Chapter 10 "Into the Woods With Him (Edited)

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As the sun's luminous light seeped through the curtain of my room, striking the side of my face, I wasn't bothered by it as I rested my arms on my forehead, staring at the ceiling. I remembered I had to go out today to roam around for my next photography subject but the only problem was that I was feeling lazy to even get out of this bed. I wanted to sleep the whole day but my mind couldn't stop thinking about making progress today.

As I was still contemplating, I felt the side of my bed shifted and when I turned to look, Alex playfully licked my face. I smiled and hugged him, rubbing his smooth fur.

"Good morning buddy," I said, kissing him. He barked as if his response, "You hungry?" I added as I pushed aside the cover and got off the bed. Grabbing my hair tie on the bedside table, I tie my hair in a bun before stretching out for a little bit and headed downstairs. I walked straight to the kitchen to start cooking for my brunch.

After twenty minutes, I finally had taken my brunch and went to change then after. It took almost an hour before I was done and when I did, I promptly headed downstairs and found Alex on the living room looking like he was waiting for me.

"Okay Alex!" I petted him, "Be a good boy. I will be back later." He woofed, wagging his tail at the same time and followed behind me as I walked to the door. 

Stepping out, I slightly cringed as the heat of the sun pierced into my skin. Thankfully, I didn't have to walk for long when I reached my car in no time. Once I got in, I started the engine and maneuvered out of the driveway.

As I had gone far, I still couldn't find a good subject to focus on to. So when I spotted a park, I decided to stop, hopefully I could find something interesting. I got out of the car and instantly I was lightened up by watching random kids happily playing. Raising my camera, I took pictures of them, capturing their smiles and laughter. Looked like I got into the right place.

I momentarily halted what I was doing when I suddenly recalled my childhood. I smiled at the thought that I was once a kid, like them, I used to play on a park with Mom, Megan and with... some kid. I didn't eally remember the kid's face but I was sure she was always with us. 

We were so happy and free at that time, I thought it would last forever, until Mom got ill and died. So, Dad did everything he could to be a good parent and raised us, and I say, he did a pretty great job. I was proud of him for raising Megan and I, alone and I couldn't be more grateful for it.

I snapped out of my reverie and continued taking pictures. When I had enough, I went back to my car and drove off to somewhere. Thirty minutes of driving around, I spotted a road that would probably led to a forest. 

As the excitement started to bubble up, I got out of the car and scanned the area. The place was interesting and I bet that it would get more interesting further in the forest.

I took few pictures before entering the forest.

"Rhel!" I jumped a little when someone called my name. I turned around and unexpectedly saw Luke. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously. 

"I followed you. I saw you back at the park," he answered casually, shoving his hands onto his jeans' pocket. As I took in his appearance, he was wearing a white V-neck shirt and a dark blue jeans which somehow looked good on him.

He walked towards me. "You know you shouldn't be here. It's dangerous for you alone."

I rolled my eyes, "I can handle myself. And by the way, why are you following me? Don't you have work to do?"

"I canceled all my appointments today. Actually, I was about to see you."

"Why?...No, never mind, you should go. I'm busy at the moment." Without waiting for his response, I turned my back to him and started walking.

"No. I can't leave you alone in a place like this. Like I said, it's to dangerous," he said from behind.

I sighed as I continued walking, "I can handle myself."

"No," he retorted, "I'll come with you." 


I ignored and let him be because I knew he wouldn't relent, the more I couldn't focus on my work. So he followed me as he said while I tried to ignore his presence behind. We walked further into the forest for I didn't know how long as I was engrossed in taking pictures. 

"I think we should go back now," he said, grabbing my arm at the same time causing me to glare at him for disturbing me. "We have gone far already." 

I looked around and saw he was right. We were already deep into the forest and I didn't know that was the case until he spoke up.

"Okay," I relented and when I was about to take my step, I slipped and accidentally twisted my ankle. 

"Rhel!" Before I could fall to the ground, I felt his arms wrapped around me.

"T-Thanks," I said as I held his arms that supported me. When I took my first step, I felt a painful sensation on my foot. "Oww!" I hissed in pain.

"What's wrong?" he asked in concerned.

"I think I sprained my ankle." 

"Can you walk?" I looked into his face and saw his eyes were full of worry and concern. I nodded, reassuring him but when I took another step, I clenched my jaw when I felt the familiar pain and stopped moving.

"Here, let me help you," he said as he unexpectedly held my arm and slung it on the back of his neck. Averting my gaze, I felt a blush crept into my cheeks and I stayed silent as we began walking. 

We went back in our way and walked for almost thirty minutes until I couldn't take it any longer and I halted. He looked at me in concerned.

"I think we should rest for now," he offered. "We're halfway out of here."

"You remembered the way back?" I asked, surprised. I looked around and I couldn't even remember we walked through here.

He lowered me down slowly so that I can sit and rest my ankle.

"Yeah. I tried to find things that would give me a hint that we already passed this way as we walked through because I had a feeling you didn't pay attention to where you were going...And I'm glad I did." Somehow I felt relieved I let him come with me because if I hadn't, I wouldn't find my way back.

"Are you okay?" he asked, peering down at me.

I nodded and leaned back my head on the trunk of a tree . He then quietly sat beside me. We stayed silent for a while until I decided to speak when I felt he was mad at me for dragging him into this.

"I'm sorry I got you into this mess," I said apologetically. Now I really regretted coming here.

"No, it's okay. I was the one who wanted to come with you in the first place. If you're thinking that I'm angry at you now then no, I'm not."

"But I was the one who made you come with me, because you can't leave me behind."

He smiled. "It's not your fault Rhel. So don't be so concerned about it." What he said was reassuring, I felt somewhat relieved. "You know..." he trailed off as I looked straight into his blue eyes. "I'm... kind of happy that we ended this way." I raised my eyebrow and looked at him questioningly, "Call me selfish but somehow it makes me happy because...because..." I braced myself what he has to say, "...because I get to spend time alone with you."

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