Scars of the past

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"What now ?" She asked.

"I feel disgusted when I think about what you said earlier." You openly showed your anger towards her.

"I don't care about what you think. I don't give a damn about your opinion. What I stated was a fact. You cannot deny the fact that you defiled my body and knocked me up." She shot back.

"Do you ........... agh! You could have refused that night. But no you didn't ! You opened your legs like a slut for me. You're the o-" You were cut off mid sentence, felt a growing pain on your left cheek. She'd just slapped you.

"Don't you ever call me a slut ! I may be cold-blooded and cruel. But I would never invite some stranger to my bed." She said as she tried to slap you again, but you caught her. "Let go of me !" She demanded.

"I'm sorry."

"What ?...... what are you talking about." She was confused.

"I'm sorry for all the things I've done to you." You hugged her, but she tried to break free from your embrace. "You can hate me as much as you want but please don't leave, I need you ! You're my light in the dark."

"I-....... I just wanted-...." Annie felt tears forming up in her eyes. She thought about her father, what he told her. 'I just wanted to be happy.' She broke down and started crying.

"Don't cry, seeing you like this is starting break my heart." You slowly started wiping her tears.


It was already passed midnight, Annie was lying on the bed with you. You were slowly stroking her blonde hair.

"Y/N, I don't have much time. Soon I'll be gone."

"8 years is a long time if you think about it."

"How did you know ?"

"You might not like it but I saw your memories."

Annie : So you know why I was so desperate to take Eren.

Y/N : Eren isn't the founding titan that you three are looking for.

Annie : What do you mean ?

Y/N : Eren doesn't know how he got that power and I felt it that he was telling the truth .

Annie : I just only wanted my father's praise and return to him as I promised but things are getting worse.

She started crying again

Y/N : Well take it easy I will find something for the curse. And please our child is the only light that will give us hope.

Annie : How are you gonna do that ? And I won't even live to see our future.

Y/N : There are many things you don't know about me and I will find a way, I promise.

You kissed her and both of you fell asleep.

- In your dream -

Y/N : Nameless !

Nameless : What is it master ?

Y/N : Do you know this curse ?

You showed him what saw from Annie's memory.

Nameless : Yes and it's not a curse but rather a gift from a demon. I would say.

Y/N : Just tell me can you lift it.

Nameless : Of course but it will require a sacrifice for that. So are you willing to do it?

Y/N : Yes, I will give you the sacrifice you need, so do it quickly.

Nameless : Not yet, It will take some time to finish the preparation. I'll notify you when I'm done.

Y/N : Okay then I will be waiting.

You woke up at midnight just to see someone dearest to you. You saw her having a bad time, so you decided to show her your happiest moments of your life. You gently put your hand on her forehead.

Y/N : Everything is gonna be okay, my love.

-in the morning-

You two finished eating your breakfast and started dressing yourselves . She had her usual face but there was something else .

Y/N : Annie ? Just tell me the thing that is bothering you .

Annie : You haven't answered my question .

Y/N : Very well then me and The flying ball over there ( Phoenix ) we came from another world . A world that titans doesn't exist but much more brutal , scary and some unspeakable things do exist there . And I am a soldier just like you ended up here , i don't know why on this island but I do know things about the Ymir's curse.

Annie : But what about your titan ? Are you a titan-shifter too ?

Y/N : Just a simple magic and you felt that magic too .

Annie : How ?

Y/N : That night you saw me sitting next to a window of the orbital defence outpost .

Annie : What is orbital defence outpost ?

Y/N : A huge building with cannon like big guns floating high above the sky .

Annie : You looked so sad , why ?

Y/N : That day...... what I did cannot be undone.

Annie : What did you exactly do? Please tell me.

Phoenix : Commander Y/N and his teammates were sent on a mission to a planet. The planet which happens to be the home of his teammate Tito.

Y/N : I was following orders ! You were the one who got it from the admiral and told me.

Silence filled the room quickly .

Y/N : Annie , we should head to HQ now .

Annie : Y/N , You told me that "We should learn from our past and look up to future "

Y/N : I heard their screams over the vox. Millions upon millions of people were being burnt to their deaths. I..... we thought, we were going to save the planet. But no! 5 billion people were put to their deaths just like fucking dogs.

Y/N: People, who had dreams and hopes. Every single human being on that planet perished. Women, men and children, innocent bystanders who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Tito cracked immediately, I can't even imagine what was going through his mind at that moment. He shot himself right in his head.

Annie : But you were simply following orders .

Y/N : Yeah f**k the orders and the high commanding officers . Now let's head to the HQ .

After she locked the door , she pulled you down and kissed you . You smiled back but couldn't get out the thought what happened yesterday .

-At the branch office-

All the new recruits were called for mission briefing . So you decided to be with her little longer and two of you headed to downstairs . When they saw Annie , other soldiers started whispering something to each other .

When you stood behind Annie they quickly shut their mouths and saluted to you . It was really hard for you to part away with her when the other soldiers were watching . After that you headed back to your office .

End of Chapter 13

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