Chapter 17 "Drinking Session"

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Rhel P.O.V

I've been pacing back and forth for God knows how long in the living room, trying to calm myself down. Earlier, when I got back from the grocery store, I decided to give Amber a call. I was so curious what had keep her unavailable these past few days that we didn't get the chance to hang out. She said, giggling on the other end that she met a handsome young man on a bar and asked her out. It made me furious the way she easily said yes to a man she barely know. She didn't even know where the guy lives or what his background and she didn't even bother to ask since she was so captivated by his charms, as what she said. Sometimes I can't understand her, but I keep telling myself that I have and need to since she's my one and only best friend and I love her like my second sister. My anger slowly subsided when she used her sweet talks on me. It was one of my weaknesses, every time she would talk like a child, I couldn't help but give in to her. She decided that to make my worries go away, she would convince the guy to meet me and I finally settled on the proposition. I didn't bother to ask the guy's name since I'm not really interested in asking names to persons that I haven't met before. He's like a total stranger to me and I don't care about him unless he willingly show himself in front of me and be a good boy for my bff. When I was about to hang up on her, she asked me about Michael. I could tell the worry in his voice. She knew that I'm not that ready to mingle with Michael, much worse, to drink with him. That was really a wrong move when I said yes but what can I do? I felt pity for him. I reminded Amber about what she had done last night. She shouldn't let herself get drunk. Michael wouldn't asked me to celebrate with him in the first place if she didn't let the fun of drinking get the best of her. I wouldn't be so stress right now.

I cut her mid sentence when she mentioned how Michael would be out of control if he gets drunk. Even though she was talking so fast that I barely made out what she's saying, I clearly heard that part. It freaked me out since I forgot about how wild he will be when the alcohol hits him. I shouldn't have agreed to be his drinking partner and now it's freaking the hell out of me.

You're so dumb Rhel!

Still pacing in the middle of the room, I dialed Michael's number and waited for him to pick it up but the call was sent through his voicemail.

Great! Now I couldn't get hold of him.

I tried calling him again but still the same. Nothing to do in the situation I'm in, I surrendered and flopped down on the couch. I felt like shit, thinking about what I'm gonna do with him. I tried to call and tell him that the drinking session won't happen and that he should drive back home or anywhere where he can to get himself drunk but I failed, and now I'm here, waiting since I don't have a choice but to handle this coming mess. I'm kinda scared though of what he will do now, usually when he gets drunk, he'll hug me or kiss me all over my face even if his parents were watching. It was a little embarrassing though but I ignored it since I liked how he kissed and hugged me. Now I don't have any idea what he would do since we're not together anymore. He wouldn't hug or kiss me, would he? Thinking about it, makes me want to puke unlike before, I was head over heels in love with him that I would just let him do what he wanted to do to me. I closed my eyes for a moment and listened to the silence of the night to calm my nerves. Somehow it did help. I could feel the anxieties were slowly subsiding and my mind was starting to relax. Just relax Rhel, you can do this. There's nothing to worry about, just a little drink with him and you can kick him out of the house without guilt since you gave what he wanted.

Minutes passed by, I could feel my eyelids were starting to get heavy and my energy was leaving me, but before I get engulfed in total darkness, the sound of a doorbell brought me back into consciousness. I sighed in frustration and got up. I stared for a minute in my hand on the door knob before I twisted it open. He's wearing a blue navy shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly and a black jeans. I still find him attractive and sexy and surely every girl would drool over him. His hands were occupied by plastics which I could clearly see eight small bottles of beer and some chips. He's totally planning on getting me drunk tonight.

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