Chapter 1 revenge

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Okay so here's the long awaited, highly anticipated sequel to the fall ^.^ ill try to keep things short up here cuz I know y'all don't read this anywho. <3

"Austin needs to watch his back because I'm back for revenge."

•Mackenzie Peters•

Miami. Wow the stuff I could say about that place, but the only thing I can think of is that's where I had my first love. Where my parents died. I left after that. The place was horrid. To many horrible memories. I moved in with my aunt Monica and my uncle bill. They were nice, they bought me new clothes, shoes, and anything I wanted. From the outside it looked like I had a perfect life but on the inside I was still broken. There was always only one boy on my mind. Austin. For a whole year that's all I thought about. I worked out, got slimmer, grew out my hair and styled it, I tuffened up.
"Kenzie! Are you ready?" My aunt Monica yelled up to me breaking me from my thoughts.
"Yeah ill be right down." I yelled back taking a last look at the now empty room. Today we were leaving California to go back to Miami. I sighed grabbing my phone and earbuds off of one of the boxes the movers had yet to pack. Running down the hardwood steps and out the old blue oak door I had come to love into our suburban. Driving away from the old wood grey house I just started calling home and past the houses that looked identical to it. I put my earbuds into my ears and Austin's music filling my ears. I automatically skipped it, going to Ed Sheeran's give me love. I had all of his music still, I just never could listen to it.
"Austin better watch his back because I'm back for revenge." I thought to myself smirking. "He won't know what hit him."
The drive was short to the airport. We boarded the plane and we were off. Sitting down in first class I thought about the year I had in Cali. I had lost weight. I was now model thin with perfect complexion. I was great with makeup. I looked absolutely amazing when I tried. I didn't date anyone else after austin, guys would fall all over me, asking for my number and if I as free Friday night. My answer was always no, I don't want to date. I could never bring myself to, no matter how utterly attractive the guy was and let me tell you there were tumblr model material in Cali. I still followed austin, I mean c'mon I was still a mahomie and I always will be. That would never change but I always ignored his calls, texts, tweets and eventually they stopped. I was hoping that by coming back to Miami I could get a job as a model. In Cali modeling jobs were extremely hard to get because so many beautiful girls tried out for them. I went to several casting calls but sadly never got a call back. I fell asleep to hero/ heroine by boys like girls. I was obsessed with them lately.
"Mackenzie. Mackenzie. Mackenzie wake up." My aunt said. "We're here." I smiled and pulled my carry-on bag out from the top shelve and started waking down the isle way leading out of the plane with my aunt and uncle.
"Ill be right back." I say to them as we exit. "I need to go to the bathroom."
They nod and I walk into the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't look half bad for sitting on a plane. I opened my bag and grabbed out my brush, brushing though my long, thick blonde hair. Once I was satisfied I pulled out my makeup and fixed up any imperfections I had. I smiled to my reflection as I walked out of the restroom satisfied with how I looked.
"Let us go!" I say smiling and pointing towards the door. A man is waiting outside with a sign that read.
'Peters family'
We walked to him.
"Hello you must be George." My aunt says and the man nods.
"Mackenzie this George he is our driver."
Now I know what you'll are thinking, oh great you've turned into a spoiled brat but I haven't. Yes my uncle is a big time director and we get lots of money so we can afford a big house, a driver, a maid, and a private chef but I'm still the same girl I was a year ago. I still buy brand name things like Hollister and Aeropostale because I can afford it but I don't like spending a lot of money.
"Hello George I'm mackenzie." I say politely shaking his hand. He smiles at me and opens the door to the limo for us. We all get in and George puts out bags into the trunk. I pull out my phone from my black skinny jeans pocket and log into my twitter. I click compose new tweet.
'Finally back in Miami <3 #home'
Almost instantly I get tons of retweets and notifications from the mahomies welcoming me home. Yes the mahomies still follow me. They all love me and to some I'm their role model. I get five new dms. I open them each one by one. The first was from Sarah wright.

'Boo! You didn't tell me you were coming back! We need to hang out sometime!!!! Your numbers still the same right? Love ya <3' I smiled and replied back.

'Sarahboo. Yeah I didn't tell anyone I was coming back. :) it was a surprise. My numbers still the same. Call me boo. Love ya lots. <3'

The next one was from Alex constancio.

'Oh my god Kenzie! I've missed you girl! Call me when you get settled in. I live with austin now so we should all defs hang out! Been missing ya!'

'Aye alexxxxxxx I've missed you too ^.^ my number hasn't changed stranger. Ill call ya when I Finnish unpacking. Love ya!'

I opened up Robert villanueva's next.

'Kenzieboo! You should've told me you were coming home!! We've missed your beautiful face around here :) <3 I'm down in Texas for a little but ill be back up in a few weeks. Love youuuu!'

'Robieeeeeeeeee it was a surprise that i was coming back :) I've missed you guys so much too ^.^ have fun in Texas <3 and see you soon.'

Zach Dorsey's was next.

'Kenzie <3 we've missed you! Glad your back! Text me stranger.'

I laughed to myself Zach was short sweet and to the point.

'Zachie! Lol I just made that up right now XD I'm cool :) I've missed you too stranger <3'

The last one was a surprise. It was austin mahone. The one boy I tried do hard to ignore.

'Princess. I heard you were back that's great news! We've been missing your beautifulness here. Text me when your all settled in so we can talk about how this past year has been. Love you lots. <3'

I ignored the message and went to my text messages. I clicked compose new message and made a group message with the crew. Robert, Zach, Alex, and Sarah.

Me: hay guys! I've missed y'all!

Robieee: Kenzie! I've missed you too ^.^

Sarahboo: BOO! <3

Alexxxxxxx: kenzieeeeeee!

Zachh!: hiya!

Me: so I'm on my way to my new house ^.^ we need to all hang out when I get there.

Alexxxxxxx: why isn't austin on the chat?

Sarahboo: what's your address babe?

Zachh!: I agree with Alex. What's up with that?

Robbieee: just leave her guys.

Zachh!: sorry.

Alexxxxxxx: sowwey Kenzie.

Me: it's alright guys I still love y'all and it's 1234 sesame street ;)

Sarahboo: I was being serious -.-

Me: sorry boo I don't know.

Sarahboo: it's not okay.

Me: but baby I love you!! <3 ;)

Sarahboo: I'm sorry I love you babe xx *hugs you*

Robieee: woah that was weird. Alex your girlfriend has a thing for Kenzie.

Sarahboo: you know it ;)

Me: ahaha :D

Alexxxxxxx: umm.....

Me: I have to go I love y'all were almost here! ^.^ <3

Robieee: love you!

Alexxxxxxx: love yaa! <3

Zachh!: bye! <3

Sarahboo: bye my lover <3

I laughed at Sarah's message.
"Kenzie were almost here. The truck with all of our stuff will be here in a few hours. You can hang out with anyone until we're ready." Auntie Monica said. I looked out the window to see a neighborhood I was so familiar with. Austin's. I saw his house and some boys playing basketball out in front. That was probably him and Alex. I silently prayed that this wasn't where I was going to live but to my dismay we pulled up right next door. I was going to live next door to austin carter mahone. My plan was going to be a lot harder than I thought.

•Austin Mahone•

I went into twitter to check on how my mahomies were doing when I got a notification. Mackenzie had posted a new tweet. Yes I still followed her. I was still madly in love with her. She never left my mind. I tired dating other girls. Meredith, Taylor and even Payton Rae but each girl wasn't mackenzie. I knew I couldn't have her anymore but she was the one for me. She was probably tweeting about her amazing new boyfriend or how she was doing modeling now. I opened the tweet and my mouth dropped. She was back in Miami. This meant I had another shot with her. My smile grew wider as I went to dm her. I sent the message hoping she would answer. I watched the screen for minutes with no reply.
"Aye man did you hear? Mackenzie's back!" Alex said walking into my room. Alex had moved in with me a few weeks ago and it was amazing. I had my best friend with me at all times.
"Yeah I heard I dmed her but she must be busy." I say.
"She replied back to me." Alex said nonchalantly showing me the messages. It was five minutes ago. So either she didn't see mine or she was ignoring me. I went with that she didn't see and shrugged it off. Alex was texting away, laughing at the messages.
"Who are you talking to?" I ask.
"Robert, Zach, and Sarah." Alex said. Why wasn't I invited to this group chat. Alex bursted into a fit of laughter.
"What's going on? Why wasn't I a part of this?" I ask suspicious.
"It's just Sarah being Sarah." Alex replied back not answering my question about why I wasn't a part of this.
"Wanna go play some basketball?" I ask.
"Sure." Alex says putting away his phone and grabbing the basketball from my closet. "Leggo!" We walk outside to my driveway and start playing one on one. We're only a few minutes in when a limo drives down our street and parks next door. Those must be the new neighbors. Man they must be rich. A lady around my moms age maybe younger gets out of the limo after the driver opens the door and shortly after a man around the same age gets out. Then a young girl around our age gets out. She stares at the ground as she moves to the back of the limo to get her bags. She was beautiful. She was skinny with long blonde hair and not to tan but not white skin. She was wearing tight black skinny jeans that showed of her butt and a red low cut crop top that read 'crazy mofo'. The top showed just the right amount of cleavage to be modest but still be teen girl like. She had a belly button piercing of a dolphin and a flat as a board stomach. She looked like a supermodel, maybe she was.
"Dayummm." Alex says from behind me his jaw on the ground.
"Keep your pants on. You have a girlfriend." I say looking at him. He pulled out his phone and started texting someone. I turned back to the beautiful girl who was now trying to pull her bag out of the trunk, when he phone buzzed in her back pocket. She pulled it out and looked at it smiling. She probably already had a boyfriend. I mean how couldn't she? She was gorgeous and she seemed strangely familiar. I guess ill find out tonight when I go meet her. My mom always makes a point to meet the new families in the street and I couldn't wait to meet this one. Maybe ill finally get over mackenzie and make that stupid mistake true.

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