"You what?" He asks, still looking dazed. I raise my hand up to slap him again, but he stops it before it strikes his face again and raises an eyebrow.

"I walk away, come back, stand here looking at you and slap you and you processed nothing in that fat head of yours?" I ask him.

"No, all that ran through my mind was ecstatic joy. So can you repeat it? Just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating?" He asks nicely with his stupid green puppy dog eyes, no puppy eyes are brown and gorgeous, not swamp water color. But I still melt, why? That's a mystery for Sherlock Holmes.

"I like you." I drag it out for him. He picks me up without hesitation and gathers me into hug. A hug that makes me feel like I found my safe haven, one that immediately becomes my happy place, one that makes me never want to let go, one that I love already. 

He pulls back and sets me on the ground, hands still around my waist and asks, "Ashton?" doubt clouding his eyes. 

I place my hand over his heart and look up at him. "I was talking to him about how amazing he is and how extraordinarily perfect he is. But his perfection is for someone else, not me. My perfect counterpart was in my life all along and it took a while for me to see that he was right in front of me all this while. He'll always hold a special way in my heart but my heart was in someone else's hands and it was too much work to get it back." I smile.

He doesn't say anything as he starts to close the gap between our lips. "Lee Lee." A pair of arms wraps around my legs. Ryan lets out a frustrated sigh and steps back. I laugh and pick her up, "Ryan seems to be all bummed out about you being here." I say in a baby voice and point at Ryan.

"Wyan not nice." She says, as she crosses her arms and pouts.

"Of course Ryan is nice, I'm just sad I didn't get to kiss your sister." Ryan explains, as I gasp.

"Is she your princess?" She asks.

"Of course she is. She's my miracle too." He says eyeing me. I roll my eyes and look away before he sees me turn into a huge tomato.

"Then you should kiss her!" She says clapping her hands excitedly, as she wiggles in my arms. I place her down.

"We don't want that Ari." I tell her trying to squirm my way out of this situation.

"Why not? He's your prince charming." There was no way out of this, I wish a wormhole opens up under my feet and sucks me in.

"Keep it kid friendly." I warn him.

"Of course I will." He winks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I don't like this situation.

He takes a step closer, looking down at me like I held the secret of Atlantis in my eyes. Did I look like Milo to him? I was way better looking and- okay I'm ruining the moment. He slowly draws in, inching closer excruciatingly slowly. His hair brushes my forehead in the slight breeze, his eyes slowly close, mine do too. One hand on my waist and the other on my upper back, there was barely enough space for a hair strand between us. His breath fanned my face, heat seeped through the space between our lips to mine, he was so close. He dips me down and finally connects our lips, it was sweet and stomach churning. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and my toes curled in delight. He slowly brought me back up without disconnecting our lips and to say that was hot and dreamy was an understatement. I looked into his eyes and being lost in them couldn't be helped, the gold flecks in his green eyes were intriguing and I seemed to be in a trace cause I couldn't look away.

"Ari. We sent you here to ruin their moment, not make it more romantic." Jesse whines as he comes out from behind a car. They could have stood in plain sight and I wouldn't have noticed.

"But I got to say, the boy's got style. That dip! My fragile heart." Nana says as she clutches her heart.

"I'm not too sure about him anymore." Shane says and Cole agrees with him. Mum hits them on the back of their heads and gushes about how romantic it was. Me and Ryan stand there looking away in embarrassment. Only my family is capable of embarrassing me to such an extent. 

"Leave them alone, can't you see how embarrassed they are already? We can continue it at home, with the Fauxs there." Dad says as he urges everyone to climb into the cars. "You coming kiddo?" Dad asks.

"No, I think I'll come with Ryan." I say looking at the ground. Dad chuckles and drives away. 

"With me, huh?" Ryan teases. Then like lightning, realization hits him. "My bike's parked near where we had your birthday party." 

"Guess we'll have to walk then." I shrug, walking toward the gate.

"Are you out of your mind? I'm not walking that far!" He exclaims. 

"It could be nice and romantic." I say.

"You lost consciousness because you were tired. Now you want to walk?" He asks slightly agitated. 

"You can piggyback me." 

"You think I'm not tired?"

"Then let's take the bus." 

"Fine." He sighs. "Why did you ask your Dad to leave?" 

"Because I thought I'd spend time with you." 

We go to the bus stop and waited for the bus.

"So, you like me?" I roll my eyes at his attempt to talk to me, after what seemed like hours of silence. I don't respond.

"Okay, maybe that was stupid." I quirk my eyebrow at him. 

"Can we talk? Your facial expressions aren't enough. Though they are extremely adorable." He smiles. 

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Defensive stance, not necessary." He says. I unfold my arms and slump down on the bench, patting the seat beside me. He slowly comes and sits down. "Let's talk about you liking me." He smirks. I sigh and put my head in my hands, bending over in embarrassment. 

"Okay, let's talk about me liking you." I say, after I tame my facial blood vessels. He perks up with a faint smile on his face. "I'm pretty soon gonna regret telling you that I like you, if you keep teasing me. I should have just left you hanging till you figured it out on your own. You deserve a couple of days of torture and pain for all you put me through today. I hurt myself, ruined a perfectly good dress, got splinters all over, got my heart stomped on and the list could go on. The kiss might have made up for all of it but that doesn't mean you get to constantly drag on the fact that I like you. You like me too, in fact I think you're close to loving me. So boo to you, I'm the one who is a step behind, not you. I'm freaking scared of commitments and facing feelings that are intense but I had the courage to tell you. I shoved all of me fear away just for you, what do I get in return? A douchebag attitude, I can't help but think if it's worth the trouble?" I take a deep breath after my rant, it was genuinely beginning to annoy me. I'm seriously considering calling this whole thing off, I should have just let everything be and stayed single for life. 

Hey humans and other worldly things, I'm tired of saying sorry for my tardiness but I always seem to be caught up with something or the other. And I left it at a cliffhanger for the longest time, it's slightly evil person sitting behind the laptop writing this out. Another cliff hanger, who knows when I'll update again? But do you think this ship has sunk before it set sail? Let me know in the comments. 

How many of you saw the red, blue, super moon eclipse? Was it romantic, meh, mediocre or did you miss it? Let's talk about it, I will reply to every comment left regarding the eclipse, cause I had the most amazing time during that period.

Isn't the picture the cutest?! Serena and Dan all the way, though I didn't like him in between for quite sometime. Honestly, I don't know if I'm impressed with him or weirded out by how he changed just to fit in. Let me know your thoughts on that too. For those who don't know Dan and Serena, watch gossip girl. 

Until next time. Toodles.




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