Chapter 53 "New Revelation"

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I loved Rhel more than anything and when I kissed Claire that night, I felt like I betrayed her. I kept on thinking about that kiss, how Claire tasted so sweet against my mouth, I could clearly picture every detail about it and it has been bugging me since then. I was angry at myself for gaving in knowing that it was so wrong. For the past few weeks, I felt like I was going crazy. I didn't know what to do, even my morning run couldn't clear my head anymore. I was messed up thinking about that kiss, about Claire, and about the fact that I dishonored my promise to my wife, to never touch or love another woman.  I kept on asking myself, why Claire had a great effect on me? Was it because she reminded me of my wife? She was the exact opposite of Rhel but why did I feel like I cared about her? Even though I didn't know her at all, I felt different when I was with her. 

I had no idea what to do and if I waited any longer, it would make me crazy so I decided to go back to where I belonged. I thought I had no right to come running back because I left them in the first place, I had hurt them so it was their every right to get angry at me or not take me back. But that thought was the exact opposite of what my parents did as soon as they saw me. They didn't say anything, they just hugged me and cried hard. I regretted leaving them seeing how they missed me. I realized I was too selfish and unaware that they were hurting too.

"What are you thinking?" Mom asked while leaning on the doorframe of my room. Putting down Rhel and I's picture frame on the bedside table, I turned around and smiled at my mom.

"Hi Mom!"

"Is something bothering you honey?" Her eyes looked at me concerned. I walked to her, meeting her halfway and shook my head. 

"Nothing Mom, I'm just thinking about my wife."

"Aw honey," she cooed, hugging me tightly, "I'm sorry."

 I hugged her back, my chin resting on her head, "I'm okay Mom, don't worry."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that alone. We should have been there for you as you grieve."

"Mom," I cupped both of her cheeks and looked at her, "I was the one who left because I was being selfish. I didn't realize I hurt you and dad, I shouldn't have done that and I'm sorry."

"We understand why you left son. We knew you were hurting, you don't have to be sorry." I hugged her tight like I did when I came back a couple of nights ago. It was one of the things I missed about her, her motherly hug.

Don't cry Mom, you're gonna ruin your make up." Her chuckle was muffled against my chest which made me smile.

After our little drama, we both headed downstairs where people were gathered. My parents insisted on throwing me a party to let everyone know that I was back. Of course I refused at first because it wasn't necessary but they were so adamant so I gave in, thinking that it was the least I could do for them after everything. 

Flashes of cameras, gasps and claps greeted us when we were on the view. I was feeling a bit nervous, seeing familiar faces in the crowd. My gaze landed on my bestfriend Tom. He was staring at me with an instense glare which made me break eye contact. We reached the bottom of the the stairs and I hugged dad as he came into view.

I started mingling from people to people even though I didn't know most of them. They asked me the usual questions, the why's and where's and I would always answered them the truth. I was getting bored and tired from their curiosity. So I decided to slip away and went outside to get some fresh air. Looking up, I tried to find the brightest star in the sky and thought that it was Rhel. I often did that to comfort myself. I knew it was silly but it eased me a lot.

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