"This just keeps getting better and better! The more you seek answers the more questions it gives. Well, I heard what I needed to know and good job, I guess. But I still cannot have your actions go unpunished ! You should be court martialed."

You stood up from the chair and went to the bathroom. Washed your face with cold water and stared into the mirror. Thinking about your talk with Nameless.

"So, what do you want me to do? Sacrifice some innocent people? Do some weird rituals and stuff? Or perhaps entertain you by dancing?"

"Why come with such hostility? I believe that I didn't inflict any harm on you or threaten you. And no, I avoid those sort of things. I see them as taboo! I see that you're eager to go back then I'll tell you what you need to do. There is a special creature on this planet. It has lived here for a long time." He explained.

"A creature? Are you talking about a demon? Or a monster? And you want it dead. Okay."

"I don't even know what it is. It's hard to say for sure but it's magical presence is immense, more than enough to open a portal. And of course I want it alive."

"I'm no specialized imperial hunter but it will take years or perhaps even decades to find that thing. On a planet like this and all alone. It's not easy."

"Yes, I'm quite aware of it. So I'll give you some hints. This creature has separated itself into 9 pieces. Find and bring them in one place."

"9 things? Is that all? Are these 9 things alive or just lifeless objects?"

"You'll find it out in time. And it's time for your depart." Nameless snapped his fingers and you were pulled back from your dream.

"9 things, 9 Titan shifters, a magical creature. It's all coming together. Finally, got my lead but the problem is where to find them." You mumbled


It was early in the morning and the air was cold, there were not that many people. Most of them were still asleep in warm beds. You walked down the street in the direction of the market, or rather black market.

"In two years many things have changed. Nameless taught me how to use my abilities properly and taught me some interesting abilities for example detecting lies and truths, erasing or reliving other people's memories. Well at least, these abilities are useful for my cause." You thought and arrived at the entrance of the Grand Market. You walked between the market stalls and arrived in front of a certain door. Knocked on the door and waited. After a few minutes a shady looking man opened the door.

"Ah, it's you, Y/N! Early as ever."

"Even enough with the chitchat, Munchen! Have they arrived yet? Are they ready?"

"Yes, and do you have the money?"

"You know me." You grinned as you took out a bag full of coins.

"It's always a pleasure to do business with you, Mr.L/N." He replied.

Munchen and you didn't meet each other under normal circumstances. During your first year as a Military Police, you investigated a case which seemed like an average smuggling case. But nonetheless you went after it, and caught Munchen at the midst of loading crates. You immediately arrested him and demanded to know what was inside the crates.

"What were you smuggling? How long have you been doing this? You can face up to 20 years for this, you know! For exploiting the system. Maybe you might never even seen sunlight as a free man."

Shattered Pieces  (Annie Leonhardt X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now