiting for the bus and he...he-"
"When?!" Yoongi starts wiping at his lips using the back of his hand, and you can't tell if he was disgusted that he kissed you, or felt like in a way he'd just kissed Taebom. Either way, the simple gesture crushed you.
"Today... tonight. Not even an hour ago..."
"Did you kiss him back?" Yoongi asks. You look up at him. He looks hurt, really hurt. His eyes are filled up with tears and as one falls it feels like your heart shatters.
I shouldn't have said anything.
No, he had to know the truth.
"Y/n! Did you fucking kiss him back!?" He cries out to you, leaning against his chair and staring at you. You tilt your head down in shame.
"I... I don't know... I don't remember..."
"Bullshit, that's such total bullshit!"
"Yoongi, I dont–"
"You do! You do know because you kissed that bastard back!"
"I didn't... I mean... I didn't know what to think! I don't know... I don't think I did!"
"Are you fucking serious.... are you kidding me now...."
"Yoongi please! I told you because you had to know! I love you!"
"Yoongi, I do, I love-"
You feel something smack you across face, hard enough that you fall over. You see the side of the table, and then everything goes black.


Mind drawing blanks, Yoongi pulls his hand back and slaps you across the face. You fall to the floor, and Yoongi knocks his chair backwards.

"I can't fucking believe you! How could you do that, Y/n!? Are you joking?! Are you lying!?" He yells at you. No response.
He pulls his hands back through his hair, sobbing. His eyes, nose and cheeks are red from crying so hard.
"Y/n, I trusted you! Jin... Seokjin told me I shouldn't have, he told me to focus on my career, but I didn't! I put it on the line — for you! Because I was in love with you, damnit! And you still fuck around with me and break my heart!" He cries, coughing into his arm. If he keeps up his crying, he might make himself sick, but... he just can't.

"Get up." He says. You don't move.
"Y/n, just get the fuck up already. Or at least respond." He says again. You don't.
He rolls his eyes, looking to his desk. Something red drips from the corner.
His eyes go wide, and his protective instincts cut in.
"Y/n?!" He calls to you, dropping to his knees next to you. He shakes you gently, then a little more forcefully.
"Y/n!?!? Y/n... Y/n.... Y/n get up!!" He cries out. There's a part of your head that's bleeding, leaving a small pool of blood on the floor.
"Y-Y/n... I-I.... I didn't mean to... I... I-I'm sorry... g-get up....!!" He whimpers. He starts shaking you again, sobbing into the fabric of your shirt. "Y/n get up!!" He screams at you. He stumbles up to his feet, nearly falling, as he pulls open the door and rushes down the stairs.

"Yoongi, you have to be more careful, your leg-" Seokjin begins to lecture, but then cuts himself off when he sees Yoongi crying.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"It's... I.... Taebom... and... I... Y/n... I didn't mean... t-to...." He sobs out. Seokjin grabs him by the shoulders, steadying him.
"Yoongi, take a deep breath, in... out. Now, just calmly tell me what happened."
"Y/n... s-she kissed another guy... the one fr-from work... so I got mad and... I... I-I hit her.... and she hit her head off the table and... and Hyung she's not okay... we need t-to call someone....!" He sobs.
Seokjin looks at him, wide eyed.
"You... hold on." He grabs his phone off the counter and races upstairs.
"You what?!" Yoongi turns to see Jungkook, who has, apparently, heard the whole conversation.
"I... I got mad.... I... I-" Before he was even able to finish, he felt a hard smack against his right cheek. He raises his hand to it.
"You never hit a girl! Especially not Y/n!" Jungkook cries out. Yoongi stays quiet.
"She's your girlfriend! You don't smack her! Not for anything!" Jungkook yells. Yoongi doesn't speak, just glares at him. Mad he hit him, and also mad that he's proving a valid point. Jungkook shakes his head. The pair go silent for a moment, and Jungkook sighs.
"She should have picked me, Hyung. I would have never hurt her." He says softly.
"But when you wanted her badly enough you still found it alright to hurt me, huh?" Yoongi asks, angry.
"Yeah, you. I never laid my hands on her. If I were you now I would have beat up the guy, not her." Jungkook says.
Seokjin rushes downstairs, on his cellphone, talking to a 911 operator.
"S-She fell and hit her head off the side of a desk, she's unresponsive..."
Jungkook turns on his heel, rushing up the stairs and into Yoongi's bedroom with Yoongi following close behind.
Jungkook kneels down next to you, shaking you gently.

"N-Noona? Noona?! Please get up Noona.... p-please..." he whispers softly to you. He keeps shaking you.
Yoongi stands in the doorway, breathing heavily, sobbing softly into his sweater sleeve.
It's all my fault...


*sips tea waiting for comments to blow up with pure author-hatred*

You'll Never Walk Alone (Min Yoongi x Depressed Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt