Chapter 60 "Visiting A Psycho"

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My heart was pounding in anticipation while waiting for the person I had been dying to see for the past three days. Luke was sitting on a chair to my left, looking angry as he was clenching his jaw. It wasn't my plan to bring him along since I asked dad to come with me but when I told him about this, he insisted he should go as he said, it was time for him to face the person who took his happiness.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked bringing him back from his reverie and he smiled briefly.

"I'm fine," he replied momentarily looking in my direction. I stayed quiet and left him alone on his thinking as he was probably not in the mood to talk right now.

We had been waiting for five minutes now and the anticipation that I felt was slowly turning to disappointment thinking that she didn't want any visitors. But my thoughts soon stopped when I heard clicking heels behind me. Luke suddenly tensed up as he looked past me, his expression turned into something I hadn't seen in him before. Judging by Luke's expression, she had finally showed herself, behind me.

"My, my, you still look godly after all these years Luke," she spoke seductively which made me grit my teeth. 

"Allison," he called in a deep voice. A blonde woman appeared into my view, wearing a red tight mini dress, looking down at Luke. If others would see her, they wouldn't mistake her as one of the patients. Dad was right, she dressed up for her visitors.

"I'm surprised to see you here. I guess you were busy without me, considering you didn't co-..." her speech was cut when she turned her gaze towards me. Her smile disappeared and almost lost her bearing while she took in my sitting position. 

"R-Rhel?" she stammered as she gripped the table on her side to steady her.

"So you're Allison," I said calmly but even if this was my first time seeing her, she made my blood boil. 

"I thought I...but it's impossible, you''re d-"

"Dead?", I continued, "Well guess what, bitch, I didn't die," I snapped which caused few heads to turn over our direction. The two passing nurses eyed me annoyingly but I glared at them which made them shook their heads. If I was angry, no one would want to mess with me.

Allison was shocked but she recovered immediately by curling her lips into a smirk which fueled my anger. Glaring at her, she then erupted into fits of laughter. Her laughter made the hairs on my neck stood still but my hands were itching to wrap them around that slim neck of hers. I wanted to break her, I wanted her to suffer as I kept thinking how she easily ended my sister's life. But the most maddening part was that I couldn't do anything about it.

I felt a hand on my arm and looked at Luke who faintly shook his head. Because of my anger, I didn't even notice Luke was now standing beside me. Seeing our closeness, an amused expression was written on Allison's face. Beside me, Luke took a deep breath as if containing his anger.

"Ohhh what do we have here? Luke and Rhel together again? Ha! I guess a single bullet won't kill you Rhel, I should have known. So...what brings you two here hmmm? Are you trying to make me jealous again, so I could put a bullet in your head this time?" she mockingly fired a gun at me by her hand.

"How dare you!," Luke replied in a low growl, "Don't you ridicule my wife or Claire again or I'm gonna be the one to put a bullet in your head."

She chuckled, "How sweet but...who's Claire again?"

"Come on Claire," I felt Luke tugged on my arm as I was standing silently, still glaring at the woman in front of me although her sinister smile was creeping me out and I wanted to bust her skull for it.

Luke gently pulled me with him and all I could do was let him be, thinking that he didn't want to deal with him anymore. Looking at the psycho, I saw her fingers wiggled goodbye and blowed a kiss in our retreating figure. 

That's it! 

Couldn't bottle up my anger anymore, I whisked Luke's hand away from my arm and sauntered back to Allison who was stunned but quickly recovered after a moment. 

"My, my, you have grown qui-," Before she could finished what she has to say, my fist connected square to her face and she immediately stumbled down to the floor, bringing the circular table with her. "Fuck!," she hissed while clutching her bleeding nose.

"What the hell did you do?" A nurse shouted as soon as she spotted us. She ran towards Allison but before she could rant, I was already walking back to Luke who seemed surprised at what I did. Dragging him towards the exit, I smiled confidently to the nurses we passed by as I felt ecstatic from the punch.

"Wow, what was that?" Luke asked as soon as we were outside. 

I grinned, "Just a little piece of mind,"

"You...are full of surprises," he said as he chuckled while buckling his seatbelt.

"Yup, that's me!"

A comfortable silence engulfed us inside the car as Luke was probably thinking like what I was doing since we made it to the highway. I thought about Allison and how she made me tick just by her presence. But what angered me the most was that she didn't show any remorse or guilt at what she did to my sister and she would do it again if given be. Gosh, she made me want to kill her. Why did I even want to see her in the first place? And speaking of that...

"Luke, why did you really want to see Allison?" It took a minute for him to answer my question but before he did, he took a deep breath and looked at me briefly.

"I guess I wanted to see if she felt any remorse for killing Rhel then maybe...just maybe I can let go of the anger and move on but seeing her earlier, made me wish for her to just rot in there!" He clenched the wheel tighter this time, turning his knuckles white which made me mentally scold myself for asking him, seeing how it affected him this much. I averted my gaze from him as I didn't know what to say to him. 

"You know, I liked how you punched her like that. If I wasn't that surprised, I would have cheered for you. Really, that was epic," I tuned to him and saw him smirk, showing  a little bit of his dimple. 

"Oh really?"

"Yes, really,"

"If it makes you happy, I'll punch people more often then," With that, he laughed then soon after I joined his fits of laughter. I was glad how he could easily change the atmosphere around us.

After a half an hour on the road, we finally reached dad's house. Before I could open the door, he stopped me, got out of the car and opened the door for me. I thanked him and we both walked towards the door.

"So are you ready for Friday?"

"Oh I was born ready but I feel a little nervous just thinking about it,"

He chuckled, "Don't worry, you'll do fine. Your dad and sister are gonna be there, and me." I looked at him, grateful for the assurance and nodded faintly at him.

"So here you are," he said once we reached the door.

"Thanks for coming with me Luke,"

"No, I should be the one to thank you, so thank you,"

"Okay," He suddenly pulled me into a hug, squeezing my body tighter for a moment. I closed my eyes briefly, inhaling his scent even if my heart was starting to pound. As we pulled apart, he avoided my gaze and quickly bid goodbye before walking back to his car. 

Confused, I watched his car as he maneuvered out of the driveway and sped to the highway. He must have realized what he did when he couldn't look into my eyes after our hug. Sighing, I let myself in, and closed the door before leaning on it. 

Sometimes I couldn't understand him but no matter, it didn't stop what I was feeling for him. Each day, I couldn't help myself from being attracted to him, like my mind couldn't stop thinking about him. I was falling in love with him each day but the thing was, I didn't know what he feel for me. Was he feeling the same way about me? Or was he just leading me on? One way to find out was to ask him about it and this Friday probably was a great time for it.

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