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Don't forget to read the authors note lovelies! <3
Jason- 14
Anabeth- 10
Jasmine- 13
Mina- 15
Jaxton- 4
Lily Allen- 10
Tyler- 5
Jenny- 15
Marcus- 9
Maci- 2

~15 years later~

I nervously set the table, as Austin comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, I jump a little.
"What's wrong baby, it's just the crew." He whispers.
I know he's right, it's just the crew coming over like we do every Sunday night.
"Relax." He says before kissing me.
"Dad?" Our son Jason yells from his room.
"Ill be right back, just relax baby." He says and kisses my forehead leaving me to set the table once again. I set the last fork down and walk back inside to check on the food.
Our daughter, Anabeth is stirring the pot of Mac and cheese.
"Thank you gorgeous now go on and get ready they should be here soon." I say kissing the top of her head.
"Will you help me pick out an outfit?" She asks and I nod.
"Go to your room and I'll be right there." She nods and rushes off to her room.
Austin walks in and smiles.
"You know you make very cute children." He winks and I laugh.
"Well one of my very cute children need me so your on food duty." I say before giving him a quick kiss.
I walk over to Anabeth's room and find her surrounded by a tornado of clothing.
"Jeez Anabeth." I say laughing and I walk through looking at each outfit she laid out.
"I like this one." I say holding up a black skater skirt and a white v-neck short sleeve shirt. "Tuck the shirt in and wear the flower crown I bought you last week."
She nods and I leave the room to let her get ready.
The doorbell rings and I make my way to greet everyone.
I fling open the door and find Alex and Sarah laughing.
"It won't work. You can't scare us babe." Sarah said laughing and I joined her.
Alex and Sarah's only child walks in behind them, Jasmine.
"Hey Jasmine!" I say to her.
"Hey auntie." She smiles "guess what?"
"What?" I ask.
"Tomorrow's my birthday." She squeals and I laugh.
"How old are you going to be huh? 21?" I ask and she giggles.
"No 14."
"Well happy early birthday lovely." I say as turn to Alex.
"Austin's outside with Jason." I say kissing his cheek and giving him a hug.
Alex walks outside to the backyard with Jasmine, and Sarah and I stay in the kitchen to catch up.
"How's Anabeth doing?" She asks.
"Great. She's excited to go to middle school. Can you believe how big she is now?"
"It's like it was yesterday she was crying and pooping in a diaper." She laughs as I crinkle my nose in disgust.
"Alrighty then." I say as someone knocks.
I open the door to find Robert, alaysia and their two kids, Mina and jaxton.
"Mina! Jaxton!" I yell embracing them in a group hug.
"Auntieeee!" They yell happily.
"So much for best friends." Robert mumbles.
"Your kids are cuter." I say picking jaxton up.
"How old are you now jaxton?" I ask.
"Four." He says putting up five fingers. I giggle and put his thumb down.
"Four." I say.
"Four." He repeats.
"The men and the kids are outside." I say giving Robert a half hug still holding his child.
"Could I have my child then?" He asks and I bring jaxton closer to me.
"My precious." I say in a creepy weird voice and alaysia laughs. Robert goes outside and the doorbell rings again.
Opening the door I see Tyler all alone.
"Ahh I see Roberts already gotten here." He smiles.
"Where's your girl?" I ask referring to his long time girlfriend, Nicole.
"She kind of broke up with me." He states looking at the ground. I pull him into a hug closing the door behind him.
"What after four years?" I ask shocked.
"Yeah, she said that she was only with me to get to my friends, meaning her new fiancée Marcus who she cheated on me with for two years." He tells me and I want to cry for him.
"Hey you don't need her then. She's not worth your tears. Come hang out." I say smiling.
"Thank you Kenzie." He says and kisses my cheek.
"Of course. Now go hang out with Austin, Alex and Robert, while I finish making food alright?" I say and he nods making his way to the backyard.
"Babe?" Austin calls from outside. I walk out there and see austin holding his phone as well as the football, across from Jason and the other boys.
Mina is busy playing house with the little girls. I smile.
"Yes?" I ask bring my attention back to him.
"Zach and Maria are going to be late. As usual." Austin says and I laugh. They are always late for these unless it's at their house.
"Alright." I say and walk back over to the door to answer it. It's Lucas and Ciara.
I smiled as they step inside the house with their kids, lily Allen and Tyler.
"Hey guys!" I say giving Tyler and lily a hug.
"Come in, come in." I say ushering them into my house. "Everyone's out back now."
We make our way out back and find Anabeth carrying out the food.
"Hunny you didn't have to carry it all out on our own." I say grabbing the big bowl of Mac and cheese from her and setting it down on the table.
"It's okay daddy said he got everything else and that I could carry that." She replied and I shook my head smiling. Of course austin thought he could get everything himself.
Walking into the kitchen I hear Alex laughing as Austin is trying to carry four platters of food.
"Austin if you drop any of that I will have to kill you." I say and his face drops for a smile as I grab two of the platters.
There is a knock on the door, and Austin goes to answer it knowing I had my hands full.
It was Zach and Maria with their three kids, jenny, Marcus, and Maci.
Everyone sat outside and we rounded up the kids, before saying prayer and digging in.


"I love you." Austin whispered in my ear from behind me as we waved goodbye to Alex and Sarah.
He had his arms around my waist and chin in the crook of my neck.
"I love you more." I smile, turning around to kiss him.
"Can I call Maggie over now?" Jason said running out onto the porch with us. I nod and he runs back to his room to text her.
"I remember being able to act like that. Getting so excited for you to come over." Austin sighed looking off into the distance and I laugh.
"I miss that." I reply.
"So do I but now were living another chapter of our lives."
"A love that can move the sun and all the other stars." I reply quoting a book I used to read when I was younger.
"Yes, a love the can move the sun and all the other stars beautiful." He replies and we walk back inside.

Holy crap epilogue. I never thought id actually keep this going to an end. Asdfghjkl;
Well don't take this off your library just yet I have a few things i need to tell y'all (: plus there's something in it for you!
Love you all to pieces <3

P.s. The book she quoted was, the mortal instruments: city of fallen angels by Cassandra Clare. It's a real book and I would totally advise reading it like now. <3<3

Old Sparks (Austin Mahone)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora