Chapter 22 "All Over The News"

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Rhel P.O.V

If you like or love someone never waste time to tell them what you feel because every tick of time means every second of your life. That's what my dad always says since I was young. He said that mom was the one who taught him about this and when mom died, he never forgot to remind us this important advice. Remembering this precious statement pushed me to say all my emotions to Luke. It was kind of new for me since I'm not this confident and brave to express what I felt towards a person but letting this so-called-quote-of-mom sinked in inside me, I finally got the courage to utter those love words. Those words seemed like foreign words in my tongue, I know I said I love you to Michael, but hearing myself said those words to Luke felt new and fresh.

I blushed when I saw his reaction, telling me that he was surprised about my sudden confession, well who wouldn't be, all I did was pushed him away and now I was confessing my love for him, it really was surprising.

After two weeks of not seeing him, I admit I kind of missed him, his voice, his smile, and everything about him and for that I wanted to pull my hair hard for feeling this emotion to a playboy. It sucks. But I couldn't help myself to choose who will I be falling with since I have no control over it, I wish I have though. And just recently, I realized that these feelings I felt towards him was love. Earlier when he came to the galleria, I was surprised and at the same time glad because I got to see him again. I let my heart overruled my brain and let him dragged me wherever he wanted to go. I didn't regret it though since I got to see a different side of him when he brought me to the hill. This new side of him made me admired him more since I never saw a guy who felt so free and vulnerable, not even Michael. He always wear his hard mask on, I couldn't tell what he's thinking. But Luke, he wasn't afraid to show vulnerability. 

What made my day special was when he also confessed his love for me. I knew that he likes me but never I expected that he is in love with me. I doubted at first since its hard to believe that a handsome playboy who sleeps with every woman he met would felt love towards me but when I saw his eyes, all they told me were honesty and passion. When all the confessions were done, I decided to think things through. I am not ready to be in a relationship knowing that I have some issues to solve. I just need more time to figure out what I'm going to do, maybe after just a couple of days, I will be ready for him.


I shifted on my seat and loosened the seatbelt on my body when he spoke, "What are you thinking Rhel? You're quiet since we got in the car." We stayed for three hours in the hill and talked some random things until we didn't notice the time.

"Nothing. I'm just tired that's all." The trip to my house went silent and still. None of us wanted to break the silence after his question. We reached the house and he opened the car door for me. I got out and suddenly my body was covered by the fresh breeze. After shutting the door, he paced beside me and we walked slowly towards the house. When we reached the door, I turned to look at him one last time, memorizing every features of his face one last time before having a good night sleep.

"Thank you for today." I said. He nodded and smiled wide before he brushed the skin of the back of his hand against my cheek. I gulped at the sudden gesture and felt my heart fluttered as his heat traveled through me. After, he cupped my face with his hands and then brought his lips to my forehead, and then to the tip of my nose and finally to my lips. His sweet taste made me want to grab him and be engulfed into it but I stopped my urges to take control. His tongue entered into my mouth and played with mine. It was so passionate and full When our lips parted to catch each other's breath, he stared deeply into my eyes and whispered 'goodnight'. His beautiful smile curved into his mouth. I pouted and crossed my arms into my chest.

"It doesn't mean that I love you, you can kissed me like that", was all I could managed to say. He chuckled and said, "I can't help it, you're beautiful." I rolled my eyes and inserted the key to the door lock to distract me from jumping at him like a wild lioness.

"Goodnight Rhel."

"Goodnight Luke."


I was woken up by the sound of something vibrating and realized it was my phone. Ugh! who would call me this time. I turned to my bedside table, grabbed it and brought it against my ear without looking who's calling. I jolted when I heard a sudden squeal on the other end. Amber! 

"Rhel, why didn't you tell me huh!"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Oh don't tell me you're still in bed..." I am! "Come on, get up and turned on your tv", she said giggling. 

"What's in the tv?" 

"Just hurry up!", she shouted. I parted away the phone as her voice was breaking my eardrum. I pushed the duvet away and got up. I half run downstairs and hurriedly searched for the remote. When I found it, I quickly pushed the button and the screen went to life. I gasped and cover my widened mouth when I saw the news. On the screen flashed a picture of me and Luke on the galleria while he was kneeling. The people must had snapped photos of us.

'The cupid's arrow must have already hit the heart of the city's wealthy playboy Luke Lacela when the people was seen kneeling in front of a woman who was identified later as the daughter of Mr. William Forbes owner of the Forbes Industries....'

"This can't be happening!", I murmured. I really hate it when the media is on me. I brought the phone back to my ears. "Now I know what you mean."

"Why didn't you tell me huh that you've been going out with that handsome playboy. I can't believe you just hid it from me. So why did he knelt in front of you? Did he do anything bad? Did he cheat on you?..." I rolled my eyes as Amber was firing a lot of questions.

"Look it's not like that ok? Luke and I are not dating and I'm not hiding anything from you." Well sort of.

"Then why was he kneeling? Care to share mmm?", she pursued.

"Well, he did that-..." I was suddenly cut off when the doorbell rang. "Look I have a guest, I'll explain everything to you next time, I'll call you ok?" Before she could answer I ended the call. I made my way towards the door and opened it. The first thing that I saw to the person standing in front of me was her creased forehead and meeting eyebrows.

"Megan!", I greeted awkwardly.

"You have a lot of explaining to do little sis." I sighed before I stepped aside letting her in.

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