Chapter 54 "Meet Again"

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When I found out that Rhel had a twin, my mind immediately thought about Claire. Although I wasn't sure that she was my wife's long lost twin, there was still a huge possibility that she was. I didn't waste any time and decided to go back to the town which was my second home. It took me a lot of convincing from my parents though, saying that I would be gone a day or two to meet a friend and sort some things out. They were reluctant which I understood since I just came back. But with some time to think, they finally agreed, unfortunately on one conditi-...

"Are we almost there?"

I groaned for the third time at the same question. I wanted to complain at my parent's condition which was to bring Tom along but they beat me to it before I could argue. "We get there when we get there Tom. And for the third time, stop asking me with that same question," I snapped.

"Okay, chill dude, it's just that you've been driving for hours now. How far is the place?"

"We're almost there."

"Good. So who's this friend you're talking about by the way?"

"You'll know when you see her."

"Her? You're sure it's just a friend?"

It took me a while to answer him since I didn't even know what Claire and I were. Sure we had dinner, and we kissed but I couldn't call her a friend or anything and neither could she I presumed. We were basically strangers from each other but I couldn't tell Tom that.

"Yes, just a friend Tom and when you see her, don't freak out."

"What? Is she hideous or something?" he asked jokingly.

"She's far from it okay, just don't freak out when you see her and act normal."

"FIne I can act normal."


"But is she really just your friend?"

"For fucking sake Tom would you shu-.."

"Fine fine, I'll shut up."

Since we began our drive, I was hoping for a calm and relaxing ride all the way but Tom was making it difficult for me. He was constantly talking and asking me random questions that some I couldn't answer. I understood where he was coming from since we hadn't catch up for a long time now but it was still irritating at the same time. That was why I disliked tagging him along.

Soon after, we arrived at the address my secretary gave me. Even though I wasn't now the CEO, Sarah was still more than willing to help me which I was grateful for. Honestly, I felt really nervous right now. I hadn't thought about what to say to her with this sudden visit and I couldn't just ask her questions like that, we were practically strangers to each other.

"Hey are you just gonna stand there all day?" Tom hollered. My brows quirked when I saw him already standing at the porch of Claire's house. The nerve of this guy!

I sighed in defeat before walking towards him. "Act normal," I whispered as soon as I was standing beside him. Taking a deep breath, I gulped down my nervousness before knocking thrice. My heart was beating erratically at every second that passed by. Thankfully Tom wasn't that mindful or else he would tease me being nervous just seeing a woman.

After what felt like a day of waiting, finally the door opened up revealing an elderly woman, smiling upon us.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" she asked softly.

"Hello ma'am, my name's Evan and this is my bestfriend Tom..." I looked at Tom and noticed the confusion written on his face, luckily he didn't ask, "I am hoping to talk to Claire if she's around."

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